My World Cup Soccer review ... so far. Its a joke! Embarrassing - TopicsExpress


My World Cup Soccer review ... so far. Its a joke! Embarrassing ... The ostrich of professional sports,with their head stuck in the sand, not wanting to change & correct most everything about it. Im an independant viewer ... Canadian ... no team to cheer for. :) So Im not bias ... Italy/Uruguay ... The red card situation is a complete joke ... Was it a foul,probably,no red card though ? Ive taken harder hits in non contact hockey for Petes sake. This is where soccer is living in the dark ages ... Ill say the crime doesnt fit the time! What other sport do you loose a player for the entire game, & cant replace him to make even strength,at some point. Answer NONE! NFL,youre penalized yards & maybe out,but,you are replaced. Basketball,give free throw,& you are replaced when you foul out. Baseball,a pitcher can bean someone in the head,but,hes still replaced. Hockey,smash your stick over the guys head,& you get 5 minutes. Soccer ? Brush the guy,& embellish it,you your team could play short handed for the entire game. Absolutely retarded! If youre red carded,kick the player out,& only make the team play short handed for 10 minutes. The rule is a joke! A team can prepare for 4 years for the tourney,& have a bad phantom call go against them,& theyre done. This is where soccer needs to improve ... Video replay on all scoring,red cards,awarded penalty kicks,etc.,& allow a couple of challenges,just like the NFL. At least if they werent going to overturn the red card to a yellow,Italy could have challenged the non call for the Suarez biting,& probably got a red to even things out. Hey,Italy,dont feel so bad,Ivory Coast was ripped off even more! Incidental tapping of the feet & a penalty kick awarded with seconds left, to send them home & Greece in ... brutal! What a joke! Hey,refs make mistakes ... allow video replay & challenges,& get the call right. The tournament has been plagued by bad calls,that could easily have been corrected with video replay. Hum,lets see,how about Mexico getting robbed of 2 goals that werent off side to start the tourney against Cameroon. A sport is good,if the refs are invisible ... Let the play decide ... Unfortunately,all that you hear about in soccer IS the refs. Great skilled players ... entertaining to watch. But,all lost with brutal calls & structure to this sport stuck in the past & not wanting to advance itself with the latest technology. I remember a few years back,after soccer was embarrassed with the England/Germany game where the ball clearly crossed over the line (by 3 feet) & the ref was the only one to miss it,a high ranking FIFA official was interviewed,& he was embarrassed at how soccer had taken no steps of video advancement to correct their issues ... yup,still stuck in the past all right! Why even bother to watch the rest ... With the refs willing & able to jump in at any moment,you can count on a South America final. Columbia or Brazil against Uruguay or Argentina ... Not holding out much hope for Belgium,France,or Germany. Thank goodness this crap will leave us shortly,& a real sport,like NFL,will be here to enjoy!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:02:08 +0000

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