My argument is simple - Every Muslim MUST openly condemn Khawarij - TopicsExpress


My argument is simple - Every Muslim MUST openly condemn Khawarij & their allies in this final phase of war. If you do not condemn them, you are part of them. Period. Ulama and scholars have the greatest responsibility. If anyone is a scholar, opinion maker or leader, he MUST openly attack the Khawarij or we will attack him ! Islam & sunnah of Rasul Allah (sm) does NOT teach us to stay silent over zulm of Zalim. There is NO neutrality in times of decisive war between Mominen & Khawarij, between Ummah and Mushrikeen. Scholars and opinion leaders must speak out now. They cannot stay silent or they are partners of Kufr and zulm. There is NO Islam outside the sunnah of Rasul Allah (sm). Rasul Allah has asked us to help our brothers even if he is a Zalim or Mazloom, and further explained that helping your Zalim brothers mean that you stop them from Zulm ! Those so called scholars who are afraid or are partners of Kufr will be targeted. They are Ulama e Soo and we will rip them apart on FB as we rip the Khawarj !! anyone has a problem with this ??
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:13:17 +0000

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