My appeal oral arguments have been set for Feb 24th in front of 3 - TopicsExpress


My appeal oral arguments have been set for Feb 24th in front of 3 Appellate Judges in Chicago. It is not open to the public. But the audio recording will be up on the 7th Circuit Court website within a few days of Feb 24th. (you can read all my appeal briefs online as well) I should get an answer on my appeal as early as April (although very unlikely that fast). More likely, the answer will come between June and the end of this year (although it could take longer). The outcome, and timing, no matter what is, will be Perfect! The Universe has it Perfect all the time! (most just dont realize it until much, much later, if at all) All IS perfect right feel great NOW (like me!) Now, more exciting and very good news. (all news is just news, it is your THINKING that makes it good or bad...thus ALL news to me is GREAT!) To help pay off the legal expenses and continue to get legal representation, The Kevin Trudeau Legal Defense Fund (KTLegalDefense) will be marketing a monthly emailed newsletter/training course called Kevin Trudeaus Nuggets of Gold. It is time for me to start sharing the revelations and breakthroughs in training/awareness/manifesting that I have been alluding to over the last year on my facebook posts! (Kevin Trudeau Community Face book page) The first newsletter (Feb Edition) will be emailed to all who subscribe, immediately. It is already written and ready to send to you RIGHT NOW! Then each month between the 1st and 5th starting in March, a new edition will be emailed to you. This is and will be a very special, and a very powerful newsletter/training course for you. The Lessons will be like nothing you can imagine. They will be unlike anything you have experienced in my training, or any training ever before. They WILL have a monumental impact on you and the releasing of your abilities. These lessons are not intended to replace any training/courses/books/clubs/seminars/events etc that you are already participating in or involved in. Rather, they will add to and supplement what you are already doing to increase your material success, happiness potential, and life experience. I believe they will make everything work better, faster...and EASIER in your life. Each month the emailed newsletter/training course will contain: -A lesson/message with training/energy/knowledge that will help you manifest your dreams/desires, achieve inner bliss/harmony/joy, and attain complete freedom in all areas of your life on all dimensions. This material will help to release your abilities to a level never before attainable. The material/knowledge is coming from new downloads I have had since making it through the wall of fire...and many other mental/spiritual experiences that I have had the unique and rare opportunity to discover over the last year during my amazing adventure. I have alluded to many of these in my posts on the Kevin Trudeau Community Face book page over the 12 months. (you can go to that page and read them if you have not already read them. I encourage you to do so, as those posts/messages are powerful) -Special training will be specifically on how to overcome adversity, eliminating stress, anxiety, fear, worry and depression. -How to turn ANY situation into YOUR advantage! -How to deal with and get along with ANYONE, even if they hate you, and are trying to hurt you, and actually get them to like you! -How to go through life and never get rattled with ANYTHING. -How to create an environment where everything goes your way and life is effortless and flowing moment by moment. -How to manifest real miracles in your life when needed the most. -How to be totally happy and at peace with REAL inner joy no matter what the outside circumstances are around you! (no matter what people say about you, how many bills/debt you have, how terrible your health is, how bad your life seems etc) -The lessons/messages will be balanced on improving the external conditions of your life (manifesting your material desires), and achieving inner bliss/peace/happiness/joy/spiritual freedom. (Which includes the joy of relationships in all forms) -The lessons/messages will consist of 100% positive words/images/energy and saturated with the essence of Love/Light/ Power. Simply reading each issue can awaken your own inner Power/Energy/Love. Just by reading each issue, you could melt away energy blocks that may be holding you back from manifesting your material goals/desires as well as hindering you from enjoying/experiencing the inner peace/joy that is yours already right now...yet alludes you, and is indescribable with words and beyond normal comprehension. -The lessons/course will be easy and fun to go through, without taking up a huge amount of time or effort. -Also, each month, you get any and all legal updates on my case(s) (subscribers) get them first -All my future face book posts will be emailed to you first before they are posted on Facebook. You will get these sometimes 3-8 weeks in advance. (I write the posts for Facebook and sometimes it might take 2-3 months before those posts actually get posted on the Kevin Trudeau FaceBook Community page. So, as a subscriber, as soon as I write them, they will be emailed to you with each issue!) -Each month I will answer your emailed questions (as a subscriber you can email questions and I will answer them each month!) -And when I am released from prison, (whenever the Universe knows is the Perfect time) all subscribers will be invited to a personal, private, exclusive, subscribers only event where we will meet in person! I will shake your hand, and give you a heartfelt hug and most sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart! This event will be the first public event I will be making after my release. Subscribers will be the only people that will be invited to this very private, special, public event! I will also have the honor of getting a personal photo with you, which we will both get a digital copy. Our photo together, with your name, will be put on my personal Wall of Honor for all to see. I want the world to know who stood by me in my battle for Civil Liberties and Individual Personal Freedoms for all. I will never be able to thank you enough. I appreciate you with my deepest love and admiration. I am humbled by your support. Each monthly issue will shed light on the problems you are facing in manifesting your dreams and achieving inner peace/bliss, but more importantly, it will FOCUS on the SOLUTIONS. (it will focus on what you want, not what you do not want!) Each issue will be upbeat, motivating, inspiring, positive, revolutionary in its material/data and method of teaching, and will simply be a groundbreaking educational/training/awakening course for Successful Daily Living! It will make you feel great after every reading. The messages/lessons will be embedded with strong awakening energy that will have a beneficial effect on all who read it. Subscribers and I will have a special bond and connection, as I will always be so personally appreciative, directly, to each and every subscriber in a very intimate way. I encourage you to consider subscribing to Nuggets of Gold. You will be helping me personally. (For which I will always remember) And YOU will be benefitting tremendously from the material/training and life changing energy transfers that you will be receiving each month. Go to the link below and subscribe now. The cost is just pennies a day. The value to you...I promise.....will be priceless! Click on the #3 Donate Button and put Newsletter in the comment box. You can make a donation of $19.95 per month (MAKE SURE you hit the recurring payment after you put in 19.95) OR you can make a one time annual payment of just $210. (Which gets you the next 12 issues) That is a huge savings. Just donate $210 and receive a year subscription as our gift to you (or donate $19.95 per month as a RECURRING CHARGE..make sure you hit that recurring button please if you are taking the $19.95 option!) Of course you can cancel at any time. When you subscribe, you will be emailed the first issue along with several Facebook posts that are in the queue to be put up on the Kevin Trudeau Community Facebook page over the next 2 months! YOU will get all those face book posts RIGHT NOW! And I can tell you....they are ALL extremely powerful! All proceeds go the Legal Defense Fund (the law Firm of Winston and Strawn) for all my (KTs) legal expenses past, present and future. Each Newsletter is written by me (KT) personally. Please share this message/email with as many people as you can. Email this to every one you know. Talk about it in Social Media. Text them. Spread the word. Post this on the Internet, in as many places as possible. Really promote this. Get the word out. Those who do the lots of promotion of this will be honored and recognized at the first event for your efforts, as well as in all Newsletters. This is exciting. The best is yet to come for all of you. Please accept my humble and sincere thank you for all your love and support over the last years as this adventure has been unfolding. You are a part of history. You are seeing in real time” the training in action. You are lucky. You are special. YOUR thoughts and vibration has brought us together in this powerful intimate way. The next Chapter is about to on board! With love and respect to you.....KNOW with certainty....I WILL see YOU at the TOP! KT ktlegaldefense/KT_Legal_Defense/Welcome
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:25:35 +0000

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