My Year in Facebook... What an interesting lie. We are nothing - TopicsExpress


My Year in Facebook... What an interesting lie. We are nothing here but iconic spin doctors offering a decimated portion of our mental confetti to the few who have confetti of the same color. Its worthless, and yet fascinating at the same time. Funny how weve built a non-community based on black and white pixels. Pixels that are manipulated by a corporate algorithm that none of us will ever comprehend. And yet stoically, rhythmically, devotedly ... we march ahead with our thirsty fingers on wireless keyboards. Hoping to manufacture CONNECTION, or resurrect RESONANCE ... or ignite INSPIRATION from the deep-down Purple Fragments of our whispering Souls. And its THERE inside us. Wearing no letters or black belts or see-through bikinis. It shines and shimmers and sings letters of alien alphabets that open yawning chasms into delightful INNER SPACE. It seeks Connection, because it IS connection. And we are therefore ... CONNECTED. My year in Facebook. What an interesting Truth. A truth with many facets, a gold crown with many fillings, a spoke that reaches out and touches many wheels. Some Turning. Some Burning. Some Yearning. All Wheels of Fire, parading, scintillating UFOs on their very own journey ... toward... HOME. We would all want to go there. Faces Bright. Shining Armour. Kingdoms and Canyons of Love, etched ... established ... defended ... remembered. Lost ... wanderers. Something about being Lost, that opens us to the change. The change of being Found. Something about Having No Home, that makes us realize our Truer Nature, and like a Big Magnet ... leads us inexorably toward that Home of Homes. Nothing is TRUE unless you know its true INSIDE of YOU. The gauge. The foundation stone. The central head of the Government of the Civilization of ME. There is nothing else sacred and nothing else worthy of worship. My year in Facebook. What an interesting Game. I play, I win. Nothing. Something. Connections made of thin gold wire, and I pull the plug and its gone. Nothing Right and many Wrongs. But one final, infinite, fragrant, incessantly-silly SONG. Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot... The carpet that lines the Floor of Life, everywhere I walk. The speck of Gold in the Sky of infinite Blue. The Tiny hint of Light in the Eyes... when Im looking at You ... The Year has not been in Facebook. The year has been spread, scattered and catapulted far beyond. The year of Autumns past and seeds that Last. Planted Early and Harvested Late. Those fires that burn and those wheels that Turn ... on this Very Important Date. I JUST CANT WAIT!!! Thanks to all you beautiful stars in the Galaxy that I call My Life. You all shine in my Amazing Heaven, in your Curious, Mythical and Mysterious Ways. Even the one... tiny one... most distant ... in the Blackened Sky... winks at me Knowingly... with its Divine and Beautiful Eye.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 04:14:47 +0000

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