My Visit to Heaven (Tuesday, July 22, 2014) Before the visions, - TopicsExpress


My Visit to Heaven (Tuesday, July 22, 2014) Before the visions, the Holy Spirit will tell me to get ready HE will show me some things or take me to heaven later that day. I was on earth and instantly I was taken to the temple of Heaven. I was aware of the presence, glory of GOD in that place; I knew where I was, I was aware that GOD was looking at me, there was awesome reality of GOD, I saw that the temple was large and huge in size. It had lower base and elevated part, different sections, different sitting arrangements, large sitting capacity, like a large complex auditorium, I saw many people dressed in pure white, clean, innumerable, some on below seats, some on high parts of the temple, I knew by revelation that it is the bride of Christ, I felt like those people were blameless, chaste, pure and holy, I saw the glory of GOD in the temple, it looked like giant bright light hovering in the air, round, bright, intense golden shining light. I saw some chambers, some secret places, or rooms of secrets within the temple walls, I saw large golden doors, they appeared shut, I looked towards the middle, I saw a elevated place, large platform, there were golden steps, there stood the throne of GOD, High and Elevated, going towards the ceiling or skyline of the temple, It was golden throne, it had two compartments, or two seats, a large throne. Two seats yet one throne, I saw a huge being seated on the large seat, then another person seated on the right seat. It was GOD the Father and the LORD JESUS. I just knew in my spirit who they were, The FATHER was enormous and HIS robes shone white, brilliant, no way to adequately describe HIM,(I could not see the FATHER’s face because of HIS Majesty, Brilliance) the LORD JESUS had a pure white robe, magnificent, glorified, awesome king, they were seated magnificently, like they are in total control of everything, absolute authority, then I saw the third person of the GOD Head, the HOLY SPIRIT, HE appeared in form of a person, on the other side of GOD The Father, I saw HIM turn, slightly, towards the other members of the GOD Head, HIS robes were like precious gemstone, it sparkles and gleams with light, the HOLY SPIRIT appeared to be more youthful, so beautiful, the hair of JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT were like golden, flowing a bit, touches their shoulders, THEIR faces are so extremely handsome, youthful, total perfection, their beauty is beyond description, their robes are splendid, the finest fabrics. I was in my spirit body, I felt to light, I was awed and intrigued, THEY were in conversation yet the details were hidden from me. When I saw this awesome vision, I said ”Wowwww” , I could not utter another word, I was raptured in delight, wonder and joy. Then I was taken back to my room and into my body. My Visit to Heaven (Tuesday, July 27, 2014) I flew into the spirit realm at a tremendous speed, I passed many places on the earth, I passed towns, roads, mountains, hills, many people, then I saw the heavens opened, I saw bright light from heaven, like lightning, but dazzling, I was lifted up to heaven, I saw a beautiful place. Full of GOD’s divine light, atmosphere so glorious, pure, peaceful, I saw many rooms, I saw white ducks on the ground, so beautiful, full of life and energy, white wings, they began to fly, as group, I heard the sound of their wings and noise as they took off towards the south, I looked at them as they flew into the skyline of heaven, I saw other beautiful places. I saw many people. End. My Visit to Heaven (Tuesday, July 29, 2014) The LORD took me into a vision, I saw an angel on the earth. He appeared in an ordinary human body except that his face was glowing, ordinary clothes, jeans, t-shirt, I began to talk with him, he began to share with me some things, at the end I told him I knew he is an angel. I found myself travelling in the spirit, through the air, passed into the 2nd heaven. I began to see beings and things I can’t describe, I was just in that realm, then I saw a vision opening within that vision, I saw people very close to me on earth crying, saying I am dead. I heard the voice of GOD from the 3rd heaven saying “GO back”, And GOD said, “tell them you were held up in the 2nd heaven”, A force began to make me to travel downwards towards the 1st heaven, I saw billions of stars, vast endless space, I passed the clouds, I began to pled with GOD, to help me in my future, to forgive me of any sin in my life, As I entered into the earth sphere, I was nearing my room and body, I began to beg GOD to take me to 3rd heaven. I was begging again and again, Then quickly I began to travel upwards, GOD began to show me HIS great universe, I saw futures of some people I know, weddings, important dates, appointments, significant events of their lives, I passed into different realms, places, visions, I saw different cultures, civilizations, it was like time travel, I saw many white people, black people, I saw lights, crossed different time zones of the earth, I saw some of my friends in Nairobi, Kenya, I was switching from one realm to the other in what seemed like split seconds, so clear and real. Some I can’t really explain them, it’s beyond words or my ability to describe what I saw, After that I was taken to the 3rd heaven(Realm of GOD), I was placed on the 1st phase, the place was very vast and beautiful as usual, I saw saints enter into the place, I noticed something, some of the saints freshly arrived from earth had like normal clothes, blue clothes, (earthly kind of design) etc In the first phase of heaven, it is where they prepare saints to enter the city of GOD, to go and stand in the presence of GOD at the throne. I saw a man, so youthful and full of strength, he talked with me, we had conversations(some of which I can’t remember), I began to see many people around, activity, moving to and fro, movements, people talking, laughing, walking, then I saw large mansions, they had lovely gardens, grass, decorations around them, people were entering through doorways, the mansions looked like large story houses, I saw a particular building, many saints were entering into it, I wanted to rush there too. The place was full of joy, peace and love. The atmosphere is pure and clean, as I was contemplating going to that building, I was asked, “Do you know where you should go?” I said “NO”, then someone pointed towards a large mansion on the east, he said “THERE”. I was escorted there, As I approached I noticed something, it looked like a castle, glassy, shining, large windows, the walls are like built with shining glass, it had sharp edges, corners, so pure and gorgeous, the beauty of it was indescribable, I and my angel escort entered into it, the floor was beautiful, I saw some people and angels in that place, I saw objects on the floor, there were lines, writings, markings, I was told that GOD gives visions with purpose, with maturity and they bring high level of responsibility, Then also told there are visions which cannot be shared. I saw some saints awaiting instructions, I was told there is no time in heaven, I was given privilege to do some exercise, I was experiencing eternity, I was shown how time on earth is measured against eternity, In that room you can experience it, the room was large, shining floor, with all kinds of instruments, in one of the exercise, I experienced what is called switch into time and eternity. In a moment I felt I was in time, and then back into eternity, felt I was on earth and then quickly back in heaven, I felt how insignificant is earth-time to heaven. What we call long time on earth is nothing compared to ‘1sec’ in eternity. Also when the LORD says I will do something suddenly, HE speaks from the STAND-POINT of eternity, It is totally different when you bring it to earth linear-time. Someone might visit heaven, he feels like he took 2 weeks there but coming back to realize he took 1second of earth-time, also someone might feel he was in heaven for 1 second(briefly), but when he comes back he notices days have passed while away in the spirit realm. I don’t know how to explain it. The instructors were talking, explaining some things to me. When in heaven I could grasp it better. My Visit to Heaven (Sunday, August 03, 2014) On Sunday morning, as I laid on bed, I was instantly taken to heaven, I was in a large room, I saw many children, boys and girls, as we were there, I saw feminine teacher, she told the kids to sing a song, they began to sing it, I could pick it in my native language, I learnt that for people who just arrive in heaven, they still have some characters they had on the earth(however not sinful ones, you have emotions, thoughts but are not distorted), especially if they had lowest spiritual development or got saved on deathbed, people can sing in their native language, yet you can understand it perfectly, language is not a barrier in the spiritual world. I learnt this too, if you did not learn how to worship GOD on earth, you will not automatically know it when you get to heaven, you will have to be taught, then yield to the Holy Spirit, you learn new things, you gain new knowledge, you yield to the spirit, As I joined, the teacher began to direct and teach the children to dance for the LORD, I felt worship rising in my spirit, I learnt we praise GOD by inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT, I saw JESUS appear in our midst, JESUS joined hands with the children, singing, dancing, enjoying it, awesome worship songs, I was instantly taken to playgrounds of heaven, I saw many people especially children, I heard joyful screams, laughter, activity there, I saw open places, round balls, some places looked like ball courts, balls were of beautiful colors, As I was there, I kicked one ball looked light blue, it went zigzag in the air, then flew in the air, I felt so much joy. People were playing; I learnt there is more entertainment in heaven. I was back in my body. My Visit to Heaven (Wednesday, August 06, 2014) As a laid on my bed, I began to see a fountain of living water. The water was clear, sparkling, then I began to see reflection of rainbow over it, it began to swirl on it, making it look colorful. I said “wow”, and then I saw myself flying by the beach in heaven. I saw large sea, sparkling water; I heard the voice of JESUS CHRIST telling me, that I will come back to this place, to see some certain things. I heard HIM talking about the living water that saints will drink it, and also they will always be that living water in heaven. Then I was no longer by the sea, I saw myself passing through corridors in heaven, I saw some people walking, talking, just busy with many things, I saw someone I knew by revelation that it was Smith Wigglesworth. He looked young and full of strength, I was just looking at these people, trying to see who I can recognize, as I continued walking in that place Then I was back on earth. The LORD told me to start working on my 3rd ebook of heaven and hell encounters, also HE told me, i am called primarily to reveal the reality of Heaven to people on earth. These are my true experiences with GOD, understand it is not easy to describe the spiritual world with mortal words; I am trying by all means to share and describe what GOD shows me. I believe you understand it. BE BLESSED.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:06:15 +0000

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