My computer is still being repaired, but thanks to a good friend, - TopicsExpress


My computer is still being repaired, but thanks to a good friend, I have a temporary loaner. So before I get my nose to the grind editing at light-speed, a PSA. My hard drive completely died, and Ive been told that everything on it is not able to be recovered (dont worry, not only do I back up client files, but my gallery host ShootProof also stores all the sessions Ive uploaded, so your photos are safe!). I am too disgusted with myself to admit when I last backed up personal photos, but at the very least, Ive lost all of my daughters photos. There are various companies I can send the dead drive to recover the data, but obviously thats more money spent (which I will do, even if i have to eat rice and beans for the rest of my life). That said. Please be sure to always back up your photographs, whether it be to an external drive, a flash drive, a disk, a cloud drive, whatever. But most importantly, GET YOUR PHOTOS PRINTED. Even the silly day to day ones. I only have in my possession one print of Evangeline. If my photos cannot be recovered, thats it for her. For the first 7 months of her life, all shell have is this one 8x10 photo of her sweet little face. Hard drives die. Disks crack and scratch. Flash drives get lost. Prints will never crash, or die. Yes, they are perishable in fire, but so is that computer youre hoarding all of your images on! Get a few professional prints (through your photographer, of course ;-) ) that are sure to last forever, along with prints of fun times and memories from any one of the online photo printing services (snapfish, etc). You might think its silly now, but someday your kids will thank you for having oodles of prints of themselves to look through (I love looking through photos of my childhood!).
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:07:53 +0000

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