My Visit to Heaven [READ AND SHARE] In the morning around 8 am - TopicsExpress


My Visit to Heaven [READ AND SHARE] In the morning around 8 am as I was on my bed, I saw a golden wear appear before my eyes, then, I saw a large cube of different colors such as blue and round balls. While still in my bed, my spirit separated from my body. I found myself traveling in midst of the clouds. I felt I was connected to something, when I looked I saw a beautiful chariot flying before me. I was attached to it by some robe of some sort. I was flying not from inside it but outside, and we were moving at a speed faster than any rocket of the earth. As we traveled I saw the ocean below me. It was like we were moving above the clouds like the airplanes, and at that time I did not know where we were heading to. I just began to pray and confess my sins, incase if I am taken to Heaven so that I will be able to stand before GOD in righteousness. For a while, we were moving in the white clouds, and then we began to lower down towards the earth. As we did, I saw water from the ocean come to mainland, sort of like a tsunami. People had died in that place. As we landed there, I knew it was another continent on earth, and it was very weird, I began to talk with them. Some were black in color, and they told me they wanted to show me something. As we approached a certain place, I began to see human flesh, and bones of people who died in the past. I began to have a feeling that this people or beings ate human flesh, at that time I noticed my angelic guide, walking on my right. As we were walking to where we came from, these people were still with us, talking. I began to feel afraid, I looked at the angel and I projected my thought to him. I said, “We better leave this place now.” I felt fear for my life. The moment I said that, there was an attack, the beings ran towards us on attack mode. Immediately, a force made me and the angel to start running and as we ran, we started to fly a bit in the air. The next thing I saw, we were flying at the bottom of the ocean, at a speed faster than light. I was amazed to notice we did not have hard time breathing underwater, and deep on the ocean floor, we began to see marine life. Fish of all kinds, aquatics, jelly fish, and we were really moving. After traveling for some time, we came out of the water. We left, flying towards the skies. I saw the ocean from above, and we passed into the clouds. The earth was remaining behind, and from space it looked like a round blue ball. We passed stars, passed the solar system, the planets, and then we were completely outside the material universe. I began to see that we were approaching a beautiful light, like a brilliant sunrise. There was mist, pieces of reddish light floating about in the atmosphere. The more we traveled towards the light, the brighter it became, and the more glorious and beautiful it was. I did not have to be told, I knew we were arriving into the Kingdom of Heaven. I was completely engulfed by this magnificent light, it was all over my face, body, and every part of me. We were drowning into it at a tremendous speed, and the surprising thing was this, I could look at it. It could not blind my eyes since I was in the spirit realm. There were billows of glorious reddish light, mist and white bright clouds, and I was flying past the celestial clouds at a great speed towards the source of the Light. Here I saw the Foursquare City of GOD in the middle of the Planet of Heaven, completely surrounded by gorgeous Paradise of trees, grass, flowers, forest, plains, valleys, stupendous mountains, and hills. I was coming upon it from a high altitude, and the first thing I noticed was the City was large and pure. The walls are made up of jasper, the buildings, structures were transparent, as if made up of crystal, and it was arrayed in splendor and light. It looked like a rare sparkling gemstone. The atmosphere in Heaven was pure, clean, and glassy. Then I saw a round tower in the middle of the City, which is called the Temple of GOD. Its walls were pure and transparent like crystal: extreme whiteness, light, and translucency. It was projected out into the skyline of Heaven as if it is touching it. It was the highest in Heaven. It contains the Throne of GOD. No other building was that high. Then above, it flowing into it and around it was the Brightest and most Massive LIGHT. It was the Purest White LIGHT, very Holy and had some transparency with it. The whole Temple of GOD was full of the Dazzling Glory of GOD from the highest point to the lowest base. It looked like the LIGHT came from top to bottom, and I was awed and overwhelmed by such majesty. I couldn’t stop praising GOD for all that I saw. I was taken into the City of LIGHT, and I saw houses and mansions. I noticed they were of different sizes, double stories, triple stories, four, ten and so forth. There were pure white buildings, others like buildings of glass, golden buildings, and some like they are made up of light; they were studded with all kinds of precious stones, diamonds, and rubies. I saw those of different shapes, I saw rectangular ones, curricular, square and other forms. Some looked like high, transparent skyscrapers going up into the skyline of Heaven. I saw large warehouses, complex buildings, and buildings as large as malls: Incredible structures! I noticed the window frames of the buildings were like large diamonds: they absorb and reflect light. I saw colorful bridges, roads of all types, the streets of gold, so pure, no litter, no dirty or anything out of line, and transparent. I saw large open golden places and I was flying on top, so I was able to see from above. Also, I saw the chariots of GOD and they come in different shapes, and sizes. They were shining, and on top it is like they are made of glass material, all over the city there were shining chariots, I saw a large place where I saw the chariots packed, some of the chariots had golden wheels, some silver, some shining metal wheels. They had some little round holes on them, and they sparkle in the light. I saw on one road, the chariots that travel on land, while people were driving them in a line, and also I saw that there were chariots that travel on the air. When I saw all this I could not stop praising GOD! The beauty of the City of GOD and the Temple of GOD was very “indescribable.” I could not stop it, but to say, “Wow!” The LIGHT of GOD comes from everything in Heaven, but mostly from the Throne of GOD. Everything was decked with GOD’s Glory, Perfect and very Beautiful, The LORD said: “Go and tell MY children that I have prepared a City for them, so that they can spend eternity in MY Presence. I don’t want them to perish with the enemy of their souls. Tell them it is not MY Will that any of them should perish. Tell them that if a man really wants to enter MY Kingdom, I will give him all the grace he needs to make it! Tell them I, GOD The FATHER, I AM REAL and awaiting them in Heaven.” Link to the New Book; (Direct Link) Http://revelationofheavenandhell.weebly/uploads/3/0/5/9/30598589/revelation_of_heaven_and_hell_by_bro._othusitse_mmusi_1.pdf MY BOOK AT SCRIBD.COM scribd/doc/228220136/Revelation-of-Heaven-and-Hell-by-Bro-Othusitse-Mmusi 2 Peter 3:9: The LORD is not slack concerning HIS Promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Type: I will not perish Truthfully is very difficult to describe Heaven with mortal words. Words are not enough to describe Heaven. As I was absorbing as much details as I can, my spirit came back into my body.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:40:40 +0000

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