My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 8/20 Woke up today grateful! - TopicsExpress


My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 8/20 Woke up today grateful! Something big is unfolding in my life right now and Im not sure exactly what is happening, but I feel the momentum and energy building. Daily prayer + Daily gratitude + Daily Faith = Happy heart I got woken up this morning with a little paw tapping my face. It was cute and sweet. Then the wrist and foot attack began, but this time under my blanket. He thinks hes becoming quite the stealth little ninja. The fur against my skin gave it away, though. Sorry, Hershey. Im super early to the train today. I sometimes forget that the train doesnt run on my time. Just because Im here, doesnt mean its going to come. Can we work on that, NYC transit? A little minor adjustment for this ol gal. While we are working on that, maybe we can also make people move over when you try to sit down so youre not forced to place your buttocks on their thighs and then you have to apologize for Inappropriately getting in their space even enough their space theyve decided is the whole bench. You see what Im saying here? Thanks! Oh man. Today is so much better than yesterday. PMS emotions were kicking in BIG time. Was crying one minute, joy-filled the next, hopeless right afterwards, and then back to sobbing. Yeah, it was a Sybil type day. Luckily, John knew to keep his distance, which was smart, because I had A LOT I wouldve dished out at him. Lol. I mightve thrown just one small bowl his way. ;) I still have barely used my Nespresso machine. I have some Starbucks gift cards Im using up and then I will let loose on that machine! It wont know what hit em. Man, I sound violent today. In addition to sobbing and feeling like I was unloved by my boyfriend yesterday, I was also filled with so much love and gratitude for the people in my life. I think I texted everyone in my family and some close friends to let them know and made a lot of phone calls too. For those that know me, I hate talking on the phone so you know those hormones were raging! This train car smells like a mix of bacon and Indian food. Now I feel like an bacon and eggs on a curry bagel. Lol. Totally kidding! Ive been absolutely THRILLED that my new video series MINUTE MOTIVATION, is taking off! Ive been making video blogs for at least 10 years and its nice to know that they are finally really being seen. My ripples of hope, love, and self worth Ive been sending out are finally arriving at the shoreline and into peoples hearts. So deeply grateful. Yes sir, please keep elbowing me as you play your car chase game on your oversized phone. I got an Old Navy gift card for my bday last month and I think I might have to pay them a visit today. #FallSweaterTime! I was looking at my iPhone and my first page of apps and thinking about how telling it is of me and who I am. One of the first ones is Starbucks. Then of course my beloved and make me want to jump out of a window addiction, Candy Crush, all my social media apps, my video camera, my notepad to write, and a travel app. Yup. Me in a nutshell. I have the stinkiest breath from my Everything bagel. I might make myself pass out. Got my first Fall sweater! Maybe my last one since my gift card is now used. Lol In my usual Shari fashion, I am on the train headed home and I have to pee. Some guy just started screaming the N word at the top of his lungs to everyone and then started going off about how he was just a little kid. Some other guy started screaming for him to shut the f up!! Now, he is whistling. Whoops. Spoke to soon. Hes now singing a song about Jesus. This city never ceases to amaze me. Almost home to my Hershey drop! DISCLAIMER: I need to clarify that I didnt actually throw anything at John for those that might be concerned. It was a figure of speech. Nobody was hurt in the line of fire yesterday. Not physically at least.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:55:26 +0000

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