My apologies for being so long-winded. I hope you take a moment to - TopicsExpress


My apologies for being so long-winded. I hope you take a moment to read... Why is it that the American public so easily loses focus on important topics? How can we be distraught and concerned for a few days on major issues, then just lose track of them, or just set them aside? One reason is that we are inundated with so many stories of events, tragedies, scandals on such a continual basis that it becomes difficult to stay focused, remain righteously indignant on select issues. Also, some of it is by design. obama’s administration is so fraught with scandal, abuse of power and outright crimes against the American people that they must keep new stories coming to keep us off track. Though his bedfellows – the mainstream media – fail the American public continually, the new media (social media) has kept some stories alive. However, even the flames of those stories end up a slow burn when they should be a continual roaring fire. The NSA and IRS scandals are representative of a power-hungry elitist who defiles and violates our Constitution with no remorse at all. However, two atrocities committed by obama should be causing outrage in the streets. Sadly, there is little more than the occasional Facebook re-post or a story relegated to conservative blogs. The attack on the Benghazi consulate and the betrayal of the men of SEAL Team Six are absolute outrages that have departed the public’s attention for other stories, such as Syria. Many are somewhat familiar with the Benghazi atrocity, and how the king residing in the White House betrayed them. However, the story of the betrayal of SEAL Team Six has garnered little attention. As most now know, Team Six took out bin laden. The operational security in place for SPECOPS warriors is necessarily tight. Not only is it mission-critical to keep quiet, but also for their personal security. These men do not often talk about their exploits, and they prefer to keep the stories to themselves. Taking out bin laden was the result of years of coordinated hunting by the CIA and the military. Good security was a major element of that successful mission. Those involved with the hunt knew the importance of security. They knew that even after they found him, the savages of islam would retaliate in any way possible. The islamist savages that obama has sided with are ruthless, cowardly killers. Women, children, bystanders, all fair game. In pursuit of their “jihad,” they’ll even kill fellow savages, using the excuse of it being “allah’s will.” Our warriors understand this and it is one additional reason to practice good security. Two days after the raid to take out bin laden, Joe Biden disclosed at a speaking engagement that it was SEAL Team Six that carried out the mission. When Team Six members found out, many were terrified for their families. One of them, Aaron Vaughn, called his mother at home, with a sound of fear in his voice that his mother had never heard from him before. According to her, he said, “Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean. You need to get everything off of it now.” When she asked what was wrong, he explained: “Mom, there is chatter and your life is in danger. Our lives are in danger. So clean it up right now.” Just three months later, Aaron Vaughn, along with 16 other SEAL Team members, 7 Afghan Army soldiers and other US troops were blown out of the sky in a mysterious incident, and details about the incident have yet to be fully disclosed to the American people. Several of the parents, including Vaughn’s, are demanding a congressional investigation into the incident. In typical fashion, the obama administration is revealing nothing. Where is the outrage over this? How many incidents will it take before the American people rise up and proclaim, “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!” I honestly do not know where to begin. What does it take to awaken our people to the offenses against our nation by this islamist, anti-American despot usurping the White House? I have never in my life been so disgusted, not just with the so-called “leadership,” but with the fact that so many people were twice duped in allowing this to happen. One cannot claim to love our nation then turn a blind eye to all of these outrageous offenses. We have never been so under siege as we are now. Our great Constitution has never been subjected to such outright disrespect and abuse. We have never had a president align himself with a hate system such as islam as our current one has done. The assault will continue until the people have had enough. My question is, what will the Constitutional landscape look like by then?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 00:41:54 +0000

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