My beloved friends , love & miss u all , have been so quiet ! Just - TopicsExpress


My beloved friends , love & miss u all , have been so quiet ! Just cant bare the hurt , pain & suffering for the Palestinians & all religions living in Israel . Why Ban Ki Moon ,Head of the UN , do U always say this Must Stop , the shelling , building & destroying & NEVER once mention HAMAS! The blood & destruction of ALL is on their hands alone! How about , HAMAS , STOP starting to fire 1,000s of rockets onto civilians , 3,500 in 3 weeks to be sort of exact! Stop Starting ! Stop firing from within Mosques , Hospitals & UN safe harbors & schools ? Do u expect ANY civilized nation on the planet to accept 3,500 missiles being fired onto their loved ones 24 hrs. a day , to NOT destroy the launching sites that they fire from ? UN Schools , Mosques & Hospitals! You make me sick that u NEVER even mention the source & cause of the entire problem! Killing & threatening their women, children & men , that try to evacuate when IDF ALWAYS warns then ahead of threat! Israel is like their alarm system,but HAMAS wants their human shields to be hurt & killed simply to make their media propaganda make Israel look like the aggressors.IDF warns & HAMAS places them in the center of harms way ,even kills those that try to evacuate , just like the entire Israeli nation has to do 24/7 with missiles raining down into schools , kindergartens , hospitals & homes.Try just ONCE telling HAMAS to STOP Starting the missiles that Have to be destroyed by any sane government trying to secure its people.Ive had it ! Hate & grieve for every human life lost! Do not see terrorists that live to kill , as human beings,sorry!Why NEVER tell the world of ALL the thriving 30 yr businesses left in Gaza to help the Palestinians , Destroyed ! Each & every single one , by HAMAS , as rather than help support the Palestinian people , wipe out all ,destroy the income to replace with a launching pad into Israel to wipe the country off the map! You get up U& Deceive the World Everyday! Enough PROOF of videos today showing HAMAS , the CONSTANT aggressors , setting up launching pads in hospitals , schools & right on doorstep of UN safe houses ! Tell HAMAS to stop! Or come with your loved ones & live in Israel & see what u would do with 3,500 missiles raining on them 24/7! Forgive the rant! Hate politics , corruption etc. How many civilians dead in Syria , Libya , Afghanistan , Iraq , just to name a few! I have Palestinian friends that HATE HAMAS.They see clearly who cares for their lives ! Give HAMAS open ports & airports .100 tunnels 60 feet underground , built with cement sent to the Palestinian people for schools & hospitals! Rather spend ALL those billions on tunnels to kidnap ,Massacre & kill! Looked like an underground network! Sick of the UN & Ban Ki Moon & His reports , NEVER even mentioning the cause of all the destruction! You lie every time your lips move! Tell the world WHY the UN school , the Mosque , the hospital & home.Not ALWAYS This must stop Israel.Dont start raining missiles on hospitals m, homes , malls , schools , in fact Anywhere that you can kill the most civilians....I love u all & this is a fight that is already spreading & is situated within Europe , USA & ALL the western free world of democracy! Its in a home right near all now! Terrorists are insane.They live for death & destruction on democracy ! Live & let live isnt in their vocabulary...So sorry for this ! Im real live original hippie,peace & love.What a joke! Never have cared about your color , religion , belief , love & respect your right of Life & choice.Not religious.Believe in One energy , God , whatever you want to call the One in ALL .The Creator of ALL , that keeps ALL in motion.Dont even have to remember to breathe ! We all born exactly the same way & die.Live & let live! RIP all that have been killed at the hand of HAMAS , Al Qaeda , Jihad ,Any radical , any religion of Any terrorist! Wake up & smell the coffee & love your gift of Life.Thats the miracle & gift to ALL! Love you all....couldnt hear Ban Ki Moon say it ONCE MORE without Mentioning HAMAS! Like blaming the country destroyed by an earthquake tsunami , hurricane , tornado.Blame the victims for the destruction.Why was ALL destroyed? Thats the question to ask & what would u do to protect ALL human life! Arabs , Jews , Christian , Muslims.LIFE! They want to kill Jews , but Israel has EVERY religion that needs to be protected.Do the Terrorists care about killing their own & Christians & the tapestry of cultures living here? Enough said! Enjoy your day , your blessing of Life & watch out who you trust & believe.Have seen it all with my own eyes! TY my 4 Palestinian friends that pushed me into their safe room in the pharmacy last week.They are My choice of pharmacists! Love them all! TY again!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:05:14 +0000

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