My argument to the Obama “birther movement” For a moment, - TopicsExpress


My argument to the Obama “birther movement” For a moment, as brief as it may be, let’s just pretend you are right. After all your accusations, hooting and hollering, propaganda—let’s play along and concede your argument. That would mean this “foreigner,” for which you show such spite for being just that, received high enough marks within an American school system to be accepted into college. Mind you, that many of those who are born here struggle for reasons ranging from ability to straight up apathy. Yes, Mr. Obama did well enough to pass an American high school that many Americans do not. Then, well then this “non-American” went on and completed his bachelor’s degree. Not a giant accomplishment for some, but since statistics show that less that half (closer to one-third) of Americans actually possess a bachelor’s degree---not too shabby. Oh, for those who want to jump on the privileged bandwagon, or silver spoon argument, just remember you are accusing him from being from a Kenyan village—not a rich one either. Apparently, this Kenyan was pretty smart. He moved on from his bachelors, to his masters---oh, and he received his doctorate too. No, it wasnt in underwater basket weaving. He actually earned it as a constitutional law professor. Let that sink in. This non-American knows more about America than probably 75-80% of actual Americans. I don’t know about you, but if we are playing along—I’d be embarrassed. However, I am done playing along. My argument is that this “foreigner,” as you’re so fond of insinuating, was then elected to the United States Senate and then to the President of the United States of America—twice mind you. Do I agree with all of his policies, actions, or inactions---of course not. No President, regardless of political affiliations or beliefs will ever be perfect. But, even if your argument were a valid one, it is based in absurdity or promoted through Fox News and other Right-Wing propaganda machines. A dose of truth and reality? Fine! Yes, this President is more knowledgeable about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and various other historical documents we probably arent even historically aware of. Call him a foreigner, call him a Muslim, call him whatever you choose, but in the end perhaps you should be more ashamed of yourself because that foreigner, that Muslim, that person you hate so much, has demonstrated more passion and dedication to becoming a true American than many others who were born with that title and demonstrated nothing more than complacency. I’m done playing now, GAME OVER!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:05:56 +0000

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