My Twitter dispatches from the SAARC Summit 2014, City Hall, - TopicsExpress


My Twitter dispatches from the SAARC Summit 2014, City Hall, Kathmandu #SAARC2014 @KanakManiDixit These are my 34 Twitter posts from the 18th Saarc Summit event which was addressed by the eight heads of state/government. Indian PM Narendra Modi gets the most because his was the most substantive/newsworthy addressed, followed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. Here goes- @KanakManiDixit- In Summits opening minutes, linefeed mixup had Hindi TV-channel lady giving instructions to the entire summit. She then went silent. Mian Nawaz Sharif must learn to smile, especially when Indias PM is speaking. The cameras are watching! Modi and Rajapaksa used teleprompter, others looked on (it seemed to me) intrigued. Nepal PM Sushil Koirala: There have been series of elections in Southasia since last summit and legitimate, peaceful transfers of power. Nepal PM Koirala: The evolution of Indian democracy as largest and strongest civilisational force is inspiring. Nepal PM Koirala: New constitution will have constitutionalism, pluralism, democracy, rule of law for inclusive fed dem repub of Nepal India PM Narendra Modis most significant departure was the statement:We will proceed through SAARC or outside it, with all of us or some of us. India PM Modi: Investments should go both ways. Well give you a level playing field and support cross-border industrial corridors. India PM Modi: India will give 3-5 year business visas for all Southasian (business people), and why not a SAARC Business Traveler Card? India PM Modi: Why should goods from one Punjab to another Punjab have to travel via Delhi, Bombay, Dubai Karachi? Why this parikrama? India PM Modi: Infrastructure is my greatest priority, and India will create a special purpose facility to enhance connectivity. India PM Modi: Because of size&location India has special responsibilities in Southasia particularly to promote trade, reduce barriers. India PM Modi: India will launch a SAARC Satellite for regional developmental cooperation on SAARC Day 2016 India PM Modi: South Asia University in Delhi is not good enough, it must have partnership with at least one university in each SA country India PM Modi: Saarc must move out of the era of cynicism and skepticism and harness the rising tide of integration all over the world. India PM Modi: to assembled heads of govt: I was moved by your presence at my inauguration. Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani: It is not geography nor history but economic ties that will promote integration of Southasia. Afghanistan Prez Ghani: Things become lethal in Southasia when state actors sponsor non-state actors to carry out proxy wars. Afghanistan Prez Ghani: Deeper Southasian integration requires honesty in confronting overt and covert hostility by member countries. Afghanistan Prez Ghani: With 2 millennia as the trading heart of the continent, Afghanistan aspires to be the roundabout of Asia. Afghanistan Prez Ghani: Infrastructure links to Central Asia will transform Southasia, esp TAPI gas pipeline. Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa: SAARC must resist external manipulation of human rights and unite against external threats faced by member states. Sri Lanka Prez Rajapaksa: Human rights as a moral & ethical concept must not be misused as a political tool as is happening. Sri Lanka Prez Rajapaksa: Need cultural grid to link all the Buddhistic sites of Southasia. Sri Lanka Prez Rajapaksa: Southasias annual growth rate of 6 percent over past decade indicates massive improvement of livelihoods Bhutan PM Tshering Tobgay on climate change: Snowfall has reduced not only in our valleys but also our mountain-tops. Bhutan PM Tobgay- Bhutan pledges to remain a carbon neutral country for all time to come, even sacrificing growth... Bhutan PM Tobgay- In this region where the Buddha lived and preached, we must make the SAARC organisation work. Pakistan PM Mian Nawaz Sharif- All states of Southasia have become vibrant democracies, SAARC must catch the imagination of the people. Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif: My vision is a dispute-free SA where we fight poverty rather than fight each other. Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina Wajed: Multimodal connectivity is key, I urge all delegations to allow passage of motor-vehicles/railways agreement Bangladesh PM Sh.Hasina: Multimodal connectivity is key, I urge all delegations to allow passage of motor-vehicles/railways agreement Maldives President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom: SAARC can be one of most power regions in world but we have no collective voice. Time we put Southasia first. @KanakManiDixit ...and thus I end my dispatches from the 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu. Apologies for the inundation. Astu.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:04:52 +0000

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