My child has been diagnosed with ADHD...which is considered a - TopicsExpress


My child has been diagnosed with ADHD...which is considered a disability. I dont agree with that. She is gifted, super advanced & has a super fast brain - this also means its hard for her to slow her brain down when she needs to. She is not mentally challenged or disabled, she is mentally supercharged; its my job as a parent, to step up to the plate and do whatever it takes to help her channel her energy and use her brain to its full potential by whatever means necessary. Challenging does not equal disability. As some who has struggled with ADD, I can relate to her in a lot of ways - I grew up fully believing that I was not smart and feeling ashamed that I could not pay attention even when I tried my hardest to. I dropped out of college after miserably failing EVERY lecture class I took. Ive always been horrible at testing and even worse at studying. It wasnt until I met my husband, Daniel Stewart & he recognized my ADD & I got on medication, that I finally realized I AM SMART. Really smart...I had just never been able to slow my brain down enough to know it. Having a diagnosis isnt about labeling Aly, its about finally being able to get her the help she needs and the help we need to guide her. The last couple of years have been hard...very hard. We have pushed our parenting skills to the limits and had to adapt every step of the way. Our marriage has been shaken but has come out stronger every time we work through an issue to find a solution. We are constantly judged by others while struggling with her behavior and had to learn that what others think, simply does not matter. Our child is all that matters All this time I have been asking God why me? Why her? Why us? when I should have been thanking him for this amazing ability all along. God never gives us more than he knows we can handle. My daughter is amazing. She is smart, energetic, strong-willed, sensitive, beautiful and sweet. ADHD does not define her, it makes her...awesome.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:39:26 +0000

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