My beloved Gatsby has died. I had to put him to sleep yesterday. - TopicsExpress


My beloved Gatsby has died. I had to put him to sleep yesterday. *cry* He was crying this heartbreaking little high pitched wail and throwing up. He had a problem with throwing up for a few months, but he rebounded and ate so we assumed that he had an intestinal problem--not cancer. However, the vet found a mass yesterday. His body temperature was 6 degrees below normal and his heart rate was only 120 rather than a normal 250 so he was already dying. He was obviously in pain so we had him put to sleep right away rather than waiting for him to die naturally which was imminent. We buried him today. I feel like there is a huge hole in my heart which will never be filled. Gatsby was my little baby who used to curl up next to me and sleep with his head on my shoulder. I just cant believe that he is gone now. At least he didnt suffer long. I could tell by his behavior before the last 3 days that he was not in pain. It was only on Monday night that he started to wail. Previously, he would be hungry and eat after throwing up. More importantly, he didnt hide and was affectionate so we assumed that he had an intestinal problem rather than cancer. An X-ray done a few months ago showed a thickening of the intestinal wall, and the vet was uncertain of what was wrong with him although he did suspect cancer. I was clinging to the possibility that it was only an intestinal problem. My heart is completely broken. *cry* I am really sorry for my absence. I needed to just withdraw to sort my life out which is still in complete disarray, but I have done a lot of housecleaning, and I have gotten rid of tons of stuff--especially clothes that I had in the garage. I want to eliminate clutter. I still have to tackle my backroom where I store my jewelry making supplies and my infamous closet which is a complete and total wreck. The backroom is pretty bad too. However, I have NO desire to do anything right now. I just want to sleep into oblivion and forget about everything. I hope that you all had a really Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas. Between my mother-in-laws heart condition, Gatsbys death, my health problems along with other various problems, 2015 is shaping up to be the year from hell. I love you all. I didnt post that I was not going to be here and would deactivate my account because every time that I did that, I was here even more. I probably came across as a narcissistic drama queen who was just looking for attention. Perhaps I sound like one now. *sigh* There are so many of you who post nothing about yourselves so how can this post not seem narcissistic to you? :-( I wish that more people here would open up more. When I realized that I wasnt going to be here for a long time, I should have deactivated my account. I am sorry, everyone. Hugs.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:49:13 +0000

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