My dear friend Trav shared this in our Uni group; fascinating - TopicsExpress


My dear friend Trav shared this in our Uni group; fascinating read: The Transpersonal Navajos...... some inspiration coming into this week.. The Navajo indian shamans were considered diagnosticians..They were what the Western world calls GPS..The difference being that the Navajo always looked to the cause and not just the symptoms. Initially a person who was suffering from some ailment was sent to a herbalist (usually a woman) to alleviate the symptoms, then the person would be sent to a shaman for a dia-gnosis. After a cause was determined the shaman then sends the person to a medicine man(who was also known as a singer or chanter) who would then treat the cause of the persons suffering with a healing ceremony with strong emphasis based on language and narration of the persons illness. If we dissect the word diagnostician through its etymology we discover it is made of two words. In ancient Greek the word dia means apart, and the word gnosis means knowledge, to know or recognize. So the word diagnosis means divided knowledge or knowledge that needs to be united again. A true diagnosis therefore does not add a label or exasperate a persons condition by feeding the schism as is typical in Western consultations, rather, a true diagnosis is about re-uniting the whole of the condition. The Navajo indians knew this and this is why a person who suffered from an imbalance of some description was treated not by just 1 practitioner but by 3 practitioners - firstly a herbalist, then a shaman, then the medicine man/chanter/stargazer. Clearly how our society needs to function also. This wonderful article elaborates more on my speel enjoy! triplehood/rd-o-life.htm
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:21:37 +0000

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