My dear #NONMUSLIM brothers nd sister .do you what we muslims - TopicsExpress


My dear #NONMUSLIM brothers nd sister .do you what we muslims belive .dont take it easy on the belief of muslims have a look if you likes dis if you intrested to learn islam ask me i am a #MUSLIM -Muslims belief in one God ( Allah) , He neither begets nor is born and they worship him alone without partners or agents by His rules in His last revelation Quran to His last Massinger Mohamed – Pease be upon him - to mankind and Jinn and we belief in all massagers of ALLAH: Mohamed – Pease be upon him -, and all prophets that Christian and jaws belief in: Like: Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Josef, David - Pease be upon theme all we belief in the all scriptures of Creator 1 #QURAN 2. #GOSPEL 3 #TROURAH 4 #PSALM and all -Muslims belief that Jesus - Pease be upon hem – is a servant of Allah and His messenger , Allah picked him up to the heavens and the Cross was done with a similar one , Jesus - Pease be upon him - and he is still alive in the heavens and will come down to brake the Cross and call to Isla. From previous 4 points if a Christian or jaw accept Islam and convert to it; That mains he doesnt disbelief in his old religion; Just he correct the corruption and belief in all revelations and all messengers. And here I want to explain a very important note: that ALLAH Accept only from how follow the last revelation in that revelations time; And the last revelation now is Islam and no more; Even when Jesus - Pease be upon hem - come down from the heavens he will follow the last revelation of ALLAH: Islam, And who follows the revelation in its time called Muslim. Muslim is an Arabic word mains: who pay obedience to his Lord ALLAH. So All prophets - Pease be upon them all - are Muslims. Muslims belief that ALLAH give his prophets some Mireles to show their people that they were supported from ALLAH; Jesus - Pease be upon hem – is One of theme Muslims belief that: 1-Jesus -Pease be upon hem - was born by virgin birth from virgin woman Mary - like Adam, ALLAH created hem from dust. 2- When he was a newborn baby He talked to the people when marry came back by him after her birth to exonerate his mother and say: I am a servant of ALLAH, He give me the Book (gospel – New Testament and make me a prophet). In addition, the Son of hairdresser of Pharaohs daughter talked when he was baby but he is not a prophet. 3- Jesus - Pease be upon hem – was designing from clay that which is like the form of a bird, then he was breathing into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah. In addition, Ibrahim called the pieced died birds from the mountains, they came back alive, and they were hurrying up to Ibrahim by permission from Allah. 4- Jesus - Pease be upon hem – healed the blind and the leper. In addition, Mohamed - Pease be upon hem – did some things like this by permission from Allah. 5- Jesus - Pease be upon hem – bring the dead to life by permission from Allah. I addition, did you know about the killed man of Moses people? When Moses ordered them to hit the killed man by pieces of a massacred cow. The Killed man came alive and tell who killed hem by permission from ALLAH and return died. 6- Jesus - Pease be upon hem – was informing what people eat, and what they store in their houses, In addition, the prophet Mohamed - Pease be upon hem – did Some things like this and he informed about things happened after his death by years and still things not happen until now, ALLAH informed them. From the previous 6 points I want to explain that: Jesus - Pease be upon hem - is a prophet like all prophets and he is servant of Allah like me and you and Allah say in Quran about hem and his mother Mary They were eating the food means that: they need to give off that food; Means: is they are Gods? Christians have another belief that he is son of god and he is god - and died and come alive - and there a 3rd god, please search the proof from the bible for yourself, you will not found, may be some comments not a text from the bible. And by relationship I want to say that because no revelation after Islam; ALLAH support the prophet Mohamed - Pease be upon hem - by a conclusion of previous revelations, and a continuous miracle: the Quran. ALLAH promise to protect it. It is prevented from any corruption in any one litter. And Quran protects the Arabic languages for Arabic people, so the there is one original Quran in a protected book in a protected language, in a full and protected understanding; Because ALLAH completed the religion of Islam, And prophet Mohamed – Pease be upon hem- clear everything to his companions before his death. In Addition, Quran is not only prevented in books; But mainly prevented in Muslims hearts , All Muslims memorize a parts from Quran. And there are thousands of Muslims memorize all Quran with recitation. If all books of Quran are burned or thrown to the auction; Muslims can retrieve from the hearts of memorizers a thousands of original books of Quran in less on quarter of day. Quran recitation learning is noted but the recitation itself is not written, Quran is the pronounced words of ALLAH and He protected it the Muslims hearts. There is No original sin in Islam. No one carry the others sins. In addition, if ALLAH forgive someones sins; ALLAH do not transfer the sins to another. However, ALLAH may be alternate these sins by charities. No created judgments Allah. He always do the goods. And ALLAH give the rules to remove sins and rules to gain His forgiveness. Woman is a sister to the man In Islam and they are equal in Rights and worshipping except what related to here nature as a woman and the responsibilities of the man. She take the full protection of here husband, here father, here grandfather, here son in order as available, if no one found she take the protection from the Muslims Community. Elders take the full - direct - protection from their Children and their grandchildren I Islam. Also I want to clear that ALLAH create the human baby in a good creation and wright belief. He worships his Creator naturally in his / her growing. He worships only who gives hem Livelihood, who have the power, who is alive for ever who doesnt ever die ,who if prayed He reply, who is only prayed in the huge troubles and who is only prayed when other gods didnt reply. So the baby is born Muslim. Aand his fathers convert hem to non-Muslim I want to clear that if a non-Muslim converted to Islam; ALLAH will remove all his previous sins. And if he or she is from peoples of the book (Christians and jaws ); He or she will take the reward tow times: One because he or she belief in his /her prophet. And another one because he / she belief in the prophet Muhammad - Pease be upon hem. I want to clear that generally non Muslims convert to Islam specially christens; because they are some close to Islamic belief except the goodness of Messiah. And no Muslim converts to another religion Under normal circumstances. moreover, a lot of pastors convert to Islam but never Muslim scholar convert to another religion. If someone say it is due to Islamic rules; I say that Muslim now are very wake to Apply a lot of Islamic rules in Islamic countries , However, Muslims in western world feels more and more freedom with Islam than in Islamic countries. I want to clear that a lot even if not almost of converters to Islam guided - not by Muslims invitation to Islam - but by 3 common ways: 1-Asking ALLAH alone and pray to Him to guide them to the right path. 2- Reading the Quran or its meaning translation. It is the miracle of miracles, It talks about Allah. You will find the news of people before and after us, the stories of massagers, punishment to unbeliever and fighters against ALLAH, Massinger and believers. The news about death , grave , Doomsday, Judgment Day, hellfire and paradise. You will learn social rules, political rules and worshiping rules. There is a lot of scientific ,social , and historical miracles. And these miracles discovered day after day without finish. 3-Pay your efforts to reach the the truth. I am adviseding to: 1-Hear the Quran recitation specially in Muslims prayer. 2-Try to contact Muslims and visit Islamic mosques and centers because the new Muslims need a lot of help. 3-Pray hard to Allah to your persistence because you will face the tests from Allah. If you succeed; you will gain internal pleasure in this life and gain paradise and protected from hellfire in later life; if ALLAH willing. Last, how to revert to Islam? Its to testify that there is no god but Allah and testify that Mohamed is the messenger of Allah. Belief in this meaning by your heart and Say it In Arabic because it is a worship and all Muslims worships should be done as it is come by Inspiration from ALLAH In Arabic pronunciation ashhadu alla ilaha illa Allah wa ashadu anna mohammadan rasoulu Allah You can hear it in every Muslims prayer call five time per day from mosques. More formation in many languages at the following links. The English section is rich in iformation. And you can find the prayer call in it
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:12:48 +0000

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