My View on what is happening today. Folks I must share with you - TopicsExpress


My View on what is happening today. Folks I must share with you an observation as I sit here finishing my dinner. I am both happy and sad today. I am happy that a young man who is a Great American is starting at the USMMA in Kings Point, NY. I am sad that the Administration is pulling the wool over your eyes once again, and wondering what the country will look like when this young man graduated in 4 years. I would love to attend his graduation ceremony & commissioning program. My sadness is that once again the Administration is at it with smoke and mirrors “look over here why we are actually doing this.” I am following the border situation “loosely” so say the least. I live in a border state. I fortunately and with some hard work live in the Northern part of a Border State called the Great State of Texas. We also have another moniker, we are sometimes, in certain circle known as the Great Republic of Texas. I am trying to view the situations as they are and develop tactically & long range as is my training. So I can see it from the Ground pounders point of view as well as the 51,000 foot view. What I see is a group of young Americans who have started the service to their country, while the country is undermining the very country these young people pledge to defend and support with a plaque, disguised as “immigration.” Stay with me here. Let me see if I can wrap this up. Tactically what we have is an influx like vermin (maybe friendly maybe not) of “Immigrants” from Mexico and other SA countries. They may be children, or young people yet they are coming at the behest, and abetted by the Administration. What you see is the heart strings being pulled (winning of hearts and minds PsyOps 101). Shock and Awe, does anyone remember that? Awe aren’t they cute? Well yes and no. See tactically we have no room or support system for them locally. We have many in our own country that need care and are being abandoned for these “immigrants” for a political agenda? We are bussing the immigrants. Or is that a question? Isn’t DHS, Border Patrol supposed to keep illegals out? I see them when I cross the borders. Both sides are in the game. They want me to pay to stay in their country by purchasing a “visa” and I had to pay to return to my country via a “passport.” On my recent trip to Costa Rica I did just that very thing. I did it and had a good time. Yet the Costa Rican government did not meet us at the airport to bus us to a place they paid to provide, housing, food, medical, etc. No matter if my goal was to “immigrate or vacation.” In my case it was for vacation. There was no line waiting for the “other bus” to do the “Immigration shuffle.” Why are we bussing anyone anywhere? This is not Mexico. See they got sent from Texas elsewhere. They were shipped in California. Who was paying for the bus? Why? Is this an Administration Publicity Stunt? Winning of hearts and minds? Oh they are refugees? Like our own “citizens” were in Katrina? Then send them to the camps. Yet they are not citizens and therefore should not be provided as well or more care than a citizen of the United States. Send them back; do not allow them easy access unless they do it properly. Half of my family is from Europe, and the other half was from the integration with the local indigenous population called Indians. So I am a half breed, yet I still call myself an American. Yet they did it correctly, and in accordance with the current laws of the country. My ancestors were learning: learning the language, learning how to survive, learning how to prosper, and learning how to die. I am sure your ancestors did the same or similar. My point from the 51,00 foot view is that is not an immigration issue that the Administration is trying to get you to buy into the argument, yet rather like an infestation of rats or locust upon our country. An “INVASION” if you will, disguised as an “immigration” issue. This will be supported by the Administration and the MSM, and continue disguised as an immigration issue. Let that sink in, an invasion. The next obvious question is where do we put these Administration immigrant refugees? Might I suggest the recent bankrupt town of Detroit? If they can make it work then maybe they can stay if not, nope. IN the mean time that is your work and building, infrastructure. Too harsh? Ask the US CITIZENS who still live in or around Detroit how they feel. How do we feed, cloth, educate, and care for them medically. Now do you see they descend with few skills, little to no money, no language skills and the Administration expects us to work harder for more taxes to support this? Don’t we pay enough? Haven’t we paid enough? My friends haven’t we paid enough for the items we have to enjoy. We are not all created equal as I said last night. I was in the military and some of us are more equal than others in various ways. Maybe there are some of these skills and talents that we need coming across our border yet we do not test them exhaustively like the young men and women who start at the US Service academies yesterday and today. Nor like when I went into the military as a lowly recruit private. Nope they are being told come on in, take a seat we will bus you to paradise at their expense, while we distract them with another issue. Just like the “It was the video” that the WH proclaimed and supported by the State Department until the truth was told. Oh no retraction by the WH, and little coverage on the MSM. Does the term Corroboration ring a bell? It does to me, so what else are we not being told??? I am worried for our country about the current Administrations’ consistent circus of look over here while we do this” or sometimes known as “Bait and switch.” We baited you with a discussion about immigration yet what we really were doing was cloning an Army of invaders and shipping them ashore with vehicles bought and paid for by you, maintained by you, fueled, and driven by people we paid on your behalf? Does this sound to you like a plot you have seen somewhere before? Yet we have you bogged down with another issue called “immigration” using all the shock and awe PsyOPs. Do we really want or need this? Do we want to pay for this now, especially during the current Administrations’ Sequester on funding, and failure to provide funding for Obamacare? Really ask yourself that... My answer from the 51,000 foot view is no. We already have a system in place. If it is broken then FIX IT 1st. We do not have to pass it to see what is in it. At that point it is “too late,” once again that is just what the Administration wants you to think. From the tactical, take the hand cuffs off the Border Patrol. Let them do the job as they are currently on the books. Their job is not to bus “immigrants across country but to deport them.” Closest border and you are out. If the border patrol does not have enough people (a question determined locally) supplement that with National and State Guard troops, and volunteers if needed. We have done this before we can sure do it again. And I sit here and think about my 1st night at MCRD San Diego, CA and think that my friend may be having the same thought of both excitement and wonderment about what will the country be like, that I am being asked to serve and defend. What are we leaving for them to serve, protect and defend?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 02:40:12 +0000

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