My dear colleagues of Selaqui International School, today while - TopicsExpress


My dear colleagues of Selaqui International School, today while sifting through the data on my laptop, I stumbled across something I was thinking of putting on the school website 3 years back and would like to share it with you. It is an (unfinished) file where I was writing Staff Profiles…some factual and some emotional stuff about the people who were at Selaqui at that time. Made me I’m sharing the file with you. Please see if your profile (only and only according to me) is in it and do let me know if my impression about you was correct back then. Please remember that I was fairly new to the school back then, so dont mind if I havent captured your persona fully. Love you all! THE FACULTY- THE PATRONS OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH I. Ms. Manisha Chaturvedi - Head-of-department She is the epitome of calmness and a rich mine of music. Hailing from Lucknow, Ms. Manisha holds a Bachelor’s degree majoring in English. Her work experience as a career counselor with a leading career-counseling firm adds more accolades to this lady’s many accomplishments. Besides being highly fluent in the English language, Ms. Manisha is one of the rare people who are equally adept at Hindi. She has a flair for writing “Trivenis” and Haiku in both English and Hindi. She has a penchant for music and loves photography. Her approachable and affable nature makes students develop a great rapport with her. II. Mr. Jashvir Chaudhry- Dean of Academics Mr. Jashvir is the friendly disciplinarian of SelaQui. His candid nature and open mind make him the perfect choice for teaching Theory of Knowledge and English to IBD students. Besides teaching, he is responsible for the maintenance of discipline and accord in the school- a job he performs without a glitch. He has worked both in India and in the U.S. It is due to his vast experience and frank nature that he gels marvelously with students of all ages. He connects with students during academic hours as well as on the sports field. He loves visiting sites of natural wonder and travelling. He follows cricket avidly and reads voraciously, especially inspiring biographies. III. Ms. Savita Dutta She is the gentle and chic lady of SelaQui International. Ms. Savita has roots in Punjab, though being from an army background, she has lived in almost all parts of India. She is fluent at English, Hindi, Punjabi and Bengali; has a flair for reading and is also a freelance editor and proofreader. Her many interests include spirituality, travelling and cooking. She follows a strict physical fitness regime and involves herself in yoga and Vipassana. She loves to sing and dance. Her candid ways make her an amiable and lively companion to the students. IV. Mr. Ashford Lyonette He is the stalwart, multi-talented man of SelaQui International and has recently found his life’s vocation in teaching. He is a family-oriented man hailing from Jamshedpur, but has also lived in other cities in the eastern states of India. His main forte is sports and athletics and loves to coach and play friendly matches with students. In the evenings, he can be seen playing Lawn Tennis and Badminton. He is also passionate about music; he plays the drums and the guitar. His candor and openness make him an able guide to the students. DEPARTMENT OF SECOND LANGUAGES I. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma- Head of Department; Dean of Student Welfare Dr. Pradeep is the grand old man of SelaQui, old only in the number of years he has invested in the school. He belongs to Madhya Pradesh and is the IB CAS coordinator at SelaQui. Dr. Pradeep looks after the overall emotional and functional well being of the student body. It is implied and accepted at SelaQui to turn to Dr. Pradeep when one is in doubt. He loves poetry and speaks impeccable Hindi and Sanskrit, but does not shy away from the English language either. He has a remarkable memory and can recall names, designations, addresses, and phone numbers of teachers, students and their parents he has met over his 8 years at SelaQui at the drop of a hat. His interests are socializing and trekking. He has recently taken up playing Badminton in the evenings with colleagues and students. II. Ms. Vinita Kothiyal Ms. Vinita is the motherly figure at SelaQui International. Her perpetually smiling face and mild mannerisms help even the most introvert students to open up to her with greatest ease. She hails from the city of Dehradun and has full command over the Hindi language. Her interest lies mainly in reading Hindi prose and poetry. She is the perfect blend – an able homemaker and a patient teacher. Students of all ages respect her for her gentle disciplinarian ways. III. Mr. Naval Kishore Mr. Naval is the poetic bard of SelaQui. His command over Hindi and Sanskrit are unparalleled. His students admire him for his unique way of teaching through anecdotes and jokes. His wit is next only to his creativity. He is a published poet and specializes in “Trivenis” and Hiaku in Hindi. His poetic abilities are evident even during casual conversation when he creates verse on any given topic. Besides writing poetry, he is also interested in reading Hindi classics and has recently taken up the study of Urdu language. He likes to travel and sing. His unique creativity makes him a favorite among young students. IV. Mr. Shamsuddin A recent addition to the SelaQui family, this soft-spoken gentleman is a treasury of knowledge and a great conversationalist. He believes in enhancing the width and depth of knowledge in his students rather than increasing superficial learning. His high professional ethics and experience of working in the Middle East and south India make him a well-rounded personality. He plays Chess and Badminton and loves interacting with students even outside the classroom. He is fluent in English, Tamil, and French and is currently learning Hindi. V. Mr. Hari Prasad Mr. Prasad is the silent worker here at SelaQui International. He is fluent at both Nepalese and Hindi. He is an introvert person, though maintains a good connect with his students. His interests lie in travelling and reading. Students look up to him for his dedicated and grounded nature. DEPARTMENT OF MATHS I. Ms. Meenakshi Bajaj Ms. Meenakshi is the silver lining at SelaQui. She is full of smiles and always has an encouraging remark for students and colleagues alike. She hails from Punjab and loves homemaking and surfing the internet. She is well versed with her subject and never refuses to help students. Students look up to her because she makes Math fun and not a cause for distress. She plays an integral role in organizing the school Founder’s Day stage show. Ms. Meenakshi likes listening to Indian music and sings fairly well, too. She also loves travelling and collecting artifacts from various parts of the country. II. Mr. Ambrish Singh Mr. Ambrish is the outspoken math wizard at SelaQui. He leaves no stone unturned to maintain high standards in his teaching and expects the same of his students. His classroom is his domain where he maintains a challenging atmosphere for learners. He loves travelling and being close to nature. He is often seen solving mathematical puzzles and playing Sudoku challenges. He organizes math quizzes at class and school level. His students admire him for his amazing mathematical analytical skill. III. Mr. Surendra Singh Bisht Mr. Surendra defies the popularly known formidable image of a Mathematics teacher. His amazing witticisms and sharp sense of humor are second to none. His classrooms are full of light moments, making the normally dull subjects of Math and Physics easy to learn. Students admire him for the way he connects with them. He likes to read humor and surf the internet. He likes spending time with family and has good conversation skills. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE I. Ms. Roshan Fatehan- Head of Department Ms. Roshan hails from Gujarat and brings her vast experience to SelaQui. She is highly efficient and demands excellence of all her students. She takes great pride in her vocation and is forever looking for opportunities for professional growth. She actively contributes in organizing school events and celebrations. Besides doing research work, she finds time to cook various Indian cuisines, listen to music and read. The students admire her for her teaching methods and vast subject knowledge. II. Mr. Iraban Haldar Aptly known as the quintessential gentleman of SelaQui International, Mr. Iraban is an amiable person. He belongs to West Bengal and has rich IB experience. He is a lover of nature and is passionate about environmental issues. He is a stickler for order and personal discipline. He can be seen spending free time in reading amidst the trees. He loves cooking and is a fanatic for Indian Classical music. He is a trained Rabindra sangeet vocalist and has performed in front of live audiences. Students admire this gentleman for his composed façade and patience. III. Mr. Deepak Upreti – Academic coordinator, House Mentor (Jal House) Mr. Deepak is one of the most reserved persons at SelaQui, fully devoted to his vocation. He very ably takes up the responsibility of smoothly coordinating among teachers and students. He is a self-disciplined person and imbibes the same quality in his students. He shoulders the responsibility of being in charge of a House and capably provides Pastoral care to his wards. Mr. Deepak is spends his free time in reading and listening to music. He likes watching movies and plays Lawn Tennis. IV. Mr. Shantanu Chakraborty He is the gentle giant - gentle in manner and giant in knowledge. Mr. Shantanu hails from West Bengal and symbolizes the sophistication of his native state. He is in full command of the classroom and provides in depth knowledge to his students. During leisure, he likes to read. His main areas of interest are Astrophysics and Data Mining. He plays Lawn Tennis and Chess. Students admire him for being a composed and even-tempered person. V. Mr. Gurucharan He is the Tech Guru of SelaQui International. Hailing from south India, Mr. Gurucharan has full command over Tamil and English. He is an internet fanatic and his penchant for collecting rare videos clips and songs is well known among staff and students alike. Mr. Gurucharan is an introvert person, whose passion lies in teaching and devising new methods of conducting classes. Students love him for his interactive and highly tech savvy classes. His practice of handing out chocolates and candy to students who answer correctly makes students look forward to his classes even more. The laboratory is his second home and the computer his favorite companion. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES I. Mr. Prakash Kumar – Head of Department Mr. Prakash is a good natured, soft spoken, helpful gentleman. He belongs to Bihar and is a treasure trove of knowledge, not only about his own subjects. His classes are pleasant and have lighthearted moments. Students like his unselfconscious nature and able guidance. Mr. Prakash likes to read history based books, biographies and political literature. He can be seen playing Lawn Tennis in the evenings and engaging others in discussions about politics. He also loves quizzing. II. Ms. Payal Mishra Ms. Payal is the jovial geography fanatic at SelaQui. Her fun-loving manner and straight forward nature make her an ideal teacher for young adolescents. Her students look up to her for her strong belief in acquiring excellence and subject related skills. Her classes are candid and interactive. She finds time to pursue her hobbies of dancing and singing. She can be seen engrossed in reading maps in the school library. She also loves traveling. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS STUDIES I. Mr. Amit Gustav- Head of Department, House Mentor (Akash House) Mr. Amit is the Touchstone of SelaQui International. He has a remarkably intelligent sense of humor and can enthrall any audience with his quirky witticisms. It is for his very unique gift of finding humor to lighten any situation that his students admire him. His command over his subject and classroom is also unequalled. He loves quizzing and is known to spice up his classes with onscreen quizzes. He maintains the dignity of his position of House Mentor with seemingly effortless ease. Students in Akash House are well-tuned to his simple, yet, disciplinarian nature, He likes sports and plays Lawn Tennis, Badminton and Table Tennis with great fervor. II. Ms. Ila Pandey- IBD coordinator Ms. Ila is the stoic superwoman of SelaQui. She is one of the most revered and looked up to teachers in the school. She carries out her responsibility of IBD coordinator with great poise and ease. She has high organizational skills. Ms. Ila’s classes abound in intelligent discussions about real life Economics. Students greatly admire her calm, grounded nature and cool temperament. She is an automobile fanatic and loves driving and travelling. She loves being outdoors either playing- cricket or badminton- or tending to her garden. III. Mr. Richard Jackson Mr. Richard is the sports freak of SelaQui International. He hails from Agra. He excels at Cricket, Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis and likes coaching students for the same. His excellence extends to the classroom as well, where he is known to be a disciplined taskmaster. His classes are cordial and friendly. The students admire his subject knowledge and passion for life. Besides sports, he loves biking and is very tech savvy. III. Ms. Gandhari Yuhanna She is the Linguistics fanatic of SelaQui International. She belongs to Uttar Pradesh and has good command over both Hindi and English. Her classrooms leave room for individual expression and discussion by students. Her main forte is creative writing; therefore, she contributes to the writing of scripts for the school play and literature for other school events. Her main areas of interest are singing and spirituality. She is a die-hard reader and is rarely seen without a book in her hand. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER STUDIES I. Ms. Anupama Gustav- Head of Department; Activity coordinator. Ms. Anupama is the one who organizes all intra and inter school activities at SelaQui International. She is a silent worker who contributes immensely to the smooth functioning of the various field trips, activity clubs and school level events. Her prowess over the classroom is no less efficient. She creates an interactive, free-from-fear atmosphere in the classroom where students are encouraged to ask questions. She balances her responsibilities inside and outside the classroom with great poise and dignity. She can often be seen working in her office even after school hours and on holidays. Her areas of interest include listening to soft music and playing Badminton. II. Mr. Sharad Agarwal- Examination coordinator, House Mentor (Agni House). Mr. Sharad is the self-driven, software guru of the school. He is adept at all the modern computer languages and is in touch with the latest technological gadgets. He makes great efforts to imbibe the love for computers and computer languages in his students. He has a good sense of humor, is very active and is very dedicated to his additional role as House Mentor. Mr. Sharad spends time with students in the evenings playing Badminton and is seen working late into the night. He is music and movie buff and also a family man. NON-ACADEMIC STAFF I. Ms. Himani Bhatt- School Public Relations Officer She is the Alchemist at SelaQui, who bears the responsibility of transforming any small and big school event into a grand success. Ms. Himani is the dedicated and focused person who always maintains a positive attitude. She is sparkling with new ideas and manages to dig up the needful resources. Besides being an excellent planner and coordinator, Ms. Himani never neglects giving her job a personal touch. She finds time to interact with each student, in and out of her office, and also with each parent. Her leisure time activities include dance, designing and painting. She is also an internet wizard. II. Mr. Subodh Pandey- Head of Department (I.T.); School Network Administrator Mr. Subodh is the IT genie of SelaQui International. He is the one-man army to turn to in case of any I.T. related query or problem. He is a polite and humble person, and is always helpful. He is highly capable and efficient. Besides innovating and handling different areas of computing, Mr. Subodh also likes classical music, traveling and socializing. III. Mr. Kamal Kishore Joshi- School Learning Resource Center Head Mr. Joshi is the Information database of SelaQui. He is a polite and introvert person who likes to delve into all the leading journals and political magazines. Mr. Joshi constantly urges students to read and build their vocabulary. Despite his long working hours, he does not fail to find time for social work. His main interests are reading and homemaking.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 18:53:05 +0000

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