My blog thought of the day is for men only, so dudes listen - TopicsExpress


My blog thought of the day is for men only, so dudes listen up... Guys you wonder why women are so obsessed with their weight and why your daughters grow up with body image issues? Well maybe you better check yourself to see if your behaviors and attitude toward the females in your life are contributing to this weight/body image sickness that is driving this billion dollar body obsessed industry. When was the last time you complimented your woman on who she is as a person rather than focusing in her ass size? When was the last time you told her how great she looks without reference to her having gained or lost weight? When was the last time you told her that her heart mind and soul is what you find so beautiful about her? When was the last time you truly appreciated her for being the fantastic woman, wife and mother that she is? When was the last time that you looked deeply into her eyes and truly got to know her? When was the last time you told her that her eyes make you melt or that her laugh makes your heart smile or that her kisses send you to the moon? Guys, I dont care if she is struggling to lose weight or has gained 10 pounds on this new diet she is trying, NEVER EVER EVER make her weight the focus of a conversation with her and for gosh sakes, DONT ever be the one to start that conversation!!! Sure, if she says Baby Ive lost some weight and you havent said a thing about it or you dont seem to care or notice at all! This is your cue to take her in your arms and hold her very close and tight to your body and say something sweet like, Baby, I look at you every day and I feel so fortunate to be with you and to be loved by you and Im sorry I didnt mention how great you look, but frankly I appreciate so much about you that I sometimes just dont know where to begin telling you! Yes Im happy for you if you have lost weight to make yourself happy, but dont do it for me because I love you just the way you are! You dont need to change for me, but if it makes you happy then it makes me happy for you. I am proud to be seen with you Anywhere and everywhere we go so dont be losing weight for me, cause you already have me hook, line and sinker! You are just simply stunning and beautiful to me from the inside out just the way you are! Then lay a kiss on her that literally makes her clothes fall off right there! When you say stuff like yea I thought your ass looked better lately, keep up the good work that implies to us that something was wrong with us before and we feed on that negative shit! The secret to making a woman happy is to accept her for exactly who she is and let her know how much she is loved and appreciated PERIOD!! No ifs, and, or buts about it!! EXACTLY THE WAY SHE IS NOW! Thats the secret! WE ARE NOT LIKE YOU!! AND OUR BODIES ARE NOT LIKE YOURS!! Men can eat many times the calories we do and never gain weight or cut out just one soda a day and lose weight. For the most part, It doesnt work like that for us. Biologically speaking, we are built to store fat because that is what helps us to conceive and makes good healthy babies and lots of rich milk for feeding those good healthy babies! In fact, it is not uncommon for women who are too thin to not even be able to conceive because the womans body will shut down until she has a certain percentage of body fat to make child bearing possible again. And OMG dont even get me started on what a nightmare pregnancy works on your body as far as stretching it out of shape and ruining what was once that tight ass and perky boobs! All I can say about that is, you better not be the one to suggest the tummy tuck or the boob job, but if she wants it let her do it FOR HER not for you because remember above all you love her just the way she is!! And please for gosh sakes try to contain your glee at the thought of her getting that body back at the hands if some very painful surgery! Remember - supportive is ok, gleeful is just rude! YOU HAVE NO FREAKIN IDEA WHAT ITS LIKE TO BATTLE THIS BODY ON A DAILY BASIS JUST TO STAY BELOW 300 lbs!! So dont ever ever ever try to give her suggestions on how to lose weight! For the most part, most women do NOT respond well to being encouraged or challenged to lose weight! In fact, it quite frequently works in just the opposite direction. We begin to obsess about our weight and we starve, we binge, we purge and usually fund that we gain more weight than before because we get caught in what feels to us like a helpless never ending cycle of weight loss and gain. Hence the sicknesses that come from that obsession. Learn to appreciate your woman for what she brings to this relationship and get the focus off her cellulite! If she is struggling with her weight and any other issues, you might find that some sweet love and acceptance will go a long way in getting you what you want out of this relationship. In the end, if you cant love her just the way she is THEN GET THE F*** OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP!! IF YOU HAVE KIDS THEN START READING SOME GOOD BOOKS ON HOW TO CO-PARENT AS A DIVORCED COUPLE, cause you need to accept her or get out, plain and simple!! And yes, as a final note, you do stand the risk of turning your wife into a lesbian and driving her into the arms of her best girlfriend who tells her how great she is if you dont cut that shit out! Jus sayin...LOL!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:53:45 +0000

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