My Vision Today Nov. 9, 2014 12:50am Nov. 9, 2014 My vision - TopicsExpress


My Vision Today Nov. 9, 2014 12:50am Nov. 9, 2014 My vision this morning was very weird. at 12:50 am. A long red container full of soil this young man around 40 years of age? He gave it to someone else. And a year 1974? It had a long letter from I am written, I was reading it, its addressed from the bottom. I am. The last vision was the ancient book a big H in the middle. Very very ancient book. The colour was hardly to recognize, its a thick book very thick so ancient. This is the book in Heaven . Nov. 8, 2014 My vision this morning at around 5:am. Full cup of black coffee - but its said divided after. (2:40pm Take a nap this afternoon. My vision was too quick. I honestly happy bec. I have no interruption anymore when I have a vision. Since I used my navy blue wrapped in my wrist - like a bracelet. I was watching like a movie this afternoon, but many movies like events so quick - its like showing an award with many different movies to watch meaning - events happening soon... that quick.) 2:40pm I was watching like a movie but many screens just not a second changes the scene that quick. Nov. 7, 2014 My vision this morning at 5:40 am... i was given a time 1:57 small time in white computerised no. I hear war again. Nov. 6, 2014 Just scary dream this morning around 5 am. I big monster storm in Cebu City. And I was in Colon Street tried to run bec., its going crazy. And I was witnessing my 2nd cousin being killed bec. of the land. Clouds so thick in the sky formed so dark and bits of pieces and theres a monster never saw that kind of monster storm. I was walking around the City of Cebu. I tried to run. Second witness theres a relative of mine who killed by a brother. I did not see his brother face but I was a witness just about to open the door on my car to get out and then shooting happens I turned on my left hand, my cousin was there outside his car. The killer only his back I saw. The my car was opened and closed and the children was a witnessed and they saw me. They probaby thought i was the one. Two policemen came thought its me and who killed they invited me for questioning. Clear water Tablet News: High mountain i witness looking up and on the top - theres a small white house and its shaking. Nov. 5, 2014 4:40 am .. This morning around before i woke up a deep voice told me about let 7. exactly like 27 sept about Japan. 7 is date. Nov. 4, 2014 4:40 am Nov. 4, 2014 4:40 am My vision. Red alert of some country in my vision ..Someone pressing the button some country appeared in colour and Australia had included. I have to clarify about my vision this morning regarding the position where I had sighted my vision, I was above the earth - looking down, I was a witness of whats going on - theres a hand he pressed the button and some country turning into multi colour including Australia. I was not on Earth while sighting them - I was above the earth. Its colourful including Australia. Someone pressed the button, some country turning very colourful, Australia has no exemption. Nov 2, 2014 11 pm.. In my vision last night was very different than the other ever before. Its water - flood and up to my neck - the flooding was hilarious, everywhere. I forgot to mention my vision a big stone travelling and on the way - will be falling from the sky. The crazy wind and not so clear but theres a sand all over - just from another place? Its so quick but this kind of vision was different than the previous one because its like daydreaming vision. Rising of water. Nov. 2, 2014 6:40 am Long or double size cup brown coffee - I heard a war and I heard a big drop from above. Sept 15 c Nov. 1, 2014 Lion picture in the middle black frame top to bottom. Restored limited Bible. Handwritten hebrew name Elohim 7 days to set apart. Books written numbers. I read 3, 2, even 72 and 17? one page i sighted numbers. I just pick some numbers. Unusual notes or money not even Australian dollar or US?? On the ground. Oct. 31, 2014 at 5:30 am A handwritten phypaloycel, many more in the list of the newspaper not coming yet to Earth. Whats here on Earth - was the same in heaven. No. 34 blue colour. First trip bus no. 384 Japan infront of the bus. the year 1964 and 2036. Alfonso Alcantara ? at 6:10 am And theres a white printed note people were against his coming. Theres a blue shoe printed brand Adonics made brand for a pair blue shoe, not following right to him. Oct 29, 2014 3:15 am I could hear war and i could hear water flowing through my ears. written @521 small numbers. Holden Australia recall? Coffee machine no coffee then Coffee pouring from the machine this morning before I rise - brown coffee at 6:27 am. Oct. 28, 2014 5:28 am Leviticus Oct. 27, 2014 5:30 am 855 I heard a war in my ears again. 4:40 pm - Oct 27, 2014 5:12 (time) Oct 25, 2014 2 pm Oct 25, 2014 2 pm I saw a priest (his not very clear to me, its too far) below the ground his hand down like blessing the ground and theres a long black linen appeared. An unusual kind of sheep that i have never seen before hes a sheep but his face was small and Ive never seen a face like him. The colour was kind of grey. Unusual animal not found on Earth? (My friend interpretation. Thank you for my gifted friend gave me these interpretation. Luke 7.7 .. John 7.7 and John 7. 3 pigs - nations and new generation. Black people - sinners. Thank my friend). 6:25 am Blue - word 7 7 1 (one is just encoded) They failed an expand as silanges Animal? Dec. 23 and Sept 23 copy Black cup with black coffee full bubble on the top My interpretation Volcano - bubble a bit brown Full black coffee - mean earthquakes brown coffee - earthquakes and volcano eruption. Oct 24, 2014 9:38 pm 3 little babes (pigs) on his hand like magic. Parading - black people lining up. Oct 22, 2014 5:05 am A coffee with white bubble Isaiah written clear water. 9:01 am. I took a sip of the brown coffee. Oct. 21, 2014 11:05 pm Black soul on the desert his feet covered with the sand. Big stadium many people and super dome. A young boy covered his head bow down his head to me. 11:10 pm A drum of water Black water nearly full A cup of brown coffee - stir in a cup Oct 22, 2014 5:-05pm A brown coffee with a white bubble. Isaiah Clear Water and 9:01 time. I took a sip of the brown coffee. Oct 20, 2014 5:50 am 1435 Shoes and sleepers many of them - no pairs. Oct 19, 2014 3:20 pm scheduled date: August 14 5:41-6 am. I could hear a mild war again. The big explosion on the air - i saw a red colour so thick. Actor in the news on the game of lying to promote his self. Viper - its on the sentence covered stories. A mascara - covered the faces on the carpet keep foam in a little small make up. Its an old foam - covered up. Lock on the ground. A post a big foundation by the invisible surrounded with it - to guard it. Gold watches - cut off - and 2 gold watches cut off never together but cut off and not close to secure in your wrist. Contradict to heaven ? I saw a clear white snow like ice standing like a super wide pencil. The world activities. A foundation (post) guaded by the invisible. Actor games publicity shared the news in the public. Rotten foundation to cover up her faces. With a carpet keep (keep on the ground) - a foam tight inside the ground. Last year, I saw in my vision a clear ice in the river where frozen - its worst winter. As I hear about the polar it would be the same?.. Oct 18, 2014 11:41 pm Fried chicken were on the wheels - turning around, a young man played with them, you know when the children played - played by a young man kicking them and some of them dropped on the ground. Food rice on the plate a combination its a celebration and festival. Balloon and children. Its an opening? My vision at 6:35 am. today. Randanges or rarindanges?, Puthroia, Pour, Oil Spill and Adam (Names started with A). Blue colour - protection. connected to whatever vision I have this week or even a year yet to be given to me. And more that I cannot read yet. Oct 17, 2014 1:25 am Revulotionary (word) Deuteronomy 28 verses. 5:28 am Buckingham Palace Oct 16, 2014 9:25 pm It wont let you down, the promised he must give you. 4:25 am one big figurines like a bull and 2 small figurines walking - colour dark green Big Shoes given to me. 4,22785 The working day of Aus. Sports event in Aus. In a cup polluted water with flies died and invisible flies. No country has written. 30% written.. Aus? Oct 15, 2014 5 am Flash red (flame) room. Make it it USB 20 10 2 1 At 7:43 green 81 & 89 Red. 5:40 am Cleansing the roof. Heaven is cleansing with brush. The different colours painted with brush would be changed. In different colours. Cleansing and changing. Removing. Long paragraph in yellow. Unable to read. Netanya power... Oct 14, 2014 5:40 am. To save yourself is your holiness given word to me this morning, repentance and never do it again. On whats happening now is revelation secret coming out from Yahuwahs promise the revelation as another voice given to me fasten your seat belt. Just watch and see for the events. People is not willing to change. Big mouth of a clay Pot (original colour of the clay a deep black water inside only the mouth was big in my vision but small hole with black water. It started all from you was a question I was asking today. The pair of different shoes no pair means - different faith - denominations not the same as a believer to the true God in heaven - its melted your belief and the same as faith- thats happening right now. Truly gone. The same way but not the way Yahuwahs wanted you to know him. Many times and visions it appeared shoes all the time. It repeated almost every morning. Another day you cannot compare the big white sleeper to a small dust human feet. But through faith it can be together in the same colour even if its not in the same sizes. But now, our faith is not the same. Oct 14, 2014 9:45 pm Ice cream two ice creams - limited. Oct 13, 2014 6:50 am. Its like yoghurt colours - thick mud. A colourful mud. Round gold coins in the bag - gold on my sandals too. 11:40 pm Like a paint or yoghurt colours - thick and wet like a cement ashpalt. Gold on my sandal right side. Oct 12, 2014 11:20 pm. The I saw on my right side big and white round amazing brightness of the Moon. Younger teenager with a yellow mask wore black shirt pretty big young man. Mask was yellow. Oct. 12, 2014 6 am A smoke I could hear war in my ears. A nuclear weapon. 7:40 am The sun shone where i saw the brightness of the sun in my vision. I could hear war again. Camel enter the new building. October 11, 2014 11:12 pm In my vision. A secret baby was born - I new born baby was born on her side - but its hide. I saw a bright Sun in my vision. Last night at 11:12 pm. Just fell asleep I saw in my vision the brightest sun. Before I slept I always look up the moon so bright in my left side. This morning the sun shone exactly what I saw in my vision, in the middle not in my right or left. 6:40 am A long figure written numbers and alpahets very long. Theres a black square in the middle of the white A4 page. Framed like a run and made up photo. 7:10 am A voice told me to wake up - i noticed the sun rise inside my window (I look up the sun early in the morning). I woke 6 am every morning. SEIR? given words to me. and 100 thousand (voice given to me), community - drowned ? I did not catch the next word it seems plan or quit its too quick. Its just a second. Giant big white sleeper and my size brown sleeper. Its a pair next together. A voice, i put you through. Theres a clown and a big event and in a place theres a festival. Theres a place with a black dot ... affected? In danger. Young Saul... A reptilian eyes appeared twice to me - coming out from the ground. They killed next to each other like chicken. Skin to skin. Black cup (coffee) inside dry, its a gold formed like a brocolli?? Not sure yet its brocolli but its like a gold colour. People watching the big rock a tourist spot. I was drinking a pure water in a cup (theres a green apple). 4 7 8 the last vision. there were 5 young birds. the 3 were together while flying and the other two together. (7.50 am). 2:20 pm Today I take a nap. I will share one part of my vision. Telling me to read Deuteronomy 12:4. Glasses of water. 1 glass each. 2 glasses. A big glass of water. October 10, 2014 10:50 pm Living plant green full of water inside coming out from this plant. The clear water was coming out from the plant. October 10, 2014 5:40 am Turning back the time, habit, character and all turning back even walking back but turning in time. Peter Rabbit? Million People walking on the street. Handwritten Sekreto. Oct. 8, 2014 My vision last night at around 11:08 pm A dead tree - a wire tree ? Something the colour of a burn wire tree? Like a Christmas tree. So quickly. High school boys wore blue uniforms. A rainbow slide colour playground flashed magnetic on the ground like a wire or lightning? Oct. 8, 2014 Not a vision. but looking up the sky. Israel celebrates Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles-Jesus) this day, wednesday. Around 8 pm. I saw the white moon so thick clouds like light orange not red moon. Its too quick though, but surrounded by a little blue colour. October 6, 2014 Mt Druitt College at around 8:20 am. Another bird outside the campus tried to touch my hair. Hmnn .. strange. October 5, 2014 12:30 am Soup bowl - square bowl turning around like when you heating soup in the microwave. Life is a mystery! Heard this words. Cooking, pan, pot, bowl, soup, coffee either black or brown. (calamities, dangerous zone, disasters, drought, flood, volcanoes and eruptions. 7:10 am prevention and pervention eruption and environmental Many sentences but cant catch up reading them. Its too quick. But I picked up some words. This sentence is another its moving us and pushing us. Certain call. October 4, 2014 5:20 am The clear glass of water (for myself). To read Ezekiel. Trembling world. Military men - marching - drill. Military men North Korea or China? Trembling Philippines. The Philippines is trembling and shaking. Oct 3, 2014 at 10:35 pm. Pan empty and turning upside down. (Means some of the world warning has done. Evidence would come slowly soon. Its here. No more food but drought and thirst of food. October 3, 2014 My vision this morning was about Luzon. at 6:05 am The places and the number 13 numbers next to the name of the places - many places with number 13 but I cant remember. Yesterday was Manila, today Agusan del Sur and etc. The air - mix colour polluted airstrikes. Its doom. the words The Vaporiser. And handwritten all in hel one l. It stopped writing. The places with number 13 its too quick. The last word I read Ezra. To read Ezra in the Bible. Related to the New Year, Rebuilding of the temple, the history repeated itself. The exile from Babylonian. The New Year Celebration. Atonement and celebration in Israel repeated itself. October 2, 2014 6:35 am Oct 2, 2014 6:35 am. I had a vision about Flames - Philippines. The Philippines worst sinning. This handwritten word sinning 2:28. When I asked Manila. A handwritten appeared Sinning 2:28. Sinning - he means - the corruption, bribery, illegal, lies, dishonesty as a whole not just individual. The money that took from the poor and the powerful people became rich. Other words stealing money from the poor. Media become hollywood. The powerful people control the country. The rich control the poor. Sept 30, 2014 6:50 am Big white bowl like massive when you have a cocktail party exactly that big bowl - pour a glass in your drink. It step by step. Festival and special occasions - Christmas. Dont get this but I would just say this. Wrong festival and celebration, will pour curse and reminding you to stop instead pray to him. One cup of brown coffee - so many volcanoes lining up until next year - up to Summer next year. An old man around 65 or 70? Appeared - just a flash. Western or English old man? I heard a gun in my ears. Like a war? dec 25. 1445. 275. 279. Sept 29, 2014 My vision at 4:50 am. 3 black negative screen for films - red alert! 2 bowls - thick soup spilled on the ground. Shortest of food and drought. Garbage. (On my vision a handwritten words and newspaper highlight atonement, preparation, truth destination, nuclear and bacteria. Sept 27, 2014 6:28 am I had a vision this morning to read Leviticus 1 and Deuteronomy. In my dream, its a conversation between Moses and Yahweh. You must read the verses. As it said in Deuteronomy. Go to the land that I show you. Sept 26, 2014 My vision this morning. 6:20 am. To read Hebrew 2 to 3:1-15 The Word given to me ACMA. My vision at 10:48 pm Sept 25, 2014 Block wall made of cement cut off into pieces. One shoe - thrown away. Sept 24, 2014 4 am. My vision this morning. became white bananas exactly like the snow white - (yellow bananas). Sept. 21, 2014 This morning at 1:10 am. I heard someone shot an important person. And someone died covered with ice? A white bird settled around a big building looking at me. I heard shot on my ears before I was rising. Something big coming. The last vision was I read 4.6 seems to read Malachi? Its too quick. Sept. 20, 2014 My vision last night at 9:25 pm Light Blue wallet and then became a blue handbag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today I was sleeping since 10: am around that time and I had a vision around 12:58 pm. I lied and fell asleep at 10 am till 4 pm. Its now 4:08 pm. I was coughing and sore throat. I had a vision and watching news talking about earthquakes - many of them on my vision. On my vision the earthquake is on the news. Theres one has given to me an earthquake magnitude 10.81. (September 1 (night around 6 pm) in Blacktown hospital and went home on Sept 2 the next day at 6pm.. Even the devil hates me because I was very talkative. When I was sick, 3 weeks ago, he wished me dead. But healing was in my vision and the white doves twice in the same day - Saturday came down and flew Saturday when I was healed. And its true. Yesterday too, I was in college walking, the birds twice came to my head twice, its the same birds - settled on my head. Thats a real bird not on my vision. He touches my head twice. I was not feeling well, yesterday because of drinking cold fresh orange juice and its windy and still cold. September is spring time in Sydney. When I was in the Philippines in my vision. The devil said, the Philippines - was his playground. Evil people are evil if the politicians said they pray to their God or go to church, which God? Not the real god in heaven. Sept. 19, 2014 - Springtime. Windy and still cold. Yesterday I could not sleep because of sore throat. I sipped a cold fresh orange juice. Thats the reason. Yesterday the bird tried to lead on my head twice. When I was sick three weeks ago - Saturday white dove came on me in my vision then flew Saturday (after one week) the day my period stopped but my doctor told me to go to the hospital to be admitted so I was there 24 hours then home the next day. I had a healing vision the coloured and waterfalls clear water. And I felt happy that day because I will be healed. And the other way - its a fighting spirit. I dont talk to them personally - its all in my vision. Angel said. Dont worry about everything. After they given me a vision. One deep voice said. I will be waiting for you. When I was sick. She said. You would be dead in a week. The devil wanted me dead in my vision because she said that I was annoying. I should stop telling and having a big mouth. They wished me dead. Its true that when I was in the Philippines - in my vision, its handwritten on my vision said. The Philippines is always their playground and its belong to him. And the devil was saying that I was very talkative. The devil loves the Philippines. The government were following him, the devil is the leader. He said its his playground. Now, all my vision is coming out slowly. I dont have any vision thats so much in one night. And even I had a vision before - the devil also wanted me dead and very destructive. Its true. I just read everything in my vision. When I was sick the devil wanted me dead because of telling the world about the truth). Sept 20, 2014 My vision this morning at 5:07 am .. a small full cup of brown coffee - shaking, brown its involved earthquake and volcano.. then its shaking. Sept 19, 2014 4:10 pm This morning I could not sleep due to coughing and sore throat. Not feeling well. But the last day for classes then back in 2 weeks. While walking home inside the campus (Mt Druitt College) a bird came in my head and touched my hair tried to settle down on my head, there were 3 of us walking - and then I thought that was it - but the bird came back again and same thing - hes on my head. 3.27 am. My vision this morning at 3.27 am. Also this morning a green tall tree standing alone while the other tree were unseen bec. of the thick fog. Sept 18, 2014 9.28 pm My vision this morning was a handwritten number April 24. Previous visions were july 14, sept 24. Sept 16, 2014 My vision at 4:25 3 handicraft empty handbags. Africa in trouble? Asia. The Philippines? Market empty. Word - telling me cut (off). 2nd vision at 5:30 am 2 pacific bridges - highways - on the top 2 next to each other coloured Navy Blue. The word Goonies. And the word Texas on the news. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning at 7:07am. when i prayed closing my eyes. I had a vision nuclear weapon, white 2 eyes, and n a wolf, orange flames. I should post it this morning. The sun shone for a minute then I was amazed - then I said to pray before I go to college. Then I closed my eyes - its an usual vision. I hope that it will never happen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream: Rising of the ocean. And I have seen Poro - the typhoon were going crazy - when the typhoon stopped the wind was going so mad, even theres no more typhoon but the wind and waves were too high. Its a clear water but the garbage from overseas travelling too with the wind - unsettled - travelling until now. September 14, 2014 3:28 am. Clear water on the tab - never stop but only few selected numbers on the basin - it has counted. Beautiful light outside - the sun is rising. 7 am. Source lists - knowledge has written. Homepage subjects to allocate. Front newspaper there are two important messages. To read Exodus 1-10 Pray always infront - reading the newspaper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hidden mountain when people killed - big connection. Bulacan Andres Bonafacio. The vision has given to me this morning by writing. Below And the words about the Philippines - on my lips. Sept 13, 2014 at 3:05 am Mud Elohim on the top on the headline (black and white) never changed his law. 800? A big trumpet facing heaven an old man wore an olden days cloth. White with a black stripe. Like the olden days. Sept 12, 2014 9:40pm tea so hot to drink - someday its pouring again. Sept 12, 2014 3:15 am To Read Revelation 22 - the whole of verses 22.. Dumping (word) Inequity (another words given to me) To read in Revelation 22. Its highlighted with blue colour. 1-3 spotted red colour. Sept. 11, 2014 10:15 pm Worm un-cure - half body on a rotten fruit - full of wet soil. Cant be eaten because its rotten. 700 ? Music lead by the devil - he wore devil clothes or gown like in a theater Sept. 11, 2014 My vision this morning at 5:32 am. I saw these two separate numbers, number 11 and 1. And thick clouds nearly touches the ground. An issue or article about July 14? I could hear the water. I saw a very clear water - pouring I heard the sound. Sept 10, 2014 My vision this morning , at 1:10 am - a black tiny lightning - electrified infront of the headline. at 2:45 am. Either this is a sun or a moon turn into a big orange - background was black or darkness. Many butterflies, a full black coffee - I have a sip. Man on room blockage. Water pipeline. My dream I will post later. Full cup - black coffee means in one place earthquake happens until it will all gone. Many in one place. Dream: Two chosen people by Yahuwah. They need to go up to the mountain. It does not matter who theyre in the past. Theyre now in a mission they need to follow him. Clothes in the olden days. They need to accomplish their task a lot of hardships and never realised until they finally call by Yahuwah. Sept. 9, 2014 In the morning. September 9, 2014 - A Yellowstone eruption. Sept 8, 2014 My vision last night 10:15 pm. Young women Different banners on the street. Colourful parading the Bermuda outside the campus. The bottom one showed me blue banners like dancing on the street? But parading. Machine a big one like a making of cappuccino. A thick milk like a milk in a can but super thick exactly for mixing fruit salad. (means the world is ready to explore). A torch pointing at me - a green light - the lady was holding the torch pointing this to me. Sept 8, 2014 A vision at 3:50 pm today I had a vision. I took a nap after college at around 3:50 pm today. He gave me a figure of 200 + 11 and he said 200 and a vision of 2011. Honestly dont know yet this one but it will explained to me next time. Another vision has given to me today. A small clear water falls dropping down on the ground of a very small hole not deep only shallow. Its a line to go down. It will never overflow. Sept 6, 2014 I had a vision at 9am this morning. To read Malachi (all the verses). In my vision I saw a scissor on his right hand two names theyre in a separate forms - a circle pointed on his hand with a scissor - a printed name while I witnessing, he circled it with the knife on his hand and theres a tea steady light burning candle the body part - wrapped in foil. In my vision two names on a circle (theyre two separate forms) will be cut off. The scissor means cutting them. I heard a voice telling me about Malachi. But I did not understand I said. Please show me in a vision. He showed me in a vision in just a second. I saw a vision child or children. Warning? Sept 4, 2014 My vision at 5 am 7 days and 20 days? For all that commit Japan 14, 15 and ? Future past events repeated. The words cut off. Sept 3, 2014 Black related and a pregnant woman. Sept 2, 2014 at blacktown hospital admitted for over night blood transfusion (2 bags) I had a vision. at 2am. Unusual activities on earth printed in different colours. The word plague. Exactly like the old time. Children - many children. The devil committed in this world - spread out around. Sept. 1, 2014 My vision this morning. at 3:30 am. 1 litre of milk on a hand towel few drops in a small plate. 24th September? and No. 3 commandment has written - it is very important to Yahuwah. Words: Cebu and Popular, the rests its too quick to read but it will come back someday. I had a role play in my dream. Raymond has been deleted - bec. of his error. One of the angel. Judgment (my dreamed) Theres a subject that needs a descriptive words and adjective. An adverb as well. But in every part of speech the words were formed in a sentence. Even 4 letters were grammatically errors - its not acceptable. Judgment in a court is a work for the right method of obeying the law. To descend a good commitment and represents to gain more understanding - about the whole situation. Many words to check as your adjective involved provinces of Cebu - missing words. Wickedness. The last few words were missing and condemned by many people. As it says. Rumors dont help to solve the punishment of heaven you have to study in any direction error to describe the name of the provinces - only justice can be done. Its your grammatical error that you have to be worried about in the end. Its important to know even 4 letters are wrong. We are worried about the grammatical error even three letters and we do worried about the world events of correcting others. It means that theres a final punishment - those responsible who committed sins against him. Against people who do wrong in justice. No one is above the law. Thats how its role play this morning. I was in court because of wrong grammar and its said. Subject needs an adjective but that adjective 4 letters were wrong grammar - many provinces in Cebu needs to be fixed - that I should change few letters in the provinces.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 10:29:53 +0000

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