My analysis of Stanley Kubricks, The Shining. What do you all - TopicsExpress


My analysis of Stanley Kubricks, The Shining. What do you all think? In the film, “The Shining” directed by Stanley Kubrick, Kubrick lets his imagination loose into the deepest, darkest, intensifying story of all time. The Torrance family, Jack, Wendy, and Danny agree to take the job and responsibility to look after the Overlook Hotel as the off-season caretakers though when they arrive, things begin to change with a twist of madness and murder. Kubrick uses different psychological perspectives making this film thrill-seeking and mind-blowing. Danny, the Torrance’s son has ESP and he uses this skill very wisely to scope out the secrets and mystery of the hotels haunted past such as the ghosts of previous guests and a 1920’s costume party. Over time, Danny’s skill as well as isolation and murder begin to reflect Jack’s behavior as he starts to connect with Danny’s visions making him both physically and mentally insane. Jack is a writer working on a book, but nothing seems to become accomplished because of boredom and physical and mental isolation. This soon progresses into the perspective of Dèjà Vu and a sense of curiosity for Jack. As the movie continues, it is clear that the only sane person is Wendy, Jack’s wife. She does become curious about both Jack and Danny’s behavior, but she is more focused and interested in seeing the beauty of what the hotel has to offer rather than wondering about past experiences. She can only stay calm for so long up until she reads what Jack has been writing. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” fills up thousands of paper in different formats. This is when things start to take a turn downhill. Wendy realizes that being in the hotel took a toll on her marriage and son’s health (In the film, Wendy mentions to Jack that Danny needs a doctor). Is this Jack’s first time in this hotel or has he been here before in a past life? Throughout the movie, Jack meets several of the hotels past guests now as ghosts. Jack does not seem to be surprised by this as if they were supposed to accompany him and his family. Jack loves the company at first, but after a while, these guests and the past itself get the better of him as he descends into a mania of psychological and later physical madness.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:04:02 +0000

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