My dear friend Marietjie Farrell posted this for me. It is really - TopicsExpress


My dear friend Marietjie Farrell posted this for me. It is really beautiful. For all my facebook farming friends that can understand Afrikaans, this is for you. Sapphire Halliday and Thea Ferreira..may make you homesick! Yes, God made man to be able to withstand all these hardships and heartaches, and called him a Farmer.....but God also took very special women...and made them Farmers too! To all the unsung lady farmers...we are all this AND more! We are mothers and wives and homemakers and bookkeepers and nurses and wise counsellors. We cook and bake and sew. Cover books, go to school events, drive children to and fro...fix plugs, replace light bulbs, grocery shop, sit up with sick kids throughout the night, give birth, make time for our partners...AND we are farmers!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 09:27:14 +0000

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