My answer to the Bisbee Observers question, Why Should You Be - TopicsExpress


My answer to the Bisbee Observers question, Why Should You Be Elected Mayor. The Bisbee voter is in the somewhat unique position of having a distinct choice in this year’s mayoral election. We candidates have stated our positions regarding the resolution of issues facing our city, as well as our respective vision for its future. The voter isn’t likely to confuse one of us for the other. Each of us will swear an oath to represent the citizens of Bisbee and each of us will try to uphold that oath to the best of our ability. So the real question becomes what do you want for Bisbee’s future? The easy answer is to want our town to revert to its former self, as some years ago, when “nothing controversial happened”. Most of us would not argue against that wish, except for the stark reality that we can’t go back and the world has changed. Our country has undergone the most devastating economic downturn since the “Great Depression”, resulting in a sharp decline in revenues used to conduct the business of the city. Our city’s “rainy day funds” are “drying up”, while our demand for additional funding in the form of public safety retirement and infrastructure repair, etc., continues to rise exponentially. What kind of a leader do you want to help our city out of this widening gap? You have a choice. I am a prior municipal employee (14 year law enforcement) that became a proven business leader, owning a small business over the last 33 years. I have formulated a budget and have been required to adhere to that budget, each of those 33 years. I understand that “making payroll” requires many more steps than receiving a check in the mail. I also understand how someone could feel helpless when confronted by unyielding or unneeded bureaucracy. I have negotiated employee and company contracts with private enterprise and government agencies. These facts don’t make me a better person than my opponent; but they provide me more experience in times of stress and crises and afford us a better opportunity at the “problem solving” of our imminent predicaments. Public safety is near and dear to our residents, as it is to me. I am satisfied that our city is being and should be protected by our police department. Likewise, I am satisfied with our fire department’s role and have never advocated a volunteer department. However, I am not a believer of contracting a department’s chief position to a retired chief as it stifles other employees’ aspirations of upward mobility within a department. Economic development is essential to the vitality of our town. Leveraging city assets is not synonymous with disposal of city assets and partnering with private enterprise is not “selling the farm”. New economic times require a leader with a proven track record of business successes and fiscal responsibility. A “non-controversial” approach to our future growth is tantamount to “treading water” and would result in potential disaster. I read that election lies are typically a result of desperation or fear. I ask, what could make somebody so desperate or so afraid that they question my 47 year pledge to public safety or they challenge my integrity and now even disparage my wedding vows? I have attempted to dispel lies with truth. My opponent may indicate that he has no hand in “dirty politics”, but if he doesnt condemn it nor does nothing to stop it, he allows himself to become a party to it. Bisbee deserves better than this caliber of behavior. Bisbee also deserves the chance to see both candidates answer and debate the questions that are most important to the voter.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:01:51 +0000

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