My dear Croats it is sad for the innocent and good Croats who love - TopicsExpress


My dear Croats it is sad for the innocent and good Croats who love the Serbs but you know with knowledge of our long cultural history that Serbia has kicked out the strongest powers when they tried to conquer us. Serbian philosphy is We only defend our own bottom, our own country from enemies. We have never and won´t ever attack other countries. You know that Croatia will BURN for the Serbian KRAJINA and Serbian DUBROVNIK and so on, especially because of KRAJINA. For more than 200.000 Serbs who were expelled from their home within 48 hours with the support of the USA and Bill Clinton otherwise you wouldn´t have any chance to do that alone. I have seen all these refugees on their way to NOWHERE on this day. Some of these refugees walked on the Autobahn without cars without nothing. Expelled from their home with violence and murder. It was a jam of Serbian refugees. It had a flair of the NAZI FASHISM as the Croats supported the NAZI while the Serbs didn´t allow them to enter our bottom! On this day I was sitting in my Mercedes Benz on the way to the beach during holidays. So abstract! The other side of the Autobahn was full of these more than 200 000 Serbs whose family and friends were killed by the Croatian and Bill Clinton´s American CIA Army while our side of the Autobahn was almost empty. My soul has cried and my thoughts was with them. An international crime and genozid on the Serbs. May God give them peace in their hearts that they can live a life without hate and may they have a new home which is much better. Croatia will BURN THIS IS 100% YOUR FUTURE AND YOU KNOW THAT. You know how we are, we will fight with the last breath, with our soul and every heart beat till the end for our territory. I don´t wish that anybody of you guys will die we are all human beings, we are the same. To make business with the USA on the expense of our people was you biggest mistake. Everybody who has stolen our country has paid with the death. Come on Croats you know our history. This time will come soon. With Bosnia and Hercegovina there is no problem. We live in peace with each other. But Krajina will come back to mother Serbia. Also a mistake is that you are in the EU. You have less than a half of the military stuff that Serbs have. The EU members don´t allow you to modernize you stuff. The Croats was weaker than we because all the kings were Serbs and the military has always been based in Serbia. Also Tito who was a Croat has kept the military in Serbia. Therefore we was always on military basis stronger even before our military modernizing in 2014. Much luck for the innocent and good Croats. I hope that they will be able to escape on time.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 02:03:34 +0000

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