My dad continues to work through his brain injury from the car - TopicsExpress


My dad continues to work through his brain injury from the car accident. Mom and I are learning how best to care for him when he eventually comes home from the rehab. It will be a long road and one thing we know is that life will not be the same. But we will adjust. Dad is struggling with some spatial issues and his sense of time. He also has confusion and even has had hallucinations that seem to mix up dream vs reality. He has seen people who aren’t there and remembered experiences that didn’t happen. Mom and I usually just look knowingly at each other and simply let him talk it out. Yesterday, for example, Dad told us all about the big car trip he took in the afternoon to Walgreen’s. Mind you, the man hasn’t been outside in weeks, has no money with him, and of course can’t drive anywhere. The brain is amazing. He “experienced” Walgreen’s — telling us in great detail about buying toothpaste and other items. Again, Mom and I just smiled and nodded. Imagine our chagrin this morning when we talked to a nurse and learned that Dad did indeed go to Walgreen’s with another patient and one of the therapists! (They apparently do this to help reconnect patients to everyday life.) So, who’s crazy now? These days, Mom and I are living by the mantra “we laugh so we don’t cry.”
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:14:23 +0000

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