My crazed crush .-. Amadali or Amanda reed..also included is a - TopicsExpress


My crazed crush .-. Amadali or Amanda reed..also included is a short comic on her bankai Basics Full Name: Amadalia “Qui Susurre” Moonsong “her middle names are a play on words” Nicknames(s): Ama Age: Tells people she is 130 but she is really 432 Eyes: Dark Blue Hair: Blond Height: 6 foot on the dot Weight: Good luck with that question Body build: Medium Friends: Masuyo Araki, Blaze Kagayaku, GM “secret OC that will be revealed in a few weeks” She keeps most others far away Family: Husband “Deceased” Sister “Espada number 3 Ser’noth Teufel” Children, Terra “Deceased” Jacob “Deceased” Miasurre “Shinigami” Crush: None, she has no time for love, only revenge sadly Over All Appearance: Make this easy and show you a pic Voice: She speaks with sternness in her voice. But she can speak softly Blood Type: N/A Date of birth: 08/04 Background: The Shinigami known as Amadalia Moonsong is a complex one. First off that is not her real name. The name Moonsong is a storybook hero she used to read to her children “in the word of the living” She only took this last name in memory of them. Her first name “Amadalia” was given to her by the man only known as Master Lo. He was the first to find her once she arrived in the Soul Society. Rumor is that she was trained far before she was in the academy and is hiding her powers. “but to what end?” Only one other Shinigami knows of this secret Masuyo. “A story for another time” If you are to ask Amadalia how old she is, she will tell you 120 or so. This is a lie! She has been in the Soul Society much longer, her real age is closer to 320. The reason she keeps this part of her life a secret, She is hiding something about herself and her powers. One secret is the daughter she had hidden for so long “Miasurre”. She just only just appeared, seemly out of nowhere with a backstory she was in the academy. Many of Amadalia’s friends find this story hard to swallow. Shortly before the appearance of Amadalia daughter, there was a fierce Battle with what seemed to be her husband “Marshall” Where he was killed by the Captain of Squad 14 Blaze Kagayaku with a little help from Amadalia Moonsong. It seemed he was using Amadalia “when she was alive” for some type of experiment, and he wanted Miasurre. In a rage Amadalia attacked him and was defeated, only after Blaze stepped in, was the battle truly over. As of now, Amadalia does not know her sister “Juno” the Espada now known as Ser’noth is alive. In this picture, I wrote a short story “sadly a bit outdated” This also tells of the scar on Ama’s back. “Also getting a manga page done of this story, should be ready in a few weeks” There is so much story of my shinigami, we are going to post it all in a fanfic. First memory as Shinigami: Waking up full of anger and pain. Marriage: Very much divorced Greatest Fear: Losing her only remaining child “Miasurre” Personal quotes: My eyes are up here! - The last thing you see is my fist – Blaze I said my eyes are up here!! Most prized possession: A locket she found in the burnt remains of her home in the work of the living Birth place: Unknown “she does not remember, or she just not saying” Current Resident: Soul Society “Squad Zero Barracks” Title/Rank: Shinigami / 20th Seat Squad Zero Hobbies/Pastime: Training with her Partner Masuyo Araki [link] Likes: Drinking Tea and Training. She does love one spot in the world of the living, but she keeps that to herself. Dislikes: Doing meaningless takes, people hitting on her, loudmouths, Hollows and very much hates Arrancar Personality: She is very serious and focused, To the point where she does not smile. When faced with a foe that she knows she cannot beat, she will not back down if it means that foe will kill innocents. When approached by other Shinigami, she comes across cold and distant, even if she does not mean to. A good way to get on her bad side is to hit on her or her partner Masuyo Araki. Weakness: She is quick to anger “will lead to battle” Headstrong, hard to talk to at first “she takes time to warm up to. Sometimes to focused and does not relax. Fighting Style: She fights mostly hand to hand “Hakuda” But is skilled in Zanjutsu “Sword skill” she does not use it as often, but will if need be. She is close to mastering the Hoho “Fast movement” skill. Her fighting style is all about speed and close quarters combat. She does not excel in Kido “so she does not use it often” Zanpauto: Tengoku Sukai or “Heaven’s Sky” Shikai: Tombe Etoiles. “Fallen Stars” here is a pic of it Bankai: Shoku Botsureaku*Eclipse Downfall* Here is the first Manga pages, you can follow it from page one, There are 6 pages and they are all posted.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:28:45 +0000

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