My answer to my Anthropology teacher when she asked me how many - TopicsExpress


My answer to my Anthropology teacher when she asked me how many cultures i belong to and my answer is as follows: When asked about the many cultures i belong to I often attribute my social outcome to many contributing factors including but not limited to my love of everything sharks and closely identifying with them as a culture, my deep appreciation of the pop icon star wars and my often limiting but rapidly expanding experiences as part of the league of mole people. There are many cultures that I can comfortably say I identify with, but at the top of the list would be my love for everything sharks. I get excited about Shark week and follow all of the blogs. I get together with others of my culture to enjoy popcorn and bloody seal skins. I enjoy the sight of shark breaches and the way it allows me to be comfortable when conversing with friends of the same interest. There are times i dress as a shark and chase strangers around just because i identify so well with them that it makes me feel comfortable. When looking at the many cultures and how they influence me and my life I would be remised if i didn’t mention my deep affiliation in the star wars pop culture. Often times you can witness me quoting many of the motion films or running around with my lightsaber at home humming woosh and bzzzt. There are times when i’m about that i often refer to my car as the millennium falcon and often shout take us to hyper-space as i enter the freeway ramp. It may not be the mainstream cultures but it is mine and has influenced me in countless ways. There are many cultures that most of us as americans can comfortably identify with however the most predominant one in my life would be my identification with the League of Incredible Mole-People and how its influenced my perspective of the outside world. Often times when looking around outside of my cave i am cursed with temporary blindness that discourages me from breaking out of my shell and staying in solitude safely below ground. It has also affected my insight on my diet due to the lack of resources below ground you can often find me amongst the true mole men eating grubs, roots, and occasionally the rare delicacy of a potato. When looking at my culture as a whole it may not be the most common or the most appealing but it is mine and it shapes my life. In conclusion the many diverse cultures that i identify with and help shape my character are both full of wonderful experiences and occasionally limiting circumstances. With that being said i can safely say that I of all people completely understand cultures and there influence upon us.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:12:55 +0000

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