My Thai friend posted this in her FB. I guess you could - TopicsExpress


My Thai friend posted this in her FB. I guess you could substitute Thaksins name for another prime minister.. wink.. 26 January 2014 at 16:32 I agree that many politicians are self-served. There are some who are idealistic. And some who are in between -- serving the country as well as themselves. I am not so naive to think that our country will be so lucky as to have only good people in the parliament and the senate, but I hope to have a system that could obstruct corruption practices. The problem with Thaksin and his cronies is that Thaksin is very, very intelligent and absolutely clever. His way of getting himself served is to change any law that is in his way. For instance, he changed the telecommunications law which said that only 25% of a telecommunications could be owned by foreigners as he wanted to sell his shares to Singapore. Another law set up a high tax rate for selling telecommunications shares. What did Thaksin do? He changed both laws as he owned the majority of the parliament and the majority of the senate were also on his payroll. Lots of money to invest, I admit. But how much did he get from selling the shares of his company? 70+ billion Baht. That is one small example of how smart Thaksin is when it comes to corruption. Corruption is no longer simple tea money. That is a kindergarten practice. Thaksin has a Ph.D in criminology and his work proves how well he learnt and applied all the theories. What Thaksin and his cronies have done are corruption at the strategic level. Make legal what is illegal or immoral if it hinders his way of getting money. Scary, isnt it? What we protesters hope for is, of course, an ideal system in which it is difficult to commit fraud and corruption. We hope for a political reform. A real one for a Utopian land. The only way to do it is to have a neutral team of people to clear our house of debris and then we hope to start with a clean slate. Are we idealistic? Yes, we are. But dont you all want the same thing? Dont we all long for a government of the people, by the people, for the people --- especially FOR the people? We protesters want it and we are trying to get it. We can only do our best. So, lets wait and see if Thailand can become a Utopia.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:18:13 +0000

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