My World Ska Paulina Peña shared by Twitter Petrellini a comment - TopicsExpress


My World Ska Paulina Peña shared by Twitter Petrellini a comment ............ A salute to all the bunch of assholes, part of the offspring and only criticize who envy! ...... the Mexican philosopher and writer Hector Zagal Jesus Arreguin write him I have the pleasure of meeting you personally. I do not know how you are, I know your qualities, your hobbies, your interests. I understand your annoyance to listen to criticism of your father, Enrique Peña Nieto. They are part of the job. Youll have to go used to the attacks against him. In a democracy, criticism is an essential exercise. Your father is a public figure and, therefore, their actions will be judged rigorously. Why are they so hard on him?, You ask. Well, civil servants earn much money. There are thousands of people willing to suffer criticism and questions just to be on the official roster. The salary is worth those hits. No? But is not your father I want to talk but you. Do I confess something? It frightens me that you used the expression sons of children as an insult. Again, it is excusable to be angry by mocking your father. Do not scare the idiots to call, dumb. Moreover, he is not concerned that you called us assholes. However, you can not excuse your disregard for the children of workers, laborers. Did you hear the scandal Ladies of Polanco? Disqualified a policeman calling it employee. Something like you did: disqualify half the countrys social status. Whats wrong with being the son of a worker? You know, Im the grandson of a miner, proletarian. Im not ashamed to say it. Would you be embarrassed if your father was a salesman for tamales or a plumber? Without intending it, with your words you have revealed your classism. Despise manual labor. You downplay to remain with their effort.How sad to think that the daughter of a presidential candidate! Sons of children are, in fact, who studied in public schools who use the metro, who do not eat Spanish cheeses Argentine cuts and who do not use shoes of thousands of dollars, who do not serve on the ABC hospital who not travel by helicopter. The children of the offspring, however, must make long hours of rows in clinical social insurance should eat carbohydrates (tortillas), should be studied in classrooms without computers, must squeeze into public transport. The children of the offspring, dear Pauline, earn in a year what your father earns in a week. When you read these lines you have the following exercise. Check what you wear on top: Perfume, lotions, deodorant, clothes, shoes, cell phones, earrings. Sum total. You know you bring up more than an Indian win for a year of hard work? Paulina gives me horror you think so. Your lapses revealed your reality you live in a rose colored bubble. Sons of children is not an insult, but an honorable title. This country, which aspires to govern your father depends on the workers, peasants, employees, depends on those people whom you despise. Hopefully this serious lapse, it is not the result of education received at home. Would that be your fault, the result of your arrogance (so typical, though, of the Mexican upper class). What will happen to Mexico if he comes to rule a person who despises the proletariat? Paulina Look, I think that for your sake, you should enroll in a public school, reduce your escort to a minimum, take the subway during rush hour, and get to work. In case you did not know, many of the children of the offspring their studies with paid work: some farmers, merchants, laborers. Some work from children. Pauline, do jeopardized the political future of your father. But what is more serious is put at risk at risk the future of Mexico SHARE to show you IDIOCY inherited ..
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:29:52 +0000

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