My cup runneth over, with gratitude and love. Let there be no - TopicsExpress


My cup runneth over, with gratitude and love. Let there be no doubt, I am a tremendously blessed woman. I have been blessed with grace, love and understanding by a dear friend who has generously offered her guidance, experience and network to me. And in having the privilege to be introduce to some of her inner circle I know that she has surrounded herself with people who are every bit as wonderful as she is! But I have to say I am also surrounded by a remarkable group of people myself. I have my bestie Jodi and her wonderful family I consider my own. Jodi is fiercely and loyally there for me always! Her generosity and great wit is unmatched. I am utterly privileged to have many of my childhood friends carry with me into my mid thirties, Melissa, Faylene, Chantal, Colette, and Laura . I love and appreciate each one of my many friends. I am richly blessed with the best co-workers and bosses any lady could ever ask for. Thank you to Pat and Gary for so many smiles, Mike for laughs and kindness, Jennifer for the most encouragement a girl could ever ask for, Sherri I miss you! Tammy, Lindsay, Kim and her wonderful husband Mike and the whole bunch! I am grateful to Steven for being such a wonderful provider for his family. I thank you for working so hard and making the sacrifices you do, to provide your family with a great life. I appreciate you. There is no such thing as a perfect man but you are a good one, let there be no doubt. I am grateful for my entire family, immediate and extended. My awesome sister Katie, who is so close to me. It makes my heart sing to see all of the wonderful things that have happened to you this year, you deserve them all and many more. And to my loyal and incredible Dad Marshall and Barbara Jean, I love you moon and back. I am so grateful for our church family, Derek, Marsha, Jennifer, Lois, Beth, Allison, Marlene, Jennifer, Jonathan, Kimberley, Natasha , Peter Janice and Alyssa and many more, who offers us love and support always. I am so grateful for my educators and mentors who have gone above and beyond to encourage me and have shown the patience of Job in trying to help me decide what I want to do when I grow up. I am grateful for my community which has the best people in the world, I swear! Hants county born and raised and without question Hants County proud! I am immensely blessed to have three happy, healthy, well rounded and adjusted children, who are honest to goodness ever mothers dream. And last but least to Paul whos goofy charm has kept a smile on my face and bounce in my step as of late. If you were to ask me what I know For Sure, I would tell you this; God is real, powerful and good. He loves you, wether you believe it or not. You reap what you sow, so sow, understanding, kindness and respect every chance you get!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:40:18 +0000

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