My boots thumped quietly on the sidewalk in a percussive pattern - TopicsExpress


My boots thumped quietly on the sidewalk in a percussive pattern as I walked. Two thumps for each step, heel and toe. Thump-thump, thump-thump. My boot’s sound reminded me of a heartbeat, the rythym of life. My arms swung at my sides, freely, brushing against the sides of my loose black jeans every now and then. I kept walking down the dark sidewalk, focusing on nothing as I merely wandered. My heart suddenly felt as if it had skipped a beat, and it had made me stop walking. Light slowly poured onto the street, and the sidewalk. I watched the bluish light as it illuminated things in the street, but stole their color. It was moonlight that was doing this... My heart picked up in pace, and adrenaline slowly poured into my blood, my mind pleading for me not to look up. Regrettably, my eyes slid up the buildings on the side of the road, up more and more, into the sky, until my focus came to rest on the moon. It was partly hidden by clouds, but slowly they escaped the moon’s grasp, and revealed the silvery moonlight. The moon was full, and shone as if a silver spotlight. I stared at it, not able to take my eyes off of it. I was locked onto it. I was ensnared by it’s spell. I tried to turn my head away, but in vain. No matter how hard I fought, no matter how hard I wanted to, I couldn’t look away. My breathing stopped, my mind stopped. Time itself felt like it stopped... all that existed were myself and the moon. The spell of the moon, taunting me, tempting me, holding me with an invisible force. My head began to ache, but I didn’t care. My skin began to burn, but I didn’t care. Clouds finally crept between my eyes and the moon, allowing me just the edge I needed to break the spell. As soon as I did though, the most hellborne pain raced through my body, my veins on fire. As soon as I was loose, despite my pain, I ran. I ran with every inch of strength in my legs. I ran almost too fast. I nearly stumbled. Finally, I did stumble, I fell, rolled on my shoulder, and tried to keep on my feet, but had too much inertia, and was sent tumbling onto my hands. I slid for a small distance, before stopping, and panting. Now I couldn’t move. My muscles felt locked, and wouldn’t let go. I stare at the ground, panting, trying to catch my breath, while my mouth gaped open. My stomach wrenched, and I almost vomited. Nothing came out, but there was so much pressure behind my eyes, I thought they would burst from their sockets. My eyes clenched shut, as my body pushed again, nothing coming out. Then, I felt a warm sensation in my mouth, feeling it trail down my tongue, and drip off. I opened my eyes, to see a few small blood droplets hit the ground, splattering in small circles, in a rythmic pattern. Finally, as I pulled to regain control of my body, it worked. I climbed back to my feet and began running again, panting, trying to get the taste of blood out of my mouth. I hadn’t seen it, but I knew it happened. The moonlight, just a ray, escaped the clouds, and landed on my back. I knew it did, because when the light touched me, The horrible pain returned, stronger than ever. It caused me to yell out in agony, as I ran. I kept running, stumbling over my own feet. My panting breaths were quickly not becoming enough to keep my muscles fueled. I felt weaker and weaker as I ran. I was coming up on my house, thankfully. I slipped and fell again, as I slowed to climb the stoop to my door, but quickly picked myself up and kept running. I pulled open the door, and ran inside, falling again, and yelling out as quietly as my body would allow, trying to fight the pulsing pain. My hands shook as I reached out for un-existant help. I clasped my hand onto the first stair, then crawled on my hands and knees, trying to get to the top of the stairs. I turned myself onto my back, and lay on the stairs, my eyes clenching shut. One hand gripped the overhang of the stair, the other on the handrail, tightly. I knew it was going to happen. I just wish I had thought about it, before going out. I forced myself to let go of my grips, then sit up. My body was quickly racking with more and more pain. I knew it was close. I pulled up my pants leg, then quickly untied my boots, and pushed them off, then undid the button and fly of my pants, before it finally started. My stomach pushed me down against the stairs, the overhangs driving into my back, with a yell of pain. I flipped myself onto my stomach and kept crawling up the stairs, trying my hardest. My eyes were clenched shut so tightly, they nearly bled. My fingers traveled up the stairs, finding grips and pulling me up. The steps felt like they were going on forever. I was surprised I was still going, with this pain. Finally, I made it to the top of the stairs, but it only got harder. My muscles began to lock, and ache when I moved. I forced myself to keep moving. It hurt so badly, I cannot even begin to describe it. It felt like hundreds upon hundreds of needles, or knives even, were jabbing into my flesh, slashing my muscles, fire running rampant through my veins, my head pounding with pain, blood dribbling down my face. I shouted and growled in pain, as I forced my arms and legs to work in unison, to pull me farther along the floor. I moved like a machine, thinking; left arm, right leg, right arm, left leg, moving in a rythmic pattern. At least this thought kept the pain out of mind. My fingers found cold tile. I was in the bathroom. With an inhuman amount of determination, I pushed my stomach from the ground, then grabbed the sink’s edge, and pulled myself up. As I stood somewhat erect, the pain grew worse and worse. I held myself up, watching the mirror on the wall in front of me. My eyes were gold... a deep, shining gold; the kind of gold you would see on a wedding band, and bleeding from all corners. My mouth gaped as I gasped for breath, but blood dribbled down my chin, down my cheeks. My teeth, more importantly, my canine teeth were longer and sharper than usual. They were uncomfortably large, but at this moment, everything was uncomfortable. My eyes faultered from the pain. I felt my hair falling and sticking to my face from the blood. One last time I opened my eyes, to see the mirror. My hair hung down farther and farther in front of my face. That was the last thing I saw, before I slipped from the sink, and passed out before I landed. Time became nothing. Nothing but blackness around me. I sat in my quiet abyss, staring into the dark, knowing it had taken me over. How stupid was not to remember the night. What was I thinking? In my mind, I was trapped. I could see not what it could see, I could hear not what it could hear. I was in a black box, tucked away from my body, waiting, just waiting for it to end, guilt racking at me and my prayers up to heaven, whispered by my manifested lips, praying that I didn’t kill anyone. I hoped with all my soul and my tortured body that I didn’t kill anyone this night. I sat and rocked, my knees against my chest, my arms wrapped around them, sitting, thinking, waiting for this to be over. Time crept. What I wouldn’t give, just to see what my twisted body was doing... In a moment’s notice, I closed my eyes, and as I opened them, I awoke. The wind was blowing in my face, as I had thought it would. I blinked a few times with my eyes closed, then slowly slid them open. I saw the city skyline, sideways. I blinked a few more times, then slowly started to move. I had been in a comfortable position, but in an uncomfortable place. I didn’t panic, because I might slip if I did. I was lying on the 2-foot wide ledge, on top of a 12 story building, somewhere in the industrial area of the city. The buisness’ were open, factories working, and the sound of traffic down below me. So this is where it had chosen to sleep... Suddenly it snapped in my mind. I swiped my lips with my arm, to find any incriminating evidence. ... There was a large smear of blood on my arm, where I had swiped. I had killed, or bitten at least. Either was a horrible thought. I had either killed someone, or cursed someone. Guilt started to hack away at my soul. My undoing of my pants kept them from being torn from it, but the leggings near the bottom were torn, minimally. I slowly cuffed my pants up to the point where the tears could not be seen, but saw that I was barefoot. Walking home without shoes would be quite a chore. I slid to where I could sit, my legs on the safe side of the ledge, looking down at the gravel placed on the roof, then held my head in my hands, and closed my eyes. What a beast I am...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:11:38 +0000

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