My annual physical yesterday went far better than Id feared. When - TopicsExpress


My annual physical yesterday went far better than Id feared. When the nurse taking my BP noted how much higher than usual it was, I told her that I was stressed about the appointment because the last time Id seen the doctor wed gotten into it about my weight, and told her that, while Im perfectly happy to discuss my health habits - eating, exercise and so on - I dont want to have it framed in terms of my weight because I dont see that as relevant. She had a word with him before he came in, and he was extremely friendly and careful. Upshot: bloodwork all within normal (except one kidney function that could be explained by my muscularity), BP up a bit even allowing for the stressors so a slightly higher but still quite low dose of a med Ive been taking anyway, a trial run of Cymbalta to see if it helps with my pain levels and broken sleep, and a new nasal spray that may help with the rhinitis. And some encouragement about how well Im doing at reducing my opiate consumption, and about making it to dance as often as I am. So, score one for speaking up about something that upset me, even if I did get kind of tearful doing so.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:50:10 +0000

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