My Veterans Day Prayer By William L. “Billy” Van Horn, - TopicsExpress


My Veterans Day Prayer By William L. “Billy” Van Horn, Jr. Father God, on this National Day of Honor for those who have fought many battles without question or reservation, to ensure a Free People in America and Other Countries, we thank You Lord for these brave men and women. Their many sacrifices, be it life or limb, the emotional scars they carry we cannot see and the scars of body they cannot hide, they are all an extreme example of an extraordinary measurement of Love For Country and their Fellow Countrymen and All Of Mankind. As I think on these things Lord, I am reminded of the ultimate sacrifice of your son, Christ Jesus, who died for all of mankind some 2,000 year ago. His sacrifice saved the world from their sins for those who believe. Likewise these men and women have saved our nation from tyranny and the freedoms instilled in us by our founding fathers, who sought Your wisdom when they scribed the United States Constitution, the Supreme Law of Our Land, second only to Your Word, The Holy Bible. It is most fitting then, Lord, to ask for your continued guidance and direction to all men and women who serve in the executive offices and positions of this great nation to keep these founding documents enacted by our congressional leaders and the President of These United States of America. For if they falter Lord, the thousands of our armed forces who have given of themselves, even unto death, will have all fought, suffered or died in vain. Father God, I ask that you speak to the hearts of every man, woman and child who have a son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or father, grandfather, grandmother or grandson or granddaughter that suffer from the anguish and the after effects of the terrors of war, as well as those who have lost their loved one and comfort them. President Abraham Lincoln said it best, so many years ago when he said, “I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.” And so Father, we as a nation set aside this day to honor those we love so much for their service, as well as those whom we have never known. For they have first loved us, by serving our country on our behalf. And Lord, for those who have lost their loved ones in battle, I ask you to heal their hearts and show them Your love and comfort. It is not easy to lose those that we love so much. We know You see our tears Lord and You feel our pain, but we also know that You have sent the Holy Spirit to comfort our hearts and give us strength and encourage us to continue on with our lives in their absence. We thank You God for your love for us, we thank You for Your love of our lost ones and we thank You Lord for the comfort and encouragement You send to us daily. And so Dear Lord, as a nation, we sorry not today as those who have no hope, no future and no freedom, but because of Your blessings given to us who dwell in these United States of America and all around the globe, we Have Hope, we Have Freedom and we Have a Future. It is our seeking You and Your wisdom that has held this nation together, we ask that we never lose sight of that but rather continue to dwell on Your guidance and direction forever and ever. Amen. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV) GOD BLESS ALL THOSE WHO SERVE AND HAVE SERVED IN OUR NATIONS MILITARY, And, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:54:36 +0000

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