My brothers and sisters, today, i want to tell you more about my - TopicsExpress


My brothers and sisters, today, i want to tell you more about my family background so that you may not think am ordinaly when i preach to you. Iam coming from a very rich and very well to do family which can never be compared to any other family of the earth. My father is the heavenly father, the creator of heaven and earth and the giver of life. My grandfather Abraham is called the father of all nations. My brother Jesus, healed the sick, was beaten and bruiesed for the you and me to be healed, received the blows and insults for you and me to be made complete, he was killed but through the power or our heavenly Father, he conqured death and by the mention of his name every knee must bow down and every tongue must begin to comfesst that he is the Lord and personal savior. My uncle Moses freed the israelites from captivity in Egypt and completely put Pharaoh to shame by manifesting the power of our Father in him. My brother Joseph was sold to be a king in a foreign land and he became so famous. My cousin Elijah was a great prophet whom God answered him by fire. My brother Elisha was a prophet. My brother Hosea was a prophet. My brother Daniel was thrown into the pit of lions but he was not killed because he believe in the only living God. My junior brother David killed goliath who was considered himself a giant just with a small stone and a sling. My brother Samson killed the phillistians with a donkey jaw bone and reduced them to nothers. My brother John prophecied that he will not die as long as God is alive, he was thrown into the boiling oil but he never died, his eyes were removed and he was thrown into a desert of wild snakes, lion and other animals so that he may be killf but all the wild animals became his friend and whilst blind in the desert, saw a vision from God about the end of the world and he wrote the book of revelations which is changing the lives of many people until today. My grandfather Noah built the arch and saved human and animal kind from flood destruction. If it wasnt for him, the earth would have been without human beings and animals. My uncle Job was tested by the devil. He lost everything but never insulted God and by the glorious power of our Father in heaven, he regained everything. My brother Jonah stayed in the stomach of a fish for three days and never died because God wanted to use him to save the people of Niniveh. My other brothers who were the disciples of Jesus perfomed alot of miracles until pharaoh persecuted them but did not manage to kill them all. You can learn more about them if you read the book of Acts in the bible. Now here i am continuing with the work started by our Father in heaven, proclaiming the good news to many nations about the coming of the Kingdom of God and the second coming of Jesus Christ, healing the sick, restoring hope and giving life back to the dead, giving sight to the blind, making the lame walk and promising life after death to those who believe in our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. I can boost alot about my family but that can take me the whole year to write. I havent talked about my aunt Mary who gave birth to Jesus, the redeemer of life. My aunt Sarah who gave birth at a very old age. My sister Esther who never lost her faith when her husband died and later got married to a king after others despised her as a worthless widow. My sister Hannah who believed that only God and prayer can give her children after lengthly insulted for not having a child but later gave birth to my brother Samuel. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN MY FAMILY AND GET RICH, YOU ARE MOST WELCOME. JESUS IS THE WAY TO GET INTO THE FAMILY HAIYA HAIYA HAIYA HAIYA HAIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GENESIS CHAPTER 1 AND REVELATION CHAPTER 1 A MUST TO READ BY YOU
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 05:11:50 +0000

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