My beloved country Nigeria has been thrown into controversy after - TopicsExpress


My beloved country Nigeria has been thrown into controversy after some ridiculous allegations by some Muslims and Islamic groups across the country, stating that the Federal government replaced the Arabic symbol in the N100 note with a Jewish state sign. The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), prominent among them, through its Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola, demanded immediate explanation from the government. Well It is worth noting that, Nigeria a secular state has Arabic writings with the Ajami script written on its N100 note, N200, N500 and N1,000 denominations likewise for over 50 years and these agitators are questioning why it was removed and replaced with the Jewish symbol, the Star of David. MURIC claimed that the decision was tainted with undisguised religious fanaticism. Firstly it is important to Note that these allegation by these Muslim groups were spurious, unfounded and a direct ploy to cause confusion in the country. CHECK THE ABOVE PHOTO The Jewish symbol, the star of David is a Triangular shaped sign with six points, while the symbol on the new N100 note is rectangular shaped with 8 points and has no link in form of shape, size or meaning. These trouble shooters, are not illiterates in any form and therefore know exactly what they are doing. As usual, the sentiment they want is a religious one, especially as Nigerian Presidential election draws nearer. Come to think of it, what moral right do these bunch of people have, after acknowledging publicly that the replaced Arabic sign has been in the Nigerian currency since 1960, in a country where there are other religions? Does that mean that the disgruntled groups think that people of other faiths are fools? that they refused to complain when Arabic sign was inserted in our currency for nearly 60 years? These propaganda, lies and fabrications must stop. Nigeria has no better alternative to Peace. Those fomenting trouble, inciting the less educated and threatening bloodbath should understand. The symbol in the new N100 has nothing to do with the Jewish state or any religion and these noisemakers are aware of this fact, and even if it is indeed a Jewish symbol how is this a big deal? is Nigeria an Islamic state Like Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Pakistan? isnt Nigeria Also occupied by A Christian Majority? its clearly obvious that you are ill informed about Christianity because you seem not to know the relationship between Judaism and Christianity well let me tell you Christianity was born as a result of the fulfillment of the Jewish Messianic prophecies so if our ancestral founding fathers symbols where to replace the one of Islam on the N100 note which is one of the lowest denominations of the Nigerian currency how is this a big deal? i mean the Arabic inscriptions are still on the N200 Notes, N500, and N1,000 Notes respectively isn’t this even been biased i mean if it where to be Jewish inscriptions on 3notes and arabic inscription on just only 1 note Nigeria would have long gone into another civil war. What is your own business if President Goodluck Jonathan Employs Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as his personal body guard who where you expecting him to employ? Imam Abubakar Shekau or Caliph Ibrahim AKA Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Left to me President Goodluck Jonathan does not owe you or any Muslim organization any explanations if he tomorrow decides to remove all the Arabic Ajami on the rest naira notes denominations the only thing you can do about it is adapt and teach your muslim followers how to identify our beloved new naira notes or better still pack your luggages and relocate to Saudi Arabia because their notes are baptized with Arabic inscriptions and some even have the photo of the Holy Islamic Shrine Kaaba on it. I would have been able to resist writing this entire Lengthy article till i read the very last Paragraph of the MURIC’s Article MURIC appeals to Muslims nationwide to await President Jonathan’s response to the above questions and to remain calm and law abiding. Islam teaches tolerance (Qur’an 3:134) and obedience to constituted authority (Qur’an 4:59).” This is the height of Propaganda, Lies, Hypocrisy and deceit, traits which all Muslims usually Posses and are extremely good at exhibiting. Now 99% of Nigerians will not be able to detect where exactly this deceit is in that statement but by the time you are through with this article you will be shocked, MURIC in an attempt to make Islam look like a peaceful and law abiding religion Quoted Quran 4:59 out of context because they know all Christians in Nigeria are all bunch of ignorant people and no one will ever be able to detect the lies. firstly Now let us see what: Quran 4:59 says – O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result. At first glance it suits perfectly well into their propaganda but highly intelligent people like us cannot be easily fooled Let Us Read from Context And Understand The Historical Context Behind this verses Qur’an 4 :51 – Do you not see how those given a share of the Scripture, [evidently] now believe in idols and evil powers? (Taghut) They say of the disbelievers(Pagans), ‘They are more rightly guided than the believers(Muslims). It was an actual event in which a group of disbelieving Meccans went to two eminent Jewish figures for counsel on the truth of Muhammad’s teachings and were told that the pagans were more rightly guided than Muslims. Prophet Muhammad was simply indirectly instructing Muslims not to ever go and acquire knowledge outside Islam, its Just like an Agric teacher teaching you maths and you tell him you are not understanding his classes he then instructs you to go meet the Agric class prefect. So with that you can now understand that The Above verse Quran 4:59 does not in anyway tell Muslims to obey constituted authority instead it tells (Believers)Muslims to only obey (Believers)Muslims in authority Just Like Boko Haram are Currently doing Boko Haram do not recognize constituted authority because that is exactly what the Quran told them to do, Come to Think of it This So called MURIC why havent we seen them Publicly Condemn Boko Haram Who are Killing Thousands of Christians in the Name of Islam? well lets leave that issue and face the one on ground, the message which that verse conveys is quite simple and it goes like this ”Oh Muslims obey Allah and his Messenger and submit obediently to only Muslims in authority among you” When this verse actually says ”Obey those in Authority among you” it is not in any way referring to President Goodluck Jonathan or President Obama instead it refers to Muslims in high places i.e the 4 rightly guided Caliphs, Imams, Sultans, Ahl al-Bayt (Descendants and family of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) these are the kind of people Prophet Muhammad regarded as ”those who have authority ” For Argument sake lets assume that the first line of that verse instructs Muslims to obey Government and Constitution, then lets put the next statement in that verse to test ”And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger” well lets then address the issue of Child Marriage and lets refer or pass the bill to Allah and his beloved Messenger Prophet Muhammad, my brothers and sisters the result is you will find out that senator yerima who married a 13year old girl has been fighting a good cause all this while. Well you ‘ve probably started yelling ”oh ye Somto Monanu you are even worse than Muslims what kind of propaganda is this one?” well to better understand what the above verse Quran 4:59 is actually saying read the immediate next verse Quran 4:60 Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray. I Love the usage of words here most Legislation and Taghut but to understand this Perfectly you need to first fully understand what the word Taghut means Taghut is an arabic word which means to “cross the limits, overstep boundaries,” or “to rebel.” it is also variously interpreted to mean idols, a specific tyrant, an oracle, or an opponent of the Prophet. In Islamic theology, the word refers to idolatry or to worship anything except Allah. Most Christians donnot know this but Muslims classify Christians as Idol Worshipers because of the Trinity(3 persons in 1 God) Muslims say Christians are worshiping 3 gods and as a matter of fact been a Christian is the only Unforgivable sin in Islam its Called ”Shirk” Associating Companions with Allah so therefore all Christians are condemned to Hellfire. Taghut also means one who exceed their limits or who has greatly erred against Allah . The first stage of Error (taghut) is fisq (i.e. disobeying God without denying that one should obey Him), the second is kufr, (i.e. rejection of the very idea that one should obey God). The last stage would be not only to rebel against God but also impose their rebellion against the will of God upon others. Those who reach this stage are Taghut. Now forget about the bunch of hypocrites you find working at MURIC A True Muslim i.e those in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan ISIS and Boko Haram etc believes that Constitutions are sets of man made laws been forcefully imposed on Muslims, A True Muslim believes in The Quran he also believes that, Sharia is The Law of Allah and Muhammad is the Last Prophet and not Jesus:
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:53:06 +0000

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