My astrologer Sheila Myers literally... FINALLY.. pin-pointed for - TopicsExpress


My astrologer Sheila Myers literally... FINALLY.. pin-pointed for me exactly what I needed to hear about my shadow side!!! If I had read what she sent to me today years ago.. I think I would have had SUCH a different life right now because I would have made way more empowering choices!!... (Also I understand why Im drawn to move to Texas, Florida, or some place super sunshiny & tropical!!) This aspect in my chart looks pretty dark..... but I feel like this is also what gives me compassion and understanding in the world... yay!! lol.. go astrology!! :) Its so relieving to have some insight and understanding!! Astrology can be such a powerful tool to learn about all of the different aspects of you because it gives you such a clear blueprint of your personality and what youre working with!!..It shows you the light sides and the dark/shadow sides as well as gives you a full picture and more perspective on your personality so that you can strategize and learn how to make better choices with the Divine Gift/Tool (your physical body) that youre given :) When you have a better understanding of YOU, it helps you to react less and make more Conscious Choices. (Of course this is still going to take some practice.. but awareness is the first point/moment where youre able to create powerful change.) Heres parts of my shadow self.. dun dun dun.. being exposed out in the sunlight!! :) I can totally see how I was like this a lot more when I was younger before I had powerful tools like BodyTalk or Reiki...... and how when Im in low points or critical situations.. I can dip into these lows.... craaazzyyy.. ahh.. astrology is so crazy... lol :) Thank you again Sheila Myers!! :) Thank you for your gifts of insight!! Often the individual who has Lilith positioned in Capricorn is prone to melancholy and depression. The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn. This planet is responsible for old age, burial places, history, past, long processes, loneliness, solitude, cold and withdrawal. Therefore, Lilith positioned in Capricorn is linked to these qualities. The negative side of Saturns expression can be described as the individual being like a millstone to themselves. The individual in their twenties starts speaking about old age and death. Sometimes they start developing these issues in their teens. Sadness is the individuals constant companion and they are constantly looking back at better times. The individual will exaggerate illnesses. Disharmonious aspects of Saturn are disbelief, pessimism, fatalism, withdrawal, extreme parsimony, exaggerated caution, solitude, passivity, bad smell and slovenliness. Often the individual complains more than others, but lives a long life. The individual may become cruel in their revenge for the solitude they themselves have chosen. The individual may persecute their enemies for many years. The individual will exaggerate and will not forget any grievances. Love and inspiration may die in the presence of their selfishness, withdrawal, suspicion and parsimony. In the extreme instance, the home of the individual turns into a cellar or even a worse place full of various old and unnecessary things; this characteristic applies when Lilith is especially strong. Lilith draws a picture of the individual who is a grumbler or a reserved person who is always blaming others for their misfortunes. The individual should learn to rejoice, love, open and communicate no matter how hard it can be. The individual should develop forgiveness, lightness, optimism and humor. The individual should not give prominence too much to themselves and should allow their friends and relatives to teach them to develop love, forgiveness, optimism and tenderness. It is especially important for the individual to learn to relax, rejoice, and shift their attention from themselves to the surrounding world. The individual would do well to move about regularly, go in for sports and be careful not to stiffen, close, or pass into loneliness, because then Lilith would gain its greatest power. The individual should not live in gloomy and dark places and avoid wearing black, dark blue and brown colors in their outfits. The individual should welcome white, green and peach colors. Reading this last part.. yes.. totally.. I need to wear bright colors, be in sunshine, and move around and work out all the time!! :) (Also... I am pretty sure that I need to be eating mangos a lot..) :)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 19:57:19 +0000

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