My apologies to everyone for not having done updates for the last - TopicsExpress


My apologies to everyone for not having done updates for the last couple of days. Jenn and the girls were here, and Matt and Haley came up to see them too, weve basically done not much of anything except go back and forth between the motel and the hospital. There are not a lot of updates to report, yet. Jim is going into surgery today for the angioplasty on the left leg that the doctor in Morehead was going to do, but it is being done up here instead. I had to sign a paper that gave permission for them to do that, and for the anesthesia. I was told that if they need to amputate, the doctor will come out and talk to me first. I am not sure if it will be done then, or if it has to be scheduled to be done at a different time. I am praying that it doesnt have to be done at all, but the doctors and nurses here at this hospital feel that the infection, (which may be down into the bone) may be one of the sources of his extreme symptoms of the last 3 - 4 weeks. It obviously wasnt the medication alone, as he has continued to have spells of confusion, etc., just as he was doing at home. I spoke to Dr. Fischer on the phone last night, as well, and she told me that she thinks he has been having small TIAs. She said that the new blood thinner may not be enough, and she may change the medication. He was taken off of his Coumadin, which he had been on since March of last year, 2013. He was changed to a new drug which all of the side effects, etc, hasnt really been thoroughly documented, even though the FDA approved the drug almost right away. It is eloquist that he was switched to. Personally, I hope she does put him back on coumadin, because even I had noticed that on the new one, it was harder to get his finger to bleed when I would poke him to check his blood sugars. It was definitely different than when he was on coumadin. Yesterday was a pretty clear-headed day for him, as well as Sunday. Saturday he had shown some signs of confusion, but not very much. Friday was a confused day. His pain levels have been nearly impossible to control, he was absolutely miserable for most of the hospital stay up until Saturday when the nurse was finally able to get orders for additional medicines to be given in between his regular scheduled pain medicine.Between his neck, now his back is hurting him too, and the foot and leg pain, I know he is miserable. I pray we can get all of that under control soon. I will update tonight on what happens today. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers, and please consider making a purchase from my Etsy shop, and/or donate to the gofundme fundraiser account I have links posted all over my profile about. Or a donation to our paypal account- [email protected]. If you cant find the links to those sites, my shop name is BishopsAntiqueGlass on Etsy, and I can send you the link to the gofundme if you need it. Thank you in advance, everyone. Your prayers are needed more than anything.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:36:56 +0000

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