My True Story, During December I was hiking through the Eastern - TopicsExpress


My True Story, During December I was hiking through the Eastern Cape and was on my way from Middleburg to Cradock. At a garage in Middleburg where my previous lift left me I decided to pop-in to get something to eat. While enjoying my meal a couple entered with heavy bags and I thought they must be from far, I asked the gentleman where they were from and where they were heading, he explained that they were from Centurion and on their way to Nieu Bethesda for the holidays. I though brilliant, my chance to get a lift closer to my destination and I asked if he could give me a ride, he said they were waiting for a friend to come pick them up but I can most certainly join them. I agreed and the friend came and collected us, since it was getting late around 6 or 7 PM as I recall, they informed me that I should not worry as I could sleep over by their house, it suddenly appeared to me that they were in fact siblings and not a couple. They called their mother and told her that they have a guess who will be sleeping over, I was concerned because I hardly know this people, and now I must go sleep over by them? So many “what if” questions was running through my head, but something within me gave me rest, peace, some assurance that I will be fine. We came to the house and I was asked to sit at the kitchen table while they confirm the sleeping arrangements, I sat for about five minutes amazingly staring at the pictures and ornaments that’s in the house. The house was not big at all, it has four rooms. When the house lady, about 60 – 65, came out to see me I was taken aback by her warm smile, I wish I could have that moment again, to see someone smiling, looking and walking towards you like they have known you for years, almost as if she expected the one and only me. She give me a hug, prepared a warm cooked meal and set the kettle so I could have a bath. I slept very comfortable, the next day I woke up and it felt good, the sun was out early and mountains surrounded me in majestic beauty, Nieu Bethesda is a beautiful place, with warm and beautiful people. So I spoke with “Auntie Floor” (being short for Florence) as I came to know her and asked how she was doing and she explained “ Goodness and Mercy son, Goodness and Mercy” She told me about her children and one particular aspect brought a tear to my eye, she said that she is looking after a boy who’s grandmother passed on. The boys’ mother left for Cape-Town many years ago. Since she knew the old lady and saw after her burial that the boy had no one and nowhere to go to, walking barefoot in the cold she decided to take him in. I looked at the boy and he was about my son’s age (7), in my heart I could not thank the Lord enough for people like Auntie Floor, I thanked him for giving us people like her. I Left there with so much inspiration and realised that some peoples circumstances belittle our problems. I felt obliged to do something good and I did, I made someone’s’ Christmas special. Today 13 March 2014, I contacted Aunt Floor and asked her how she was doing, she said she was doing good, she was shocked to hear it was me. I asked her how the boy Roberto was doing she said she enrolled him in school, and he is doing fine. She told me that he does not have school shoes and she could not sent him to school today, she said it will please her heart if I could help her. Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! I certainly can! Please collect the money from Shoprite so you may buy him the shoes my Auntie, I said. I Thank You My God. Paul Macpherson
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:06:19 +0000

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