My Yes vote for Scottish Independence wasnt built on a sense of - TopicsExpress


My Yes vote for Scottish Independence wasnt built on a sense of patriotism or nationalism, it was built on hope and optimism. The hope and optimism that collectively we could further better our country and work as a nation to remove things like food banks, poverty and inequality from Scotland, by removing the levers of power at Westminster. We know now that the majority of Scotland didnt want to be independent, didnt think the time was right or maybe were too cautious that the road to independence might have been too rough a ride. Firstly, testament goes out to campaigners on both sides; the people giving up their time to actively promote their opinions and standing by their beliefs. The most important thing to remember from all of whats happened is not the result but why we were having the vote in the first place, just because the vote went to No doesnt mean that all the issues that created the debate arent still here, these need to be addressed and changed! At the moment, division is rife and unity is only a buzzword presented by the media. Scotland now needs to come together for the collective improvement of our country, whatever that may be and whatever road may take us there. Remember the change that people wanted wasnt to change their neighbors or residents of their communities, it was a change of how this country is governed, infighting will solve nothing. One of the key messages sent out during the campaigns was Hope over Fear. Now that the Scotland has decided, I hope that remaining united we can work together to better the country and put an end to the heartaches of the people; my fear is that nothing will change and well continue to travel along the same road as before. My hope is that enough has already happened over the past 2 years to create a spark. A spark to wake up the masses and question the choices made on their behalf by their governments, on all sides of the border. My hope is that the Yes Scotland movement has sparked Ireland, Wales and the north of England into action, to hold politicians accountable for the decisions they make and how they affect us all. At first glance, the dream was independence... What the dream really was, was about creating a better, fairer and more equal society, that dream is still more than alive! I really hope the dream can be accomplished in the UK! The balls in Westminsters court now... only time will tell who was telling the truth and who wasnt during the campaign. I know who my moneys on but I really, really hope to be proved wrong! Scotland, lets now move forward together! #Scotland #UK #HopeOverFear
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:10:12 +0000

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