My Wife: It was sometime back in the 80’s I was helping my best - TopicsExpress


My Wife: It was sometime back in the 80’s I was helping my best friend Tom Chasse do inventory at a auto parts place on Lincoln Avenue, a white bmw pulls up to the front of the store inside this car was a blonder FINE looking woman and yes your right my future wife. I turned to Tom and said who that fine looking woman in that car is. Tom turn and said “She is John Sharps wife Barbara” I said damn he is one lucky man… It was 1991 and I just stepped into the Barnboard for a drink and to see who was out in Rumford Maine because I had a day off from Sunday River and I have not been home for a while. I stepped inside and the first person I saw was John Childs & his wife at the time Shelly (Shelly was a really good friend of the family and a sister to me when I was younger- R.I.P) sitting with them was the same Blonde woman I saw outside of the auto place. I went over to say hello and they asked me to sit down and join them. I sat right down. We got talking and first thing I know I was giving her my number after we went to a party that same night. Weeks went by and I did not even hear from her so I figure I lost that date. I was out skiing at Sunday River and got to the top of the North peak chairlift and went right to North Peak Restaurant and who did I first meet working there yes Barbara. We talked and I asked her one more time out well we meet up several times and had a great time and romance was in the air. One day she stated that they were having a Christmas employee party and ask if I wanted to go “right off my words could have not got out fast enough YES” Couple days went by and we were off to Bethel for the employee gathering. OMG lobster and mud slides! That night for some strange reason I felt like it was going too fast for me and I was not sure I wanted to have a relationship so I called it quits for a while. WOW this did not go over well with her and she just walked away all upset. A few weeks went by and I realized I really lost a possibly a great friend, future girlfriend or even wife then it happen, I stopped over to her house in smithcrossing in Rumford to see if we can work it out. She looked at me like I had two heads, four eyes and what world was I living in. Barbara handed over a letter stating how much she was falling in love with me and I broke her heart. It took me few months to get back with her and it was her way or no way at all and I felt that was wonderful for me. Time went by and first thing I was moving in and the relationship was growing stronger and stronger, I sat down with my Dad and we talked because I wanted to ask Barbara to marry me and I was scared. My Dad said it takes two; you’re going to have fights but never go to bed mad and always tell her you love her and you will see each other the next morning. Well I made my mind up and I was going to ask her right off so I sat and thought on how I was going to ask her. My plan was asking her on the ride back from work (She was working at Ma’ place in the plaza). It was a beautiful night out and warm, I picked her up at her work and I had a ski jacket on (Shell of the jacket) now remember it was warm out but I was hiding the small ring box in my jacket. We both got in the car and I looked over and I think she could tell something was up, we got to the top of Falls hill and I asked her to marry me, Right off she jumped over and said YES and Damn I almost went off the road. August 8, 1992 we were married and what a day, we have been threw think and thin but she stuck by my side. We lost our house, went bankrupt but not once did she step away or back off from what was happening. Barbara (My Wife) is my rock and heart & soul mate; she is the mother of two wonderful girls Dawn (Grandson Jesse) & Deanna (Husband Carlo) and two Granddaughters (Marissa & Abbie). I have a family and would not change it at all. As we grow older and we been married 22 years and each day I grow more love for her, she is my best friend, lover and soul mate and seen every hurt saddest we have been through. With all my heart & soul I love you Barbara A Viger till the day I die. Thank you for standing by me.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:38:13 +0000

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