My crime was that I was a Hindu ! I know speaking truth is hard - TopicsExpress


My crime was that I was a Hindu ! I know speaking truth is hard and at times fatal, but who cares, and be advised only speaking truth is divine, rest ugly and short lived, and one doesnt realize this, unless one is not blessed enough to realise.....Well to start putting facts right, at times bit sarcastically.....let me begin by sharing this.... My crime was that I was a Hindu, a kashmiri Hindu or a Kashmiri Pandit, whatever you wish to call me, although in India, living in kashmir, but the punishment I should have deserved for being a Hindu, that too in Kashmir, and that too in India, was what i was rightly served in the end, and eventually, I was rightly sentenced to exilehood, till my complete genocide takes place, and that too, it should take place naturally. I was sentenced to a great secular exilehood, in my own great secular country, that is India and now, after having witnessed this exilehood, besides the great secularism-ridden polity & policy of this country, from past over nearly two decades, i certainly realise or am rather forcefully been made to realize, for these many decades, a bit inferior, in a way, that had I been a muslim rather than a Hindu, even if only by a matter of fluke, hailing from the same valley of kashmir, I would have certainly continued to enjoy the privileges of being a kashmiri, who by so called virtue of being a muslim, gets entitled to continuation of living & dwelling in Kashmir and on the contrary, the opposite one gets sentenced, as in my case, convicted of being a Hindu and hence, rightly got entitled to yearnings, punishment and sufferings in my gifted secularly forced-exilehood. My crime was that I was a Hindu from Kashmir, had I been a muslim from the same geography, I would have been chatting with u, all my dear facebook friends, sitting at my ancestral home at Srinagar, hardly a kilometre away from the world famous Dal Lake, that stands now burnt and looted by a so called secular muslim neighbourhood of kashmir, by the same hypocratic muslim neighbourhood that enmass lied to rest of the country and to the rest of the world that they repent what they did to Kashmiri Pandits, and that, they feel comfortable in passing the buck to a contemporay poor and helpless governer of those times Jagmohan, and want to welcome back Kashmiri Hindus for wiping them out completely this time, from the planet. But again the fact remains and I agree with all of you that, they were hell bent on pushing radical islamization for kashmir, which they felt was incomplete without killing, looting and oustering of peace loving Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir and thus, in their heart of hearts wished, approved and supported the forceful ouster of Kashmiri Hindu community from Kashmir...Correct if I am wrong, muslims never gathered in large numbers on streets of kashmir asking the kashmiri Hindus to not to leave the valley....thanks to so called muslim brothers and a big thanks to the muslim political leadership of kashmir since next sarcastic jibe would be aimed at all the readers of this write up, that do not ever try criticizing vociferously, the ideology behind the religious genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent kashmiri Hindus, else you would be inturn convicted for that till eternity by some unknown means of secular institutions of Indian many thanks to forefathers of India for gifting such a secular democratic veil to this please now, let me peacefully complete my sentence of blessed....Orzu :)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:49:57 +0000

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