My Thought For Today 10/20/2013 Eat Your - TopicsExpress


My Thought For Today 10/20/2013 Eat Your Heart Out Liberials: We as a country are where we are at today beacuse of piss poor leadership and all the FREEBIE programs the Democrats constantly push for an enaxt. Congress is just as guilt for approving and funding the dam things. Like I read earlier on a FB friend I just sent a frend request to a US Marine I will not be voting for one political politician that is seated in Washington now. Put a good ole retired military SENIOR ENLISTED RETIRED MILITARY Man with combat experiance in the the White House and he will get all the shit going on up there strightened out PDQ (pretty damn quick) I gurantee it. He will show this country what real leadership is all about. First thing on the agenda is restore the LAW, The Constitution Of The United States and Invite GOD Almighty back to the United States! Use Executative power and privilege to put the Pledge of Allegiance back in our schools along with prayer, Attack and desolve the ACLU, There is another thing for certain, lobbiest, special interest groups, crooked politicians on both sides of the isle, would run for cover. Governments size would be greatly reduced, our borders would be secured (360), and illegal folks in this country would get their ass to packing. Excessive government spending would come to a halt and the government would be downsized. All of our troops overseas except for those guarding our embasseys in certain countries only (and they would be beefed up with security) would be brought home, our Veterans WOULD be taken care of as they were promiced for many years, drug test would be mandatory for any person in this country drawing any form of government assistance, unemployment would be limited to 6 month period, sound managed corporations and businesses that had documented proof of their stability and it could be verified would have access to a subsidized government assistance program to hire, train and maintain on the payroll military honorably discharged Veterans and those that are unemployed (once hired, trained and employed if the person quit that job within two years then the would be indebted to the government for every penny they were paid within that two years), develope a Medicare, Medicade and SocialSecurity Anti Fraud Unit in each state that would be second to none in preventing FRAUD in these mentioned areas, immediately do away with or modify every entitlement attachment to the existing Social Security System and require the government to make solid by paying back the debt it has used from that system in the past 10 years, require the Senate and Congress to come up with a solid plan to balance the national debt within 6 months once it is given to them, order government waste to stop, put strong regulations in place restricting across the board all government contractors from excessive charges to the government in additional cost / overides when a contract is awarded for work and services, beef up our military across the board, have a flat tax that is fair to everone regardless to incom, revamp and simpilfy the tax code, Repeal the Afforadble Health Care Act immediately, and last but not least (mind you there are a lot of other little things that can and would be done as time passed) set a written standard for all politicians serving the American people who come to Washington...Example: Any public official serving in the Legislature, Senate or Congress to include the President is found in any way violating his / her Oath of Office by lieing, deception, conduct unbecomming of his / her office by law, cheating, or involving themselves in conflict of interest of their office, bribery, accepting payments from special interest groups / organizations for any political favor shall be brought befor the Ethics Committee for possiable grounds of immediate impeachment. This I think would be somewhat a start of getting America back to where she was once. Hard work YES, sacrifices by all to some extent YES, is this what WE as Americans deserve deserve YES, could it be done YES with Gods help and guidence. We Deserve BETTER!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:44:51 +0000

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