My cry for help to MassDEP and WNTAG (Wind Turbine Noise Technical - TopicsExpress


My cry for help to MassDEP and WNTAG (Wind Turbine Noise Technical Advisory Group)...... DEP and State Officials, March 24, 2014 It has been over one year since the Hoosac Wind project has been up and running. As you know, we are a very small, rural community, sparsely populated, with maybe 40-50 homes within ear shot of this noisy neighbor (Hoosac Wind Project). We dont have 1-2 IWTs slamming us each and every day.....but 19...340ft 1.5 GE Industrial Wind Turbines overpowering the peace and quiet we once enjoyed. Many of us moved here for just this reason (my family included) to enjoy the serenity of this once peaceful world.....You have allowed ....this whole scenario to be altered and not for the better. My wife reminds me almost every day that our days are numbered here after 30 years because her ears are ringing constantly whenever she is at home. After countless complaints and concerns from many neighbors to DEP, our town officials, state officials, visits to my home from Gail Cariddi, Ben Downing, Dave Howland, Mike well as one on one meeting with the Governor and his energy secretary Rick Sullivan at the opening ceremony for this project who assured me proper sound testing would be done....the only thing that has transpired was a totally bogus sound test done by Research Systems Group (Iberdrolas cronies)......who completely manipulated testing protocol....from hand picked testing sites ( not properties we know to mostly affected) placing monitors where they felt would be less impactful (ie...behind trees and in forested areas).....choosing times when sound impacts would be at a minimum (very few testing times done at night).....unattended testing done in a way that when they didnt like what the data said....they said the equipment failed or ran out of battery power....and never even considering Low Frequency or Infra sound...and in such a small time frame.....all testing done within a 3 week period?? I ask .....WHY ? ....why are they allowed to do this....RUN THEIR OWN SHOW ? The Data shows that the turbines were not running at even close to maximum power output....this also would minimize audible sound output....Again, this is obviously the fox watching the hen house scenario and we are the trash being cast aside for benefit of the Greater Good..... I find this reality completely UNACCEPTABLE and Im asking for YOU to DO something about IT. From the very beginning of this nightmare (we were told that we would never see or hear this project) Iberdrola told us that they had done Ambient Sound testing....only to find out that it was a modeled study.....I think this winter has been a true tale of how skewed modeling can be to the reality of a situation....and even if a true baseline sound level was determined, these sound testing companies still have methodology to insure that the results they want to gather will be achieved...slow metering....vs. fast monitoring....or altering the initial background sound along with the other methods Ive seen first hand, previously mentioned. Also, the ambiguity of what exactly does exceedance me an exceedance is an exceedance...SIMPLE....even if for only 1 second of one day..... since WHEN DOES EXCEEDANCE MEAN.....for any time frame or duration...This is ludicrous !! ....and another manipulation by EVERYONE INVOLVED to make light of a situation that has negatively affected the health and well-being of hundreds (now) and probably thousands of Mass. residences in the future for a FLAWED ENERGY PLAN driven by our governor and the MONEY behind an industry that has never had to prove anything.....especially DOING NO HARM to us the people who are unlucky enough and FORCED to live under this annoyance day after day... I and the residents up here in the Berkshires are asking for help.....asking for THIS STATE to uphold its own guidelines for noise and sound compliance including testing for ILFN, to insure proper testing be done by companies not hired by the developers and put procedures in place to insure compliance to be upheld every second of every day 365 days a year.....ISNT THIS WHAT COMPLIANCE REALLY MEANS....??? Please HELP ! Sincerely, Michael Fairneny
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:47:42 +0000

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