My conversation on Dr. Debal Debs thread, which might in - TopicsExpress


My conversation on Dr. Debal Debs thread, which might in interesting to the readers on scientific ethics in pro GMO research: From Dr. Debal Deb (Author of - Beyond Developmentality): The problem is that the public research institutions as well as the scientists in South Asian countries are NOT aware of the ethical issue in science. We all know the corruption and misdemeanour of many scientists in these countries - reporting false data, statistical manipulation to fit the conclusion, even reporting results of experiments that were never conducted. (I personally know a few such scientists in India AND Bangladesh who do not even know the meanings of Null Hypothesis and Control in their own experiments, which they routinely conduct to prove their fore-ordained hypothesis ... These scientists eventually become science politicians, and occupy high positions in the institutions. They can violate any ethics, and knowingly feed poison to the people, only if their pockets are filled in reward. The conduct of Tufts University is anathema to their standard of research. From Tony MItra: Quote Tufts Universitys researchers conducted a Golden Rice feeding experiment with Chinese children, and reported a significant contribution to the childrens vitamin A assimilation. Unqupte Is the vitamin-assimilation part of the paper true ? Regarding some scientists of South Asian regions fudging their papers - I would recommend everyone to try and read Poison Spring by EG Vallianatos, a recently retired scientist from EPA. He shows there how EPA does pretty much the same thing - even producing results of tests that never took place, suppressing data that are not flattering, removing evidence of harm (essentially removing sick animals and replacing them with healthy animals halfway through the test, they also fudge data and do pretty much everything that some South Asian scientists are reported to be doing. I have read the book Poison Spring and have spoken with EG Vallianatos and have created a podcast on it. I would highly recommend everyone to read his book. EPA is at the apex of all approval processes in the world. Many countries, and not just third world, approves pesticides based on (Or strongly influenced by) EPA approval. This includes Canada. The link to my talks with EG Vallianatos is at :
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:31:54 +0000

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