My adventures in life, #4,338.7 - todays adventure involves the - TopicsExpress


My adventures in life, #4,338.7 - todays adventure involves the DMV in Virginia. I have one of those handicapped plaques that hangs from the rear view mirror that expires July 25, and my daughter lost her drivers permit, so we went on over to the DMV this morning. Spoke to the receptionist, made sure we had all our forms with is dotted and ts crossed, got our number, and sat down. We barely had time to sit down, and they called our number (so far so good, a far cry from the old days at the local DMV, where there WERE no chairs to sit on, no receptionist to make sure you had all your ducks in a row, and often would stand there two hours or more before you got to the clerk at the window.) So Shan and I go up to our station, and I tell the clerk what Im there for and what Shannon needs, hand her my paperwork and drivers license, she starts tapping away at the computer, and then says Im sorry, the system wont allow me to issue you a new handicapped plaque as your old one hasnt expired yet. I say Uhhhhhh, it expires July 25, thats 10 days from now....what am I supposed to do, drive around with an expired plaque and hope I dont get a ticket before I can make it back to the DMV? What sort of inane bullshit is that? (Shannon: Dad, be nice, I need to get my permit replaced, dont go off.) So how many days before it expires should I come back to get my new plaque? 2? 3? 1? When? Sir, I dont know. Let me speak to a manager - this is some Three Stooges bullshit, I dont have time for this inane dumbassery (Shannon is face palming now.) At this point, the proverbial lightbulb illuminates above my head, and I said Hey Shan, run out to the truck and grab the handicrapper plaque please. She returns about the same time as the manager. I said How about if I just turn this one in, and you issue me a new one like were starting fresh today? That worked. So now I have a paper plaque hanging from my mirror (you know, the kind that isnt laminated and often blows out the window if the windows are open while driving (I stapled the top part just to be safe), and theyll mail me a laminated plaque in two weeks. Shannon got her replacement permit without any problems. I found a work around for the dumbass rule the DMV has, and Shan and I had lunch at Panera Bread, thankful that we didnt have a job where we had to work outside in todays sub human swamp ass humid tropical rain forest sweltering heat and enjoyed our lunch. I feel for those folks who have to work in this weather - roofers, asphalt pavers, insulation mechanics, AC heating techs, whew!!! This kind of weather? I dont leave the house or move from in front of my fan where its a cool 69 degrees, unless theres a pool, lake, river, or ocean Im about to jump into. Swamp ass weather, gotta love DC - its like this pretty much through mid September. Step outside and its almost hard to breathe is so oppressive. Anyway, thats all I plan on doing today, siesta time with Ruby the Wonderdog ;-)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:15:48 +0000

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