My apologies in advance as this is the longest status I have ever - TopicsExpress


My apologies in advance as this is the longest status I have ever put up, Ive chosen to post this document here as I believe in ten years from now Facebook will still be around and my computer/hard drive will not..... Today is my 30th birthday, and I couldn’t be more excited! Today I officially became a “Gentlemen”……at least in my mind I did. I have decided to take the first few hours of my 30th decade to reflect upon all events in my life that have taught me valuable lessons and document them here for record keeping purposes. Looking back on my many business ventures successes and failures, personal relationships with family, friends and significant others, my 2 year, 130lb weight loss journey and coping with death and tragedy these lessons have created the person I have become today. Attached is a list of the following principles that have come from previous life experiences will serve as a personal guide for the decades ahead. Perhaps the greatest lesson that I have learned thus far is that I do not know everything. But with that being said here’s what I do know: Nobody owes you a living…..What you achieve is directly related to what you do or fail to do. Nothing is carved in stone….You can change anything in your life if you want it bad enough Excuses are for losers….Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners in life. Winners meet life’s challenges head on……Knowing there are no guarantees, they show up and give it all they’ve got. Time plays no favorites and will pass weather you act or not. Those who are truly successful; Dare to dream and take risks...they compete Principles to live by w/ some of my favorite quotes and sayings mixed in: 1. Wake up every morning excited to have breath in your lungs. Life is short don’t take anything for granted, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Live each day like its your last and one day you will most certainly be right. 2. Give, as much as you can, as often as you can, there are always others in need. Create impact everyday…. say good morning, hold the door open, help the elderly lady w/ groceries, give up your seat for a pregnant mother. Always look for ways to pay it forward everyday in both large and small ways. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who usually do.” Other people pray for what we take for granted 3. Never tell yourself you cant do something, the mind is the most powerful tool we possess, learn how to use it and anything imaginable becomes possible. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. 4. Exercise every day, even if you dont want to, stretch, go for a walk, do yoga, sit and stand just move your body and you will feel better. Take care of your body its the only place you have to live. 5. Vision- Always have a purpose, see what you want to accomplish before you begin and build upon that idea until it is manifested into reality. Go after your vision with relentless tenacity knowing nothing can keep you from accomplishing what you set your mind to. Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. 6. Surround yourself with positive people who share your vision. Avoid the voices of the naysayers and doubters they are toxic and can easily force you to lose sight of the bigger picture. Keep relationships strong knowing that to accomplish anything great takes more then one person. “Positive things happen to positive people.” 7. Have trust in something higher then yourself or any one human being. Call it God, the universe, intuition, instinct or whatever else you believe just always know there is something greater out there connecting the dots. “Trust the universe, it has a plan for all of us.” 8. Goals- Being committed to some goal in life gives a sense of purpose it is a very motivating, very comforting thing. Once you have a goal create a plan and hold yourself accountable to carrying it out. Set goals often (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) and review them frequently always making sure your goals are in line with your vision. Always know what success will look like through the process. “If people are not laughing at your goals then your goals are not big enough.” 9. Love what you do and do it with passion. Learn something new each day and constantly expand upon your craft. If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. 10. Travel and try new things whenever the opportunity presents itself. Remain a student to the world and always seek out new experiences. Ghandi said it best, Dont tell me what you know, tell me where youve been. 11. Dont be afraid of anything ever! Face your fears head on. Fear is self imposed, it doesnt exists, your mind created it you can destroy it. 12. Never forget where you came from or the roads you’ve traveled. Life will be filled with ups and down. Try not to dwell on the lows or ride the highs for to long. Stay focused on the big picture; remain humble to your past and know that every monumental success started from a meager beginning. Never burn a bridge, you never know when you are going to have to cross over it again in the future.” 13. Everybody, no matter how small or cruel they may seem, has good in them. Look for the good in others and bring it out of them anyway you can youll be surprised what you learn about yourself in the process. I want to inspire people, I want someone to look at me and say, because of you I am a better person.” 14. Work your butt off….”Michael Jordan style” first one in, last one out, no days off, 7 days a week. Success doesn’t sleep! Replace excuses with effort and laziness with determination and watch everything else fall in place. “Success isn’t owned its leased and rent is due everyday.” 15. Work hard, PARTY harder. Never pass up an opportunity to spray some champagne, dance on tables and make new friends. Remember bad decisions make great story’s. And always remember: “Don’t party with boys, if you can’t go to work w/ the men.” 16. Be a person of character, treat everyone equally. Don’t be blind sighted by money or social status….the NFL player, CEO, schoolteacher and janitor all put their pants on one leg at a time. “Reputation is who you are in front of others, Character is who you are when no one is watching.” 17. Eat REAL Food, change one thing a week, do the best with what you have, learn and teach others, insist on ethically farmed options, grow your own, “quit counting calories, start counting chemicals.” Say no to GMO, support local farms, if you can’t pronounce it your body cant digest it. “Food can be the most powerful medicine or the slowest form of poison.” 18. Write it down….whatever it is, nothing becomes real until it is written down. Weather it’ s an idea, thought, invention, recipe. One of the biggest lies you tell yourself is “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.” That sums up the lessons taught to me over the last 30 years in this game called “life.” Knowing what I know now; I am 100% confident, holding myself accountable to these principles; I will be able to accomplish anyone of my highly ambitious goals. In the words of my Jewish best friend (Evan) L’chiam! Bring on the next 30 years!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:11:44 +0000

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