My current thoughts on the NC approving Fracking State Wide.... - TopicsExpress


My current thoughts on the NC approving Fracking State Wide.... hoping that Abby Martin will cover this SHIT. Youd think after the massive Dan River incident (Duke Energy) polluting over 70 miles of territory with coal byproduct, the state would have had enough of industry ravaging its fresh water, natural beauty, and how that is f**king property values, but no.... and then hardly a week later, Duke Energy was caught DUMPING toxic waste in broad daylight into a reservoir- on camera... and still NADA of consequence has happened to the corp even though they have an ABYSMAL record. Heres where it gets even worse.... Duke Energy recently took over the Nuclear Power Plant, Shearon Harris, that is under 30 minutes from my entire family.... and it sits on a FAULT LINE. They think that this fact is no biggie just because its been inactive. HOWEVER- there was the earthquake of 2011... and we felt it big time here in NC. Anyone whos paying attention knows that its likely caused by the frack attack in PA, OH, etc., that is releasing larger fault lines, and causing hundreds of regional earthquakes in those states.... and now were going to FRACK NC as early as next YEAR??? Oh... huh... wow. Soiopathic FREAKS on the loose everywhere you look. With their massively arrogant and out of touch logic at the wheel- what could possibly go wrong? It still can get worse... Shearon Harris (The nuclear power plant that sits on a fault line, in a state that just OKed fracking, and is run by delinquent corporate criminals: DUKE Energy) : The plant contains the largest radioactive waste storage pools in the country. It is not just a nuclear-power-generating station, but also a repository for highly radioactive spent fuel rods from two other nuclear plants. The spent fuel rods are transported by rail and stored in four densely packed pools filled with circulating cold water to keep the waste from heating. The Department of Homeland Security has marked Shearon Harris as one of the most vulnerable terrorist targets in the nation. SOURCE: *Other source for my target, Duke Energy: This is the eighth time within a month that Duke Energy has been accused of violating environmental regulations. The other times include safety violations, like having leaky containers to keep their coal ash/waste in, and inadvertent pollution. This time they were actually caught by aerial surveillance on a fixed wing aircraft dumping 61 million gallons of coal waste into a tributary. - See more at: abovetopsecret/forum/thread1003881/pg1 *** Fracking Rules in North Carolina Tied to Koch, Halliburton, and ALEC: A new bill proposed in North Carolina would make it a felony offense for first responders, doctors, or public safety officials to disclose the ingredients of fracking fluid. Fracking fluid is the mix of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, a process used by the oil and gas industry to break apart underground shale rock formations, releasing the fossil fuels held inside. Chemicals in frack fluid have been found to be toxic and carcinogenic. First responders found guilty of disclosing the contents of fracking fluid face jail time and heavy fines under the proposed legislation. READ MORE: huffingtonpost/jesse-coleman/fracking-rules-in-north-c_b_5352907.html
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 03:08:29 +0000

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