My boss had to drop off some mozzarella cheese to get us through - TopicsExpress


My boss had to drop off some mozzarella cheese to get us through the end of the Italian Chicken Sandwich promotion, today. Hed told me on the phone this morning that hed be visiting everyone tomorrow to say goodbye (his last day on the job as our supervisor is Wednesday, which is my day off) as hes retiring after over three decades on the job for PDM. Ive known him, and worked for him for two of those decades. When he dropped off the cheese, he extended his hand and told me he wanted to say goodbye and thank me. This caught me off guard. Wed taken up a small collection for the mans mother who died a week ago today, and I needed to buy a sympathy card, though the check for a memorial donation was drafted and ready to mail. His Christmas present was at the house, and I planned to bring it to work tomorrow. I also wanted to buy a happy retirement card for a man Ive truly respected for most of my career with the company. I thought I had time ... He grabbed my hand firmly, but warmly, and smiled at me as he tried to say goodbye. This man knows me very well. Theres been very few times that we might have locked horns throughout our mutual tenures, but if it turned out that he was wrong, he easily admitted it and apologized. Hes advised me, praised me when I deserved it, always went to bat and fought for his managers when the company sometimes seemed to try to short-end us, or didnt treat us with the respect he felt we deserved ... Over the years, hes told me that Im the most honest person he has ever met. Hes told me what a great manager I am and how he appreciates the way I do my job. Hes often referred to me as a very kind and generous soul. Hes been a mentor and most importantly, a friend. Hes had my back many times when someone was trying to plunge a knife between my shoulder blades. When I interviewed with him 20 years ago, he asked me why I wanted to leave my employment with Turkey Hill. I told him I felt I was married to the job. I wanted a job that was more of an engagement! He told me hed get back to me within a couple weeks with his decision, but called me the next day and offered me the job. I stalled, and he growled and asked why I was hesitant. I admitted that I dont like changes of any kind; even good changes. Ive been driving that poor man nuts ever since! ;) He knows me. When Im angry, I get quiet. There were times I was stewing over something; a stupid little miss-communication or something, and hed be talking to me, and my replies were brief. And Id hear an eventual sigh on the other end of the phone followed by a okay, what did I do to you now? And wed talk it out, and all would be fine. He also knew that when I get really, REALLY angry, I cry. Of course, if it was a phone conversation we were having, Id remind him of that pesky quirk and relay my frustration through a choking voice he tried to ignore. Recently, hed sat me down to talk to me, but what he was telling me was of a happy nature; praise for the way Id been running the store while the head manager was out on an extended sick-leave. He saw my bottom lip quivering and tears bubbling up in my eyes. He cringed and said, oh no ... I admitted that I also cry when Im very happy, and that they were happy tears. That inspired a relieved sigh from across the table. Today, after he shook my hand and I broke that embrace to dart around the counter to hug him, he couldnt miss that I was crying. He didnt mention my tears. Im going to miss you, Girl. He said. It has truly been an honor to work for this man, and with this man for the past 20 years. Ill greatly miss him, too ...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:05:10 +0000

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