My brother just sent me this. wow! By Cynthia Nuara Recently I - TopicsExpress


My brother just sent me this. wow! By Cynthia Nuara Recently I visited the Facebook site, Aloha Bible Teaching, to find Pastor J.D. Farag’s latest weekly Mideast Prophecy Update. Instead, right at the top of the page was a video of a tiny toddler barely two years old. After hearing what she had to say, it left me with no doubt as to just how close we are to the Rapture. As Baby Lily says, “The King is coming.” “But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things He did and the children shouting in the temple courts, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David,’ they were indignant. ‘Do you hear what these children are saying?’ they asked Him. ‘Yes,’ replied Jesus, ‘have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?’” (Matthew 21:16). Was it coincidental that the children were there in the temple courts praising Jesus? No. But, back to the video: Due to overwhelming response, Lily’s mother, Chelsea Hansen, has put it on YouTube for those who don’t have Facebook. I’d like to preface what Baby Lily said in the video with the following excerpt from Love Worth Finding Ministries with Adrian Rogers, which only strengthens my belief that Lily referred to God as “Abba” several times. “Have you ever thought about God as a daddy? Galatians 4:6 says, ‘And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.’ Abba is the Aramaic word meaning Daddy, Father. Its a term of warm affection, intimacy and respect for ones father. Jesus called God, ‘Our Father,’ in Matthew 6:9, and He gave us that same right. In America, children call their fathers Daddy. But in the Middle East, they say Abba. Jesus says that we can call the great God of the Universe, Abba Father. Daddy Father.’” --- From the late Adrian Rogers, Names of God. Lily’s mother, Chelsea, explained that what Lily revealed is not something she has been taught. After all, she’s just a baby -- too young to understand about the Rapture. Here’s how it began, in Chelsea’s words: “At midnight (hours before this video was taken) Lily woke us up, knocking and talking at her door. She was saying with urgency, Somethings coming! Somethings coming! She elaborated on her dream vision later in the day. I managed to catch this video.” Lily Talking About Her Vision of the King (see her words below this link) https://youtube/watch?v=MvMkQ4SVkQ0& Here’s what Baby Lily said: “He’s coming. He’s coming. He’s coming. He’s coming on the way. Said Abba up. ‘Push you up,’ He said! The King bring me a present. On the air He says He’s coming. The King’s Abba up. The King’s showing Abba up. Showing Abba up. Abba up. Yeah, Abba up. He’s coming. Hes coming!” Notice that after Lily said, “He’s coming” the last time with anxiousness in her voice, she immediately closed her eyes and bowed down in reverence. The second time she bowed with a smile -- the third time, with glee. I thought at first that Lily was saying “uppa up,” and her mother wondered if she was saying “up and up.” But notice how Lily tried to clarify what she was saying when she looked straight into the camera and repeated herself. Others who watched the video pointed out that she was saying “Abba.” Lily was obviously describing the Rapture. We hear her say, “Push you up,’ He said!’” She also said, “On the air, He says He’s coming.” We know that the true believers in Christ will be “caught up” to meet Him “in the air” at the Rapture, where He will take us to be with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:17). He won’t return to Earth until the end of the Tribulation, when He comes back with us to rule and reign here on Earth for 1000 years. Chelsea related what occurred the morning after her dream vision: “The first thing she said when she woke up this morning was ‘Uh oh, the sky; He’s coming. He’s coming.’ When I got her granola bar, she said ‘Open up, because God is coming.’ Then she knocked on the wall 3 times.’” Lily talking about her vision of the King:
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:41:11 +0000

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