My Unrequited Loyalty and Support for the AFP The AFP is the - TopicsExpress


My Unrequited Loyalty and Support for the AFP The AFP is the Protector of the People and the National Territory! Article II, Sec. 3, Constitution THE OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE ARMED FORCES REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (FEDERAL REPU- BLIC OF MALAYA) RE: THE BALKANIZATION OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES AND THE MALAYSIAN ANNEXATION OF SABAH, A PART OF THE Spratley’S AND MALAYSIAN INVASION AND OCCUPATION OF A PART OF MINDANAO THROUGH ITS PROXIES Gentlemen: Once again, I have come to remind you about Malaysia’s bloody intrusions and creeping invasion of Southern Philippines — particularly Malaysia’s present brazen occupation of a part of Mindanao through its proxies and mercenaries — which the AFP indisputably failed to resist and repel since the early 1970’s or, bluntly stated, for the last 40 years. Worse, it has become a tragic political reality which, because of both pride and cowardice, the decadent and extremely corrupt elitist leadership of the Philippines has consistently refused to acknowledge and recognize. Among these politically blind elitist leaders responsible for the deterioration of the Republic is “President” Noynoy Aquino who, by any standard, is politically retarded and intellectually incompetent. The ISAFP’s report on this matter will show that, in the days of our forefathers, the Sultanate of Sulu LEASED North Borneo to a British chartered company and that, subsequently, the British — who have been accustomed to the idea that the sun never sets on their kingdom and, as such, they owned the world — allowed the annexation of North Borneo (renamed Sabah) to the Federation of Malaysia. Marcos attempted to recover Sabah during his dictatorship but abandoned his plan when he realized that the USA, being a sister country of Malaysia, was not supportive of reincorporating of North Borneo to its Mother Country, the Philippines. Today, this former territory of the Philippines (Sabah) is giving Kuala Lumpur roughly 80 to 100 billion U.S. Dollars annually, an astronomical stolen amount which Malaysia understandably wants to keep at all costs. Accordingly, to preempt the Filipinos (now Malayans) from recovering what is truly theirs, Sabah engaged in a creeping invasion over Mindanao, as well as seized and occupied one of the Spratley Islands. Malaysia’s objectives are twofold: (1) Divert the attention of the Philippines to the internal problems of Mindanao and its neighboring islands; and/or (2) eventually annex Mindanao itself, as well as its neighboring islands, to Malaysia. Since direct invasion of Mindanao is against the law of nations, Malaysia’s West Malaysian military planners cleverly opted TO INVADE MINDANAO THROUGH PROXIES; meaning, the MNLF, MILF, ABUSAYYAF, NPA’S, BLACK SHIRTS, BARACUDA’S, etc. —- by lavishly supporting or funding these mercenaries and proxies with incomes derived from the formerly Philippine-owned territory of Sabah. To be sure, the Muslims of Mindanao have legitimate reasons to seek INDEPENDENCE. If the Republic of the Philippines were to be compared to a house, the Muslims of Mindanao (as well as the native Mindanaoan Christians) do not have a room in that house. Further, Mindanaoan’s have been prevented from occupying high positions in the government. Up to now, no Mindanaoan has been given even the chance to aspire for the Presidency. Anyone who attempts to do so, is branded NUISANCE by the COMELEC, the most corrupt government agency of the country. It is these “LEGITIMATE REASONS” to seek independence which the Malaysians are exploiting; and to which, the Moros are accepting in the hope that eventually they can break their ties with Malaysia, not knowing that most of those who attempted to deal with tigers by riding on their backs often ended up inside. I object to this Moro strategy for two reasons: first, the Mindanaoan Christians are not within the coverage of their concept of an Independent Mindanao; and (2) It would mean we would have to give up Sabah and a part of the Spratley’s forever. PREMISES CONSIDERED, the following facts, which borders on treason, are indisputable: 1. The AFP, as an institution constitutionally mandated to protect the national territory (under Article II, Sec. 3), has failed to make even a perfunctory attempt to recover the Philippine-owned territory of North Borneo (Sabah); 2. The AFP, as our armed forces, constitutionally designated to preserve and protect the national territory has failed to exterminate Malaysia’s mercenaries or proxies who are occupying a part of Mindanao for and in behalf of their adopted Mother Country, the Federation of Malaysia; 3. The AFP, as our armed forces, constitutionally vested with self-executing power to protect the national territory has been allowing China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia to dismember the territorial domain of the Republic of the Philippines without any semblance or form of resistance; 4. The AFP, as the armed forces of the country, has — for the last roughly 40 years — shamefully failed to eradicate small ragtag and scattered bands of local bandits (calling themselves the National People’s Army), numbering to more or less 8,000 regulars. 5. The AFP has consistently allowed itself to be used as armed protectors of the crooks and political dynasties who have been the in control of the country for the last 64 years. THERE ARE THREE PROBABLE REASONS for these failures and blunders of the AFP: 1. The AFP does not have a clear constitutional standard by which to determine the exact limits of its duty to respect or follow the authority of any civilian president who has become intolerably corrupt. In other words, the AFP does not know at what specific point it can stop following a civilian president under Article II, Sec. 3 of the Constitution; e.g., when a president tearfully confessed she committed “lapses in judgment” by talking to or persuading a COMELEC commissioner to give her one-million margin over another presidential candidate; or when a president and her advisers openly prepare and endorse a MOA designed to give full political autonomy (or independence) over a substantial part of Mindanao in favor of Malaysian proxies or mercenaries. This is a gray area in the Constitution which prevents the military from exercising its mandate under Article II, Sec. 3 of the Constitution. Be that as it may, the limits of the AFP’s loyalty to the President ends where the AFP’s loyalty to the Country, as a political unit, begins. The AFP’s loyalty to GMA, for instance, was misplaced. Despite the fact that GMA turned out to be the most corrupt plunderer of the country, the AFP turned a blind eye towards GMA and kept implementing her orders and protecting her administration. Earlier, the AFP acted as true Protector of the People by toppling down Marcos’ 20-year-old Dictatorship and by removing Estrada’s two-year-old elitist administration. Needless, to say the present Government has deteriorated far worse than the Marcos and Estrada administrations combined. And these two precedents are more than enough to guide the AFP on what to do with the present extremely corrupt and incompetent elitist government. 2. The AFP’s leadership MAY have been directly or indirectly bribed or seduced into supporting all corrupt civilian presidents or leaders of the past such as promising them high positions in the government after their retirement or even giving them huge retirements benefits (paba-ons) that may amount to millions out of funds that, for reasons of secrecy, could not be audited. 3. The salaries and promotions of the members of the AFP are given THROUGH the crooks who are in control of the government. Understandably, the AFP feels indebted to the crooks rather than to the taxpayers (the overwhelming majority of the People who are poor) who are not in a position to increase their salaries or terminate them. Hence, in a sense, the AFP is, to a large extent, hostage the whims and caprices of what has been internationally branded as “THE MOST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT IN ASIA.” TO SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS, AND REALIZING THAT THE AFP IS THE REAL HOPE, OR THE LAST ALTERNATIVE FOR CHANGE, the undersigned undertook the following: 1. For the last eight (8) years, the undersigned repeatedly sent letters and distributed manifestoes imploring the AFP to, among others, save Mindanao from dismemberment and save the Mindanaoan People, as well as recover the state of Sabah and five (5) other lost Philippine islands. 2. Filed two (2) consecutive petitions for WRIT OF MANDATE with the Supreme Court seeking orders compelling the AFP to fulfill its constitutional mandate (a) to recover five (5) lost islands seized and occupied by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan and (b) save the overwhelming majority of the People from the blighting and dehumanizing grips of the “most corrupt government of Asia” and, consequently, hopelessly locked in the cold and deadly embrace of morally decadent political dynasties and thick-faced racketeers and charlatans of Old Christianity. 3. Filed Petitions directly with the Office of the Chief of Staff — from General Abaya to General Bangit — signed by thousands of oppressed citizens, imploring and begging the AFP to exercise its constitutional duty to protect the National Territory and the People but, to date, such patriotic efforts did not merit even a one-sentence courtesy acknowledgment from the AFP leadership. 4. As a matter of last recourse, the undersigned attempted to run for the Presidency but, after refusing to pay the COMELEC 10 million pesos in exchange for approving his COC, he was declared NUISANCE by the COMELEC. On April 27, 2004, the COMELEC reversed its decision thereby qualifying him to run for the Presidency but the COMELEC did not report its decision to the Supreme until it was gutted by fire on March 11, 2007. Subsequently, the undersigned again attempted to run for the presidency. This time the COMELEC said “PAMATONG has all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications of a presidential candidate” because his “personal achievement are indeed impressive”! But when a certain Vetallano Acosta paid the COMELEC five (5) million pesos through Comelec Chairman Jose Melo and Commissioner Necodemo Ferrer, the Petitioner was again disqualified saying that the undersigned did not have “enough name recall.” IN SUM, WHAT WE HAVE BEFORE US are the following: 1. The AFP has failed to fulfill its self-executory constitutionally-mandated duty to protect the People and the National Territory and, under the circumstances, it would be totally unreasonable to wait for another 40 years of AFP failure before the People themselves collectively act to save the Republic; 2. The COMELEC, which is the guardian of our democratic processes, is EXTREMELY CORRUPT, and we have no internal constitutional self-correcting process to purge and cleanse the COMELEC of its impurities; 3. The Supreme Court has become the “supreme curse” of the People in that it has, among others, trampled upon the “free access” Clause of the Constitution thereby driving millions of citizens out of court and without hope for justice; 4. Congress has been infested — for the last 64 years — by decadent and corrupt scions of political dynasties, crooks, clowns and comedians (and, recently, infiltrated by Communists who are using People’s money to destroy the government itself); 5. The PNP is infested with crooks who, among others, have swollen our BJMP facilities with detainees most of whom are facing false drug charges and have not been convicted or acquitted for a long time ranging from 2 to 10 years; 6. All other governmental institutions — e.g., the BIR and BOC —- are also overcrowded with crooks and incompetent employees and racketeers. 7. After 489 years, the Philippines is still named after KING PHILIP OF SPAIN who died at Escorial, Spain, of Syphilis and other related venereal diseases. AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF THESE EXTREMELY NEGATIVE FORCES, which conclusively show total FAILURE OF GOVERNMENT, I, ELLY VELEZ LAO PAMATONG, in my capacity as member of the Philippine Bar, Citizen, Taxpayer and on behalf of the proposed Federal Republic of Malaya, and pursuant to my right as part of the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE under the Preamble of the Constitution, hereby deem it necessary to take the following desperate courses of action: 1. Relentlessly reach out to all members of the AFP, especially its officers, and continuously remind them of their sacred obligation under the constitution to protect the People and the National Territory; 2. Establish a revolutionary paramilitary headquarters in Mindanao, covering all Christian-dominated areas of Mindanao, in the name of the proposed Federal Republic of the Philippines, in pursuit of the following objectives: a. Resist and repel the Malaysian invasion of Mindanao; b. Recover the Philippine-owned Territory of North Borneo (Sabah); c. Recover all lost Philippine islands or territories; d. Destroy political dynasties and promote Meritocracy through calibration of electoral power or processes; e. Recover all political rights that historically belong to the Filipino People; and f. Protect the minds of the Filipinos from further exploitation by fraudulent religious and political organizations. TOWARD THIS END, I expect your fullest support and cooperation, in the same manner that I sincerely and wholeheartedly supported the AFP for the last eight (8) years since my return to this country. May God grant the AFP the wisdom and the fortune to realize, respect and fulfill its most sacred duty as the last Constitutionally-mandated Protector of the People and the National Territory. Until then, the AFP can expect the paramilitary organizations under my leadership: (1) The fullest cooperation relative to its duty under Article II, Sec. 3 of the Constitution; (2) FRM’s nonnegotiable position with respect to its claim over North Borneo, and the recovery the five (5) other lost Philippine Islands or territories; (3) And the establishment in the Philippines of a truly Meritocratic Democratic Republican System of Government based on a calibrated system of electoral power or processes where voters with the least possibility of being bought during elections are given the necessary number of votes needed to create and maintain a model or show window of the best Meritocratic Democratic Republic Order in this part of the global community. God bless the Philippines (now Federal Republic of Malaya), the Filipino People, their children, and their children’s children forever. REV. ATTY. ELLY VELEZ LAO PAMATONG, ESQ. CIC, IMPACT/PHIL-USA FORCES ACTING PRESIDENT, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF MALAYA
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:48:19 +0000

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